13 “Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. 14Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:13-16
Dr. Matilda Jones, pastor at the Firstborn Church of God in Maryland USA, says prayer changes things, and it is high time that Christians were rebuilding their altars and seeking the face of God for answers.
‘This is indeed a call to get back to the old fashion altar. A call to get back into that relationship with God,” Dr. Jones, who was speaking recently to an international audience via zoom said. “We already know that prayer is a line of communication between us and God. It’s not a one-way thing where I alone am talking and He’s not talking back,” she explained. “I talk and I wait for Him to talk back to me. And I must have a listening ear to hear what God has to say.”
Dr. Jones said that since God is calling us to pray, and He is telling us to come closer in prayer — prayer shouldn’t be a ritual, even though it is easy for it to become just that.
“Meaning if you didn’t pray in the morning and you remember that you didn’t, then you just hurry and do a quick prayer,” she said. “But imagine when you get an invitation from a friend and you get so excited about it. You will prepare yourself to go and meet that person. And when you are with that person you just want to talk talk talk and you just want to spend time with that person. This is how it should be with God,” she encouraged.
In making reference to Adam, she noted that the Bible said God went down in the cool of the day — Why? To talk to man. And when He didn’t see him at the usual spot He would call (Genesis 3:9).

“Is there a spot where you and God used to meet and you are not there anymore?”, she asked. “He is still going there but you are not there. He still shows up for the midnight hour. He still shows up for the 3:00 am prayers. He still shows up in the 6:00 am hours — but something happened, and you and I must know when we are not there. And if He has an appointment with you He will never be late for that appointment. He is always showing up. Even when we forget about it. When we don’t show up, He does, why? Because He made an appointment with us. He wants to meet with us.”
However, she explained that things in our lives have hindered us from meeting that appointment. Therefore, God is calling us to confess our faults one to another (James 5:16). If we are going to get the breakthrough, if we are going to get the power, we need to do what the word of God says.
She said lately she has been personally letting God know that she is tired of praying prayers that are not yielding results. But this begs the question…
“Is there something that is preventing us from really seeing?” she asked. “We keep singing the song ‘I want to see the glory of the Lord’. I personally want to see the supernatural, I want to see the end-time anointing. When I hear them talk about what used to happen back then I have to draw back in myself and say ‘so what happen? Where is it now?’ I want the double portion anointing!”
How To Achieve The Double Portion Anointing
God says one, we have to pray one for another. But He also says ‘the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much’. Effectual speaks of supplication… so the supplication of a righteous man… That supplication moves the very heart of God. That supplication moves not only the heart of God but also moves the hand of God. That same hand that created the world, that same hand that is over the entire world. When we pray in that supplication, in that fervency — when He can look in us and see that there is absolutely nothing that is going to block our prayer line — we have cleared out every dirt, every dross, everything… and we are coming to Him, then there is absolutely no way that we are going to Him that way and He does not answer us.
“Absolutely no way!” the woman of God reiterated. “My prayer lately is ‘Father what did Moses have over me?’… That’s how I talk to Him these days. Because he was a man like me, a human being like myself, and he could talk to God like ‘hello God, let us talk a little… you cannot kill them off [children of Israel]. If you kill them off people are going to say it’s because you couldn’t deliver them. So you can’t do that God’. And God stopped and listen to a man? What about Elisha? He was able to move the heart f God,” Dr. Jones said. “I start bringing these men back to God and say ‘what did they have over me why we are not seeing these signs? We are not seeing this greatness. The man [Joshua] just say, ‘hello God, we fighting the battle here, if the sun goes down we lose the battle and he just looked up and say ‘sun stand still!’ and God just look over at the sun and said ‘hey, he said to stand still’ and the sun stood still! What happened to us? What is it about us why we cannot do these things? This is the kind of prayer I have been praying. I have been going through and looking through all of these people and not only them in the bible but also other men who talked to God and God would just come through. Who would talk to God and things would just happen. When you read about Smith Wigglesworth and you see what God did through him and others like him — What happen to us? That’s the way I start to talk to God these days — What happened?”

As a result, Dr. Jones said she cannot help but wonder why we are not seeing these things happening among us?
“So I begin to say God ‘I want it!’. You got to get to the place where you say ‘God I need it bad! I need thee, oh I need thee. I need thee bad!’ He said bring me strong reasoning (Isaiah 42:21).
Why Do You Need This Infilling From God?
“When you ask God to fill you up, ask yourself the question ‘to do what?’ Because it does not make sense you ask God to anoint you only for you to sit down looking around and be cute,” she said. “No! When we get the filling, what are you going to do with it? So yes, I want the power, but what do I want it for?” she asked. “So now I begin to give a list of reasons. I don’t want to walk anymore without having the supernatural anointing upon my life. Because the demons that we have to fight these days are coming more fierce. The things that we are facing these days are ‘barefaced’ and if you are not anointed — and I mean anointed the good way — we are not going to make it,” the pastor declared. “So I’m saying to God, ‘God I need that supernatural anointing, I need a double portion — too many false prophets and false teachers are rising up among us, and if we are not careful even us [believers] will be deceived. We don’t know when they walk into our presence, we don’t know when they walk into our churches, because when they come they come looking good. So we should be praying ‘God open my eyes that I may see! drop in my spirit what you need to drop in my spirit. Open my eyes lest I be fooled by them!’ “
She said when God is calling us to pray it is not just another ordinary prayer that He is talking about. He is talking about effectual, that supplication prayer. Effectual prayer produces an intent result. In other words, you aim at the target. You don’t shoot before you aim. You are making sure that when you go to shoot you are hitting the bullseyes. So when you draw and let go of the bullet it must hit because we have been praying too many miss prayers — too many miss-hits.
“We just throw it [prayer] out there and it has gone over the enemy’s head. We want to hit our targets,” she said. “If it’s nail we are going to nail then nail it. If it’s hammer you going to hammer, then hammer it — whatever it is, hit the target in Jesus name! It’s time for us to stop going round the Mulberry bush and aim directly at the target.”
Therefore it is important that our prayers are effectual — that they produce the intended result, whatever that intended result is.
“If there is any sick among us when we pray we must see healing take place,” Dr. Jones said. “We must see deliverance take place. We must see breakthroughs take place. We must see lives mended. Husbands and wives begin to live good. Children who are out of control must come back home. Because we are hitting the target!”

“For too long we want things and have been praying about them and they are not happening. It just seems as if we are going around and going around and we are saying ‘God if it is your will’… But He already tells us that it is His will, so now hit the target!”
She said when you look at the scripture in James 5:13-16, another word that jumps out is fervent. And while effectual is that supplication that we are going to make — the supplication that will move the heart and hand of God, the one that is going to produce the intended result— he also tells us that we have to be fervent. Therefore, we have to have enthusiasm, be full of zeal, be persistent, and having a strong conviction.
“So it’s not that today we are up and tomorrow we don’t do it based on how we feel. But we are going to be fervent — persistent,” she said. “We need to give the devil something to scratch his head about. Because when he is looking for us to be down and crying and feeling feeble, we are energized, we are full of zeal, we are persistent, we are going at it! You knock me down, but I’m coming right back up and I’m going at it again! Yesterday I couldn’t pray, I was so weak, I felt so down, I felt so discouraged… but I’m persistent, and because I’m persistent I’m jumping right back up and I’m going at it again,” she declared. “The devil trembles when he sees the weakest saints on their knees. I can just imagine, that I just fall on my knees — I don’t even start praying yet and he [devil] says ‘wow, she’s on her knees? I see her on her knees and I know she is going to talk to God. And if she is talking to her father something is going to happen’. So he trembles when he sees the weakest of us on our knees!

Dr. Jones explained that we are going through some rough times, times of trouble, times of testings, times of heartaches, and pain. Many have lost jobs [due to the Covid-19 pandemic]. And all of us can talk about someone whom we know of that has passed off who was dear to us, and things are happening around us every single day. Nonetheless, this sets the stage for prayer. Because when everything seems to be OK with us we just say ‘good morning, good evening, and good goodbye’ to God, and maybe we say thank you in between. But when things are not so OK — like what we are seeing now, where country after country the pandemic is rising. And when we hear that it is in our neighborhood, or in our churches to the point where we cannot go to church, and we see firsthand what is happening around us — then this sets the stage for prayer.
“It sets a stage for us as Christians to come before the Lord,” she said. ‘Men’s hearts right now are failing them because of fear. Christians don’t know what to do and where to turn in some instances. Sometimes even when we begin to pray it seems as if things are getting worse. When we began to pray at the beginning of March last year we were coming against it with full force and we were saying ‘die, die’ and it looks like it ain’t dying. It just looks like it got worse. But did that stop us from praying — no! That should build us up some more, even to talk to God some more because we know that sometimes to get the victory we have to keep on — like we said fervent, persistent. Keep on going. No matter what it looks like — keep at it,” she encouraged. “One day I might feel like I am on the mountain top — because that is what prayer does. And the next day you can hardly find what to say. So you are down in the valley. But just stay right there and just say ‘Oh Lord, oh Lord’. Sometimes I just say ‘mercy, mercy God’, ’cause I’m running out of words.”
But when you have run out of the words to pray — which will happen, these are the times to just stay still in His presence. And sometimes it’s a song that pops in your spirit, or a scripture verse — because God wants to talk to us.
“But sometimes we are talking too much and it’s like I hear Him say ‘shut up sweetie. Stop talking. Let me talk to you now. Give me a chance to talk. You are the only one that just keeps talking and talking. It’s time to listen to what I have to say to you’. What a blessing it is when we can listen to what God has to say to us!”
What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Praying
What do you do when it seems as if you are praying the same thing over and over and over again and it just seems like the result is not coming through?
Continue to pray. Why? because there is power in prayer. Matthew 21:21 says…
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.”
“There is power in prayer. And what I love is that you do not have to be in the presence of the person that you are praying for. There is no distance in prayer. There is supernatural power in prayer. When someone pops into your spirit, do not be afraid to call that person’s name. You might just be saving a life,” Dr. Jones said.
We are reminded of when Peter was in prison and a group of ladies was praying for his release, and the bible said the prison bars open up and Peter walked out. Thus we see the power of prayer at work. Their prayer was answered. So even though you may be praying about a particular situation and it may not look as if you are doing much or saying much, but even the one word or the two words that you say — do so with confidence and let God work his purpose out.

While there is power in prayer, that prayer must be accompanied by our faith. It makes no sense to pray and you do not believe what you are saying.
“This is where a lot of our problems lie,” Dr. Jones advised. “We are good prayer warriors. We do not miss praying but how much of it that we just finish saying do we believe?’
She said many times it is not because we did not pray why we did not get answers, but because we did not believe what we prayed! Therefore, it is important to have faith in believing what we pray, as that is when it will come to pass. If you pray it and you do not believe it, it is just words speaking. So you must believe what you are praying.
“When you believe, that person will be healed, when you believe, that demonic force will be destroyed — you have to believe what you pray! if you are not going to believe it, don’t pray it!” she warned. “This is why when we are going out to pray we cannot take just about anybody with us because they are going with their ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ and we don’t want any if and but in this thing! So you either going to be with me so we can say like Peter and John ‘look on us. Silver and gold we don’t have, but look on us. Fasten your eyes on us. We don’t have much to give you but such as we have…’ We don’t want anyone out there with us who is not going to lift their faith with us and let us pray as one. We must come as one.”
She said when we are united in prayer we have to be focused on the same prayer point. Those with you should be praying on the same thing without one person jumping off the bandwagon to do their own thing.
“We are going to tackle the situation together as Peter and Paul did,” she noted. “Look on us! Silver and gold we do not have, but we are coming in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Look on us! We have to work together to pull down the stronghold. Everybody should be saying the same thing — ‘stronghold we pulling you down in the name of Jesus!’ everybody should be coming together with one cause and by lifting up our faith.”
‘Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24).
“So you have to believe what you are saying. That is what prayer is all about,” Dr. Jones said.
She explained some of the characteristics of prayer:
Prayer has the ability to:
- Heal those who are sick. The bible says… Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:14). “So I have to look at God and say ‘God the doctor said A, B, and C, but what do you say?’ Because prayer has the ability to heal the sick. Peter’s shadow passed over somebody and they got their healing. You don’t even know that somebody got healing because it may be a long time after that you will hear them testify that you didn’t even touch me, but I got my healing.
- To raise the dead. “Prayer can do that! We should be able to stand over a dead man and bring somebody back to life. Elisha’s bone brought back somebody to life. A dead man’s bone!”
- It has the ability to control demons. “We are not going to get rid of all the demons until Jesus comes. So I’m not trying to get rid of every demon out there — I am leaving some until Jesus comes. But they must be controlled! I refuse for them to come and take over our services. I refuse for them to take over our people. I refuse to have people taken over by demonic attacks. Demons are getting bolder and bolder. We have satanic churches rising up around us. We should have enough power in us to say every satanic church lock them down! We should have enough power to say every balm yard lockdown! Speak it into being! Every demonic force — everything that they plant to dig up in the name of Jesus! We have lost the ability to control demonic forces!”
- It gives the ability to save to the utmost. “We need to begin to pray that these unsaved that come onto our altar for a little bit of prayer and don’t want our Jesus — we going to pray that the Holy Ghost will hit them down [save them]!” she declared. “Lord bring back those days!! It wasn’t about what we could do, it wasn’t about how eloquent we are, it wasn’t about how much we could preach, but the Holy Ghost was at every place and the Holy Ghost would take over. We could not do as we like because the Holy Ghost would walk into your very bedroom and He sees what you eat, what you drink, what you said. Lord God Almighty!” she said passionately. “We want those days again! We want the Holy Ghost, we need those days to come back! We want the power from heaven to fall afresh upon us. We need those days!”
“I don’t want the anointing just to speak in tongues,” she told the virtual audience. “I don’t want the anointing just to jump from one end of the church to the other. I don’t want the anointing just to exercise, but I want the real power — that even when you don’t speak something happens. Even when you don’t open your mouth demons tremble! When you step into a place something must happen! When you walk the atmosphere must change! You must carry such a light and such an anointing that the very atmosphere change! When they looked upon the men (apostles) they said ‘these men have been with Christ!’. That’s what we want. When people look upon us they must see Jesus.”

She said the Holy Ghost must be so powerful in our lives that He takes over our voice in such a way that when we talk demons flee.
“Where demons get those authorities from to come into our presence and nothing happens?” she asked strongly. “But not anymore! Not anymore! We relax long enough! We are going back to the old landmark. We are rebuilding our altar! So when we pray something must happen! We want to see signs and wonders when God moves, and we want Him to move in us! move in our homes, move in our neighborhood, move in our churches. We want to see the power of the almighty God move!”
“Fall Afresh on us Holy Ghost!”
Dr. Jones said we need back those days when prophets would prophesy the right things as we are tired of prosperity packages.
“And I have nothing against prosperity, but I want to know where I stand with God,” she said. “A lot of these prosperity things not working because we are not getting the things that they are prophesying about. And they tell you it takes time — so I ask God the other day ‘how long am I going to wait? You don’t think after 40 years I should get it by now? If it was really you who talk — why is it taking so long?’”
In a Spirit-filled session, the woman of God challenged the church…
“Come on Church of God people, we want the Holy Ghost. I don’t know what you are seeking for, but I am seeking for the end-time anointing. I am seeking a fresh touch. I am rebuilding my altar and I told my congregation [at the Church of God in Maryland] a while back, that I actually saw a hand took me and brought me back to the altar and tied my hands on the horn of the altar,” she said. “And I said God as long as you put me on the altar that is where I want to stay. Back to the old-time praying. Let me hold on to the horn of the altar. I said God I will not let go until you bless me! I won’t move until you come! I won’t move until I hear from you! I won’t move until you speak to me. There are some things I want to see happen God, and I am not moving until I see them. I have walked away long enough, like Jacob, we make promises to God long enough – if you bless me… if you deliver… if you… if you… and He did it. And He’s there waiting on our side of the bargain. And He’s saying come on man, it’s time to pay up. He had to call back the man of God and said you promised that you were going to rebuild my altar. What you put down was temporary and you promised that you were going to turn this temporary thing into permanent and you haven’t done it. Go back and rebuild the altar. Church of God, go back and rebuild your altar! There are days I like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, where I can tell Him of my struggles — tell Him of my situations all alone. We need to get back to the old-time altar! Where it was you and God. So for all of these things to take place in our lives we have to go back again to the old fashion altar where we can hear from heaven,” she added.
They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in. Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. Psalm 107:4-6
“I wish that we would get to that place where we would have a ‘now’ cry,” she said. “David said ‘then’ they cried unto the Lord. But what we want tonight is not a ‘then’ cry, but a ‘now’ cry. We want to cry from the bottom of our hearts and say ‘hear my cry oh Lord and attend unto my prayer’. Can we have a now cry?” she challenged. When He looks and He sees us crying with a now cry He can say like in Psalm 34:6 ‘This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles’… insert your name at poor man… and the Lord heard and saved him out of all his troubles.

She said the reason so many persons are struggling so much is the lack of that now cry that comes from the depth of our hearts. Where we say ‘Lord, hear my heart’s cry’. So not only our lips will speak but our heart is crying! verse 17 of Psalm 34 says — The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. So while it talks about the poor man crying, it also says the righteous cry, and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles. Therefore, as long as a righteous cry He continues to hear.
“So I talk to Him at 5:00 this morning, and I talk to him at 10:00 am, and I talk to him at 3:00 pm and I talk back to him at 5:00 pm and He continues to hear,” she explained. “And not only did He deliver at 5:00 am, but He delivers at 10:00 am and He delivers at 12:00 noon and he delivers at 5:00 pm — because He delivereth out of all their troubles. Verse 18 says ‘The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit’. What are we crying out of? A broken heart… and He saves such as are of a contrite spirit. Why? Because ‘a broken and a contrite heart He will not despise. Verse 19 says… ‘Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all’.
She noted too that we are looking for man to help us out of our situations — we are looking to the prime minister, to the president, to those who are in government — to take us out of our situations, but when we read this scripture it says ‘many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all’.
“Are you afflicted?” she asked. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous BUT the Lord, the Lord, the Lord…The King of Kings, the Lord of lords, the conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the One who was and is to come, the Jehovah, the Emmanuel, the Righteous One — shall deliver him out of them all! Daniel’s God surely will deliver!” she reassured viewers.
In reiterating her point, Dr. Jones reminded persons that prayer works, that there is power in prayer. She gave the example of Daniel who was locked up in his room praying and when they could not go against him, when they could not find any reason, any cause to go against him because he was blameless, they concluded that the only way they could catch him was to catch him with his God. In the same way, when the enemy is trying to get you he tries all kinds of tricks.
“They wanted to spy out Daniel that bad that they had to climb up,” she pointed out. “Let the devil search you out. Let when he comes he finds you under the wings of Jesus, covered by Him, but still going forth — struggling on every side but ‘I must have the Savior with me for I dare not walk alone. I must feel His presence near me and His arms around me thrown’. We are talking about a prayer that works. We are talking about a prayer that moves the very heart of God.”
A scripture in the bible that shows the power of prayer can be found in 2 Kings 20, where it talks about Hezekiah who was sick onto death. God told Isaiah his prophet to go down and tell Hezekiah to set his house in order because he was going to die and not live.
“But what did the man of God do?” she asked rhetorically. “He said ‘Ok, thank you very much. I hear you. But before I die let me pray one more prayer. Before I die, let me talk to God one more time. Before I die, give me one more chance to say one more prayer!’ God was not talking about setting his physical house in order. And the bible says Hezekiah turned his face towards the wall and he prayed… ‘I beseech thee oh God, remember NOW how I walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and I have done that which was good in thy sight’. And the bible says he wept! He had a now cry – a desperate cry, a heart’s cry. The bible said the man of God wept sore. He said hear my heart’s cry. And, while he was there crying — I wonder if he cried because he was going to die because the bible said he was sick onto death. But the bible says while he was there crying to God, the word of the Lord came to Isaiah while he was going out into the middle court saying ‘turn again’. But God knows all things and He knew that Hezekiah was going to cry onto him, so maybe — just maybe, God wanted to hear a heart’s cry. Maybe he just wanted to hear something more. He says ‘Turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord. And I will add unto thy days fifteen years, and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant David’s sake’.”
“We want to pray until we hear God say, ‘yes, I have heard you now. Your now cry has come up to my heart and it touched my heart and moved me to move on your behalf! I hear your voice. I hear your groaning. I see what you are going through. I know where you are and I will send you a deliverer’. Prayer works people of God! Prayer works!”

Another example was given of Hanna in 1 Samuel 1. When she went to God to pour out her distress, her mouth was barely moving because the words could not come out. but in her heart, she was crying out…
“I wish someone would cry out from the depths of their heart,” Dr. Jones said. “Not just from your lips but from the depths of your heart. Let your heart begin to cry out to God. ‘When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I’ (Psalm 61:2).
“I wish our hearts would get into it, that when our mouths cannot move our hearts will pick up the sound and carry us through so that God will say ‘I hear you from your heart’. Let your heart begin to talk people of God. Let your heart talk. You are at your workplace and you cannot talk with your mouth but your heart is talking.”
In conclusion, she reminded persons to continue steadfast in prayer. Noting that now is the time to pray and that we cannot put it off for tomorrow. We have to seek the Lord now.
“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near”. Isaiah 55:6
“He is right at our doors. He is ready to hear our hearts cry. He is ready to answer some unanswered questions,” Dr. Jones encouraged. “Bring some strong reason to Him and let God work it out. He wants to work some purpose out in our life and all He is saying to you is ‘come I am waiting. I am right here’. So let’s get back to the old fashion altar where the presence of God was more important. Where you are not satisfied with anything else but the presence of the Holy God.”
She said it is very easy these days to practice what the bible says about praying without ceasing as technology has afforded us this privilege. Simply because you can be walking on the road and talking to God and people will think that you are talking to someone else on the phone.
She noted too that when persons wake up in the middle of the night instead of complaining that they cannot go back to sleep — they should pray. And if you cannot find anything to say, go into Psalms. Begin to pray back the Psalms to God. Pray back his words to Him because He cannot deny His own words.
“Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in God’s sight. May we keep a prayer on our lips,” she said. “You cannot pray and gossip. You cannot pray and talk evil about one another. We cannot have a prayer in our heart and the devil creeping in — because he does not like prayer. When you keep a prayer in your heart you are pushing the devil aside. So I double dare us to walk in the reign of his glory. I am glad that this altar you can build it anywhere, and at any time. Let us build an altar where God can be glorified, an altar where God can intertwine and mingle and the power of God can come down. If we do that we would not need to be preaching so much. We would not need to be working up ourselves so much because when the presence of God comes down the most we would be saying is ‘Thou art Holy! Have Thine own way Lord’. The bible says the priest could not preach when the presence of the Lord came down. That’s what we want. Instead of worrying about whatever we are worrying about — pray about it, because prayer changes things!”
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