All God requires that we take to the altar now is thanksgiving, a broken and contrite heart, and a heart filled with praises! (Psalm 50:9-15; 51:17)

He wants us to set up an altar to him right there in our homes, in our churches, in our communities, in our nations. Altars where we take our personal needs before Him, where we take our marital needs before Him, where we take our families before him, our communities, our countries, our nations. It is when we have saturated the nation with altars, that He will heal our land (2nd Chronicles 7:14).

In Taking Back Our Children From The Clutches of Satan, we uncover the harsh spiritual battles being waged against our children.

From the rising tide of suicide, drug abuse, and depression to the increasing prevalence of occult involvement and confusion about identity, this book is a wake-up call for parents.

Our children are not falling prey to random circumstances—they are under severe spiritual attack.

This book offers parents the insights and tools needed to protect, guide, and restore their children’s lives, helping them break free from destructive forces and reclaim their spiritual well-being.

Families are under attack by spiritual forces working through persons sitting on the mountains of influence bent on destroying God’s ideals for families. Influential countries are pushing their global agendas on weaker nations in an effort to create what they describe as the One World Order. They are trying to achieve this by reducing parental authority over children, reducing the population by making abortion free and easy and by teaching our children that not only is a same-sex relationship right but that they can change their sex to be whichever they feel they want to be at any time. This is a direct attack on families! The enemy’s strategy is to destroy the family. Why? Because families are central to God’s plan. They are the fundamental building blocks of strong societies. We cannot let him! Let us fight for our families and bring God’s plans to fulfilment!

Our Nations are under attack from spiritual entities working through those in leadership positions who have joined forces with Lucifer in exchange for money and power. These leaders of nations and highly influential organizations have one job on their hands, to force all nations to come into agreement through many masterfully crafted strategies until they achieve a New World Order. They aim to get countries to go against everything God the Creator has designed for mankind, by silencing Churches and Christian organizations, by making same sex marriage a norm , through abortion, sorcery, false doctrines — and so much more. The cycle of the spiritual realm is closing in and the battle has intensified. Things are not always what we see with our naked eyes. It is time to rise and fight for our countries. Fight to Take Back our Nations from the Clutches of Satan.