Seven (7) Essentials That Build A Prayer Altar

We are on a mandate to start prayer altars. There are seven essentials that build an effective, fervent prayer altar.

Not every prayer meeting is an altar. There is a difference between a prayer meeting and a prayer altar.

In a prayer meeting, we just come to ask and ask and ask some more.

But on an altar, you come to seek the heart of God. You come to seek the will of God. You come for communion with Him, you come for intimacy, and you come to that place of surrender. It is a place of authority. It is a place where He takes over and begins to reign. He drives you. In a prayer meeting, you drive God telling him God do this, God do that… But on an altar, it is Him driving. He takes charge. These are the seven essentials that build the prayer altar:

1. The Word of God — On an altar, you must carry the bible. Read the word of God each time you gather on your prayer altars. Whoever comes to the altar must carry the word of God and read the word of God.

You Must Carry The Bible To The Prayer Altar

2. Praise and Worship — This opens you up into the realms of the Spirit. (Even witches cannot call upon any spirit on their evil altars without first glorifying and worshipping. They have to appease the spirit in praise and worshipping.) Praise and worship are key on your altar.

Praise And Worship Open You Up Into The Realms Of the Spirit

3. Prayer — This means engaging with God. The Bible says ‘Come let us reason together. Present your case. Let us talk about it. Tell me why you do the things you do. Let me show you my side and you also show me your side and if my side is OK then we can take your side. Don’t fear. Don’t get scared to talk about your weaknesses. Let’s engage. Let’s talk about these weaknesses. Let’s talk about this thing that is messing you up’. That’s the heart of God. He wants us to engage Him.

Talk To God At The Altar

4. Being led by the Holy Spirit — This should happen in reading the Word, in praise and worship — and in everything that you do at the altar. The Spirit of the Lord must be involved.

The Spirit of The Lord Must Be In Charge At The Altar

5. Subduing the Flesh — The Christlike nature that has to be revealed in you can only be revealed by subduing the flesh. You forget about what you want and open up yourself to the Christlike nature. So the will of God begins to take over. It is no longer about what you want. This is what makes the difference between a prayer meeting and a prayer altar. A prayer meeting is about what you want. What you are asking God to do for you. But the prayer altar is about seeking the heart of God. The will of God. You subdue the flesh and you allow Him.

Subdue The Flesh At The Altar

6. Spying on the Enemy’s schemes — Launch a spiritual mapping. The greatest researchers in the world are normally soldiers or spies and born-again Christians. The born-again Christian loves to know things. Spying on the enemy’s schemes is very important because the greatest weapon in warfare is not in how big the gun that you carry is, but through the spy network. So you launch a spiritual mapping to know the strength of your enemy and the weakness of your enemy. So you spy on the enemy’s scheme to see what is coming towards you. The moment you open up into the spiritual realm The Lord will give you revelation and you will begin to know what the enemy is up to and spy on him and hit on his head.

Discern What The Enemy is Planning By Spying On Him

7. Destiny/Purpose/Calling — Focus on the redemptive purpose and calling of that altar. The purpose as to why that altar was launched.

Focus On Why You Set Up The Altar

Ensure that you do not walk outside of these seven boundaries!! 

As Taught by Apostle Dr. Daniel Batambuze, Uganda

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