When Lucifer fell from heaven he weakened the nations – (Isaiah 14:12 (onwards); Ezekiel 28:11- 19). As a result, God had to repair the nations. When God created Lucifer he was a handmaid of worship. Every joint in him was made of music. Every time he moves music would sound. He was made perfect (Ezekiel 28:15) in beauty and wisdom. Then he corrupted his heart and became jealous of God. He wanted to be God.
But the devil cannot be God because he wasn’t created as love — he was created as an instrument of music. Loving is sharing and giving of oneself — the devil cannot give of himself. On the other hand, God is love. There is no end to God the creator of eternity. He possesses eternity and He is eternity.
When Lucifer Fell From Heaven He Weakened The Nations

When Lucifer saw the glory and beauty that God had created he thought God was done. He had no idea He had just begun and so he decided to go up against God. This was definitely a big mistake on his part! This is what lead to his fall.
He lost the case against God as to who would rule the heavens and the earth!
As a result, the devil is busy telling the world God is bad, that he does not love us, that he does not care or he would not allow so much suffering in the world, etc. The only problem is that suffering is caused by the enemy to begin with, while God is left to make right his wrongs.
Please note that the enemy is now busy counting how many mistakes we make in a day [it is therefore up to us to try not to make any to give him things to count in order to hold against us!].
The Devil Is Busy Telling The World God Does Not Care About Us

But while the devil is out trying to tear down and destroy the image of who God is with mankind, God continues to multiply Himself. Everything comes out of Him — yes, even the very cockroaches!
Everything God creates serves its purpose.
After God multiplied nations they turned away from him and did not worship him. They turned away and started worshipping other gods and false idols.
This is the reason Jesus came — to bring the nations back together and back to God. (Rev. 5:1-14).
The Heritage of God
To the nations, God gave natural resources as a heritage. He gave them land (Joshua 13:7). Every tribe of Israel has a special heritage in the marketplace and in the church.
We should pray for God to put His protection on our heritage and on our calling. We should pray for our main purposes to be revealed. For E.g. Hannah prayed for a son, not a prophet. But the main purpose of her son was to be a prophet (1 Samuel 1). But God is saying to us — always focus on my purpose.
God Gave Natural Resources To Nations As A Heritage

Rise and Fall Of Nations
Every nation has a cycle. Behind every cycle of every nation, the devil has set up an altar. Behind every altar is a gate.
As per Apostle Dr. Daniel Batambuze, Founder of Revival Prayer Network International and Director of Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network said when you look at how nations have fallen, and you trace this back, you will see that the fall took place at the gate of that nation. And if you trace the rise of a nation, it also goes back to the gate of that nation.
Gates Of Time and Spiritual Mapping
If you miss the time you miss the season. If you miss the season you miss the mandate.
“Spiritual activities take place at the gates. Counsel takes place at the gates. So what happens in that nation is dependent on what is discussed and agreed on at the gates,” Dr. Daniel, Leader of Uganda Missionary Network Int. and Deputy Prayer Minister at the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda said. “Who controls the gate to that city/nation controls that city. Thus the reason the devil has set up altars at the gates. The nations that have fallen are the ones where the gates were targeted and captured by the devil.”
Spiritual Activities Take Place At The Gates To Nations

As a result, the aim is for us as Warriors of Christ to rise up and reclaim those gates or entry points to cities and nations back to God.
Dr. Daniel said in order to build a political gate, leaders have to build an altar. And behind that alter is a sacrifice. The question is what are leaders of our countries sacrificing, and who are they sacrificing to?
It is strongly believed that in some countries during election times a number of street children go missing. It is also felt that they are taken and sacrificed at these altars, unknown to the average man as they are only reported missing.
“Political leaders are never innocent!” Dr. Daniel said.
To maintain altars, sacrifices have to be made. Unfortunately, many times these are human sacrifices made at evil altars.
Human Sacrifices Are Made At Evil Altars

And so we have to take the battle back to the gates as this is where battles have to be fought. Gates are points of entry and exit — when evil exists, goodness enters!
“In order to effectively fight and win battles at the gates, we have to do what is called a ‘spiritual mapping’.
Spiritual mappings mean finding out the origin of the problem and taking the battle back to that place. This is what is called the ‘zero-point’.
The zero-point would be the gate where the evil first started and entered through. So if you want to make progress in taking back that city or territory you have to go back to the source. Again, the source is usually found at the gate which would be the zero point.
For example, the fountainhead of the river is where corruption of the river would have begun. So if the head of the fountain is corrupt, the body of that river will be contaminated as everything flows from the head. Because the enemy knows this he tampers with the zero point – the head of the river. Whatever point demons are able to enter through would be the zero point.
We Have to Go Back To Zero Point To Fight Some Battles

An example is that of Uganda where there are 54 clans. Each clan has a leader and each leader has 6 elders. Each elder has an altar. These elders and leaders are the ones who control the activities of that country.
God always targets Kings (we see this a lot in the Old Testament) because they are the gatekeepers of the nations.
Behind these kings, there is usually an evil altar. So the kings determine what comes in.
So you cannot just fight the king — you have to destroy all the altars behind the king.
The king of the country is the one with the more dominant altar.
Usually, there is a physical king and a spiritual king.
The spiritual king never goes before the people and is never seen. His duty is to draw from the spirit world and conveys whatever he finds out to the physical king who then takes this to the people.
Kings Control Gates To Their Nations

Battles are won by strategies.
So the strategy is that the spiritual king captures the reports and summarises this and gives them to the physical king. There is a fire that is always burning at the altar of the king. This fire can never go out and so they have someone attending to it at all times. The fire cannot go out until that king dies. Then another will take over.
The Three (3) Gates Controlling Nations
There are 3 major gates that control nations:
- Gate of Birth
- Marriage Gate
- Death Gate
All spiritual warfares target your destiny.
Before you were born — while you are still in the womb, the devil plans how he can capture your destiny. But he cannot enter unless he is invited in. And it is illegal for demons to run activities unless they are given permission to do so.
Even God cannot enter and act unless He is given an invitation.
Spirits are normally invited into our families when the leaders of our families meet at the altars and open the doorways.
Spirits Sometimes Enter Our Lives When our Foreparents Invite them In

There is what is known as a reporting hour on the altar. This is when people begin to do things out of the ordinary eg, eating fire coals without being hurt, etc.
In some cultures, like the Muslim, it is regarded as a bad omen when women are barren and when they die in childbirth, and so they have rituals to ensure that they become pregnant and have a safe delivery. These rituals involve evil alters which involve demon interventions.
Persons, animals, trees, and even forests can be made into an evil altar. They were regarded as ‘sacred’ and could only be visited at certain times.
An example in the bible is that of the man who was possessed with over 6,000 demons that Jesus cast out and into the pigs. He was a human altar. The human body can hold over 7,000 demons. Yet they could not hold into one pig as Jesus had to cast them into an entire herd of pigs.
Persons, Animals, Trees, and Forests Can Be Made Into An Evil Altar

As Warriors of Christ, we need to be aware that we can curse out demons, but they cannot be killed because they cannot die. They can be cast out into the drylands, but they will get more demons and return, and if they find an opening they will re-enter stronger than before.
Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”Matthew 12:45
“When humans become hosts they become carriers of demons. Thus they become evil altars. If someone who is an evil altar visits your home unusual things begin to happen as evil will be unleashed in your home,” the Apostle noted.
It should be noted that human alters are not easily identified. In some countries, the devil carries laptops and wear suits! Their approach is different but it’s the same devil!
In Some Countries, The Devil Carries Laptops And Wear Suits

The Gate of Birth
The gate of birth is where the enemy will begin to turn you. Birth represents the beginning of a new cycle and so he will try to control you from there. In some cultures, elders will make a certain declaration over you at birth which will set the stage for how the rest of your life goes. This is done because the devil is after a child’s destiny.
The devil knows that once you are born your destiny is to destroy his kingdom and he will do whatever he needs to in order to stop this from happening. Thus, he tries to destroy your destiny from birth. When he attacks from birth he wants the child to grow up acting like a dog and not fulfilling their purpose.
In some African counties, for women who are barren witchcraft is performed and they are given something to drink and told to “be as fruitful as a dog”. When women have cravings during pregnancy they are not always innocent. When these cravings take place they are given clay made from something from the dog. To induce labor they are also given something from the evil altars. All this in an effect to control the baby even before birth.
Some Babies Are Turned From Birth

In some cultures like Muslims, the child’s umbilical cord is taken to the elders and they will perform a ritual over it. They also do the naming of the child.
“Your name is the first prophecy over your life,” Dr. Daniel said. “So the meaning of your name is very important as every time someone calls your name they are prophesying over you. Our fathers were given names that had nothing to do with their destinies — thus you have so many men living contrary to their purpose, eg. turning to rum bars, etc.”
Along with the elders getting the umbilical cord and naming the child, there is also an offering done on the child known as smoothing of the skin (something from the evil altar used to rub the baby’s skin).
By the time the child gets to six (6) years old he begins to step into his destiny that was spoken over him by the elders at birth.
Rituals Are Performed Over Some Babies To Turn Them From Their Destinies

However, too much witchcraft makes a child lazy. For example, we start seeing them sleeping late and when they go to school they don’t do homework and will bewitch the teacher. They will also stop the rain, etc.
Prayerlessness and excessive fear are some signs that something was spoken over one’s life at the gate and begins to manifest itself as the child gets into adulthood.
Marriage Gate
In some African cultures, forefathers believed in their child marrying into prosperity and into particular tribes. Marriage is usually a big event in these tribes. Here evil gates are opened and what happens there controls the outcome of the marriage.
So first we see the devil attacking the child from birth and now at marriage.
Sometimes when the men go to meet his bride’s family the family bewitches him so that he only has eyes for that woman. However, this sometimes results in the man becoming useless as he has no interest in anything else. So he becomes like a baby and cannot do much outside of that woman.
In Some Cultures, Evil Gates Are Opened At Marriage Ceremonies

Death Gate
In these cultures, witch doctors use the dead body by connecting it to the world of the living.
They will bathe the dead body and the water that is used is sold in the marketplace. This is then used to cook or drink. Sometimes persons will unknowingly buy and use the water while others do it knowingly.
Anything else that touches the dead body is also sold secretly and people will use it as secret witchcraft to make money, etc. Again, some people will use these items without knowing where they came from. The body is then buried naked.
Death is a Time When Evil Gates Are Opened In Some Cultures

This is the reason it is recommended that spiritual mapping be done to get back to the origin of things and see why things are the way they are so that we can effectively fight and win the battle.
Confession On Behalf of Our Forefathers
We do not know why things happen or don’t happen in our families. This could be a covenant arrangement done back in the past by our forefathers at the ancient evil altars. Thus the reason we have to go back to zero-point.
Sometimes the spiritual umbilical cord in our life is not yet cut, which could be why we have so many negative things happening that we cannot seem to get rid of. This could be that our destiny was tampered with. Thus we have to:
(a) Go back to point zero.
(b) After doing a spiritual mapping, present your findings to God.
(c) Confess to God — God does not forgive unconfessed sins.
Sometimes We Have To Confess On Behalf Of Our Foreparents

If the zero-point is not dealt with we will always see the same problem recurring. The devil does not care how anointed we are — as long as a door was opened to let him in he will have dominion.
As a result, we have to kill the demons of our forefathers. This is done through confession. So confession allows us to kill/conquer the demons of our forefathers. God does not forgive unconfessed sins.
The moment you confess you break God (appeals to his compassion) and He will react.
We do not know why things happen or don’t happen in our families — this could be a covenant done back in the past by our forefathers at the ancient evil altars. This is the reason we have to go back to the zero point.
“Sometimes the umbilical cord in your life is not yet cut, which is why we may have so many negative things happening in our lives that we cannot seem to get rid of,” Dr. Daniel said. “Your destiny was tampered with. That is why we have to repent to God and bring the situation to Him. If the situation is not dealt with we will always see the same problem recurring.”
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