Nations Must Arise To Their Calling — Dr. Daniel Batambuze

Dr. Daniel Batambuze, Founder of Revival Prayer Network International and Director of Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network in Uganda said the continent of Africa has to rise above her economic situation as nobody is going to come from outside to help that country. As a result, several religious leaders have been working tirelessly to get the work done. He explained that all the works of Africa are foundational issues. So until they go back to the gates/foundation and close the ancient doors that were opened things will not change. As a result, they have to dig into the evil foundations. This means tearing down evil altars and raising godly altars in an attempt to dedicate the land back to God. This also involves praying for the gates to be lifted.

After a visit to Nigeria a few weeks ago, he noted that the mission there went successfully and missionaries are being trained to be sent into that region even as altars are being revived.

Dr. Daniel, who was speaking to an international audience via Zoom recently, said if you pray for your nation you should not focus on the problems your nation faces but should focus your prayer on the redemptive purpose/destiny of that nation that it was called to play among the nations of the world. In other words, your focus should be on the calling of that nation.

Do Not Focus On the Problem Your Nation Faces When You Pray

“You, therefore, have to find out what is it that God has called your nation to accomplish among the nations of the world as God places his protection on the calling of a nation,” he said. “Each time a nation steps outside her calling it has no protection before God. Therefore, God wants to see us praying back our nation into the place of her calling.”

The reason he advises that we do not pray for the problems of our nation is that if we do, you will only pray for that nation when a problem has arisen somewhere. He gave an example that their elders (in Africa) prayed for better leaders but when those bad leaders left people continued to die, and when peace came to the nations in the ’80s that was when HIV came.

“And HIV ended up killing more people than the leaders had killed,” he said. “This means who was killing people was in the spiritual realm of the nation and was not about a human being. It was a judgment upon the nation because the nation had stepped outside her calling.”

“God uses circumstances to shake nations. If you fail to respond to your calling in peace, God uses circumstances to shake you to go back into that place of your calling so that you will remember exactly what He has called  you to accomplish.”

As a result, the church elders began looking into the calling of Uganda. And when they started focusing on this, that was when they started to see peace invading all over the nation. They have been experiencing peace like no other nation in that region, he noted.

Uganda Has Been Experiencing Peace After Focusing On Its Calling

In the teaching session, Dr. Daniel, who is the leader of the Uganda Missionary Network Intl. and author of the book ‘Understanding The Gates of Time and Seasons’, explained the following:

When You Are Called To Office By God

When God calls you into office he gives you two things:

  1. Calling
  2. Gift

Every nation has a calling and a gift. To every individual, there is a special calling (which is your office) and a gift (which prepares the way for you to step into your calling).

David (in the book of Samuel), was called to be a king but he had a gift to sing. David did not need to pray and lay hands on anyone to cast out demons, all he needed to do was sing and demons would run out of kings! That’s how anointed he was! But if David had focussed on his gift and on becoming a famous gospel star who filled up stadiums and demons would run away he would have missed out on his calling to become a king. He would have missed out on his bigger purpose.

The Apostle said the churches in Africa are focused so much on their gifts that they are missing out on their calling.

“So you will see men whom God has called into office, whom God has called to do mighty and greater things who are focusing so much on the little gift they have and are missing out on the calling to disciple their nations,” Dr. Daniel noted.

Men Are Focusing On Their Gifts and Missing Their Calling

He said the call of Nigerian men is to be fathers, to rule as Kings, thus the reason people honor them as ‘fathers’ in Nigeria. However, their greater calling is to be kings who would disciple whole nations in Africa, as they have the spirit of fatherhood and a father’s heart. But Nigeria is focusing so much on their gifts in the music industry —because singing is their gift, that they are missing out on their kingly anointing.

He further explained that David came from Judea. Judea means praise. In the house of Judea is where kings come from. So Judea is gifted to sing. But Judea was also called to be a father in the nation as a king. But David who is from the nation of Judea did not focus on his gift, he focused on his calling. He had to look beyond the gift. As a result, he became a king and a father to many nations in Israel.

“Same way, Nigeria is gifted with singing, but they focus so much on their singing and the anointing to perform, the anointing to build churches and cathedrals and healing, that they miss out on the calling to disciple nations. They miss out on their redemptive purpose to disciple the entire continent.  So they are not delivered from their own gifts, from their own ministries,” Dr. Daniel said.

“You cannot disciple nations unless you are delivered from your own office and from your own ministry, as you have to look beyond your church into discipling nations.”

He said God wanted the leaders in Nigeria to look at the whole continent, to disciple their own nation first. But they missed out on this by focusing on their churches and on their gifts and so they lost a nation. Today they have a Muslim leader, they are being killed by Al Shabaab, by Boko Haram, and the spirit of kidnap is all over. Farmers gave up on farming because each time they do commercial farming armed robbers would come and kill or kidnap them and steal their food.

Many Farmers Have Given Up Farming In Africa

“So you find that a nation that is so fertile gave up on farming because you cannot develop a nation without peace and security,” the apostle said. “So you find that infrastructure is bad, many homes run on generators because electricity is not for everybody. The whole nation is in a mess and each person is just busy filling up their churches instead of discipling nations,” he said passionately.

But how do you disciple nations in such a situation?

By raising up prayer altars in the marketplaces, he said.

Blessings And Purpose Of The Month of Tevet

Dr. Daniel spoke on the month of Tevet which began on December 16 (there are 29 days in Tevet).

Tevet which is the 10th month in the Hebrew Calendar is connected to the tribe of Dan. The Danites are the Judges in Israel. The tribe where Samson comes from. Samson missed out on being a judge in Israel and ended up grinding wheat in prison (Judges 16:21). So he was a man who was called to become a judge in Israel, who was supposed to reign like a king in Israel but ended up grinding wheat. Why? Because he failed to mature.

Samson focused on the gift and missed out on the call. And this is what happens in the month of Dan (Tevet). In the month of Dan, the devil robs people of their destiny! But Tevet means the goodness of the Lord.

Twenty-Two (22) Things Associated With The Month of Tevet

1.    Tevet is connected to the Tribe of Dan. The Danites are judges.

2.    Tevet means goodness

3.    A Month of circumcision

4.    A Month of life

5.    A Month for the right hand of God to be revealed

6.    A Month of divine helpers and divine providence

7.    A Month where iniquity must be cut off from each and everyone’s heart

8.    A Month of the Star of David

—   18 constellations (stars) appear within this gate of time — Each time a cycle returns the constellation and the things that must happen in the atmosphere will take place — They begin to align themselves together. The windows closed on the 25th of December when a lot of things took place in the atmosphere, even astronauts announced what planets appeared. Every month Israel has a constellation that they look up to and this shows the gates and times by the constellations and how they appear. The Danites, which is the month of Tevet have 18 stars that they live through which appear in the heavens for their constellation.

9.    The Star of David will appear following the constellation of the 18 stars. The Illuminati, freemasonry, secret societies, and occultism started their feast on Monday (Dec 20th) to celebrate and secure their gates and their cycles. Several things have been happening in the month of Tevet as it is the start of a new cycle. This cycle is appearing in space and whoever secures this gate is going to secure the destiny of that nation for another 20 years.

10. It is the month of growth — Samson failed to grow and mature. So this month, God calls us to spiritual maturity.

11. Month to stop looking backward, and to look into the future on the calling of God that is on our lives.

12. A month when the spirit of God that was on Samson will invade many to shake nations to pull down evil gates and to shake the Pharisees of our nations.

13. It’s a month when Samson failed to mature — when he failed to become a judge and he ended up grinding wheat. Do not let the devil steal your destiny.

14. It’s a month where God is going to judge your enemies

15. It’s a month where great potential will be revealed

16. It’s a month when God requires the Nazarene work because a Nazarene star will be appearing this month. Samson, who was a Nazarite was called to start a Nazarene work.  See to find out what is required of you to be called to do the work of a Nazarite and how to start that work of purification so you can mature in the things of God.

17. It’s a month when destiny’s calling will be revealed

18. It’s a month when the feast of Hanukkah is celebrated. Meaning the Light of the Lord should never go out of the house of the Lord.

19. A month to declare the things that shall happen

20. It is a month to overcome the evil eye or the evil watchers that have been monitoring within your gates. We must declare blindness over that evil eye. That they shall go blind and stop monitoring us, stop peeping into our destiny, and stop tampering with our destiny. So this month we declare the Lord will blind the evil eye that has been monitoring our destiny.

21. It’s a month to overcome sorcery

22. It’s a month for new strategies

This Is A Month Of Spiritual Maturity

The apostle explained that we have to secure the gates that appear within this particular season because the 25th of December is a date when the Catholics launched their Babylonian system of worship of Tammuz, Semiramis, and Nimrod. Nimrod slept with his mother Semiramis and gave birth to Tammuz. And Tammuz became their Catholic Jesus. While Semiramis became their Catholic Mary, [Nimrod was looked upon as ‘god the father, god the son’. Nimrod is worshipped as the “sun god” and Semiramis as the “moon goddess’]. They never transformed, they just baptized it because of their system of worship — where they worshipped Semiramis who was the mother of Nimrod and also a wife to him and the two gave birth to Tammuz who was the moon god.

The Essentials of Prayer Altars

Dr. Daniel said some things that we call altars God just looks on them as any other prayer meeting. But an altar is a place where you come to die. It is a place of sacrifice. It is a place of death. See Seven (7) Essentials That Build A Prayer Altar

Abraham started the concept of building prayer altars. But he did not just start altars, he understood the power of an altar and what makes an altar. Abraham and his family, even his child Isaac got to know what was required and knew when even one of the elements was missing from the altar. When Abraham took Isaac to the altar to offer him as a sacrifice the moment Isaac reached the altar he knew something was missing.  He said ‘Father, something is missing. Where is the sacrifice?’

Abraham Taught His Children The Essentials of Prayer Altars

Abraham lived in a place where there was an open heaven. When you live in a place filled with prayer altars it is very easy to discern God when He is moving towards you. It is very easy to discern God when he has come to visit you.

“Darkness grows, darkness expands, darkness is contagious. When your land is filled with prayer altars it dispels the darkness.”

When Abraham lived on the other side of Sodom and Gomorrah — after he moved down with Lot — the place where Abraham moved to was filled up with prayer altars while Sodom and Gomorrah — where Lot dwelled was not. There was not a single day when you saw Lot raising an altar in Sodom and Gomorrah. Even though Lot was a holy man/a righteous man, you never saw him building an altar to the Lord.

The more a place is densely populated, the thicker the evil covering becomes in the atmosphere. Making it very difficult to penetrate. Sodom and Gomorrah was a beautiful and prosperous land. Lot was elevated to the position of being part of the judges and lawmakers there, one of the prominent men in that land. He was involved in the covenant and laws of that land but he was not raising up prayer altars. He was busy sitting with the men of the city to make laws for others. He thought that the laws would not catch up with him because he and his daughters were holy — they were virgins, they did not know any man and as long as they were holy he felt they didn’t need to raise altars to pray for that territory.

The More Densely Populated A Region, The Thicker The Evil Covering Becomes In The Atmosphere

Lot and his family never prayed for their territory but were busy living their lives as they wished, as they hoped they would for as long as they lived in the world.

But that was the difference between Lot and Abraham. Abraham was busy teaching his children how to seek the Lord, how to build altars, and how to sacrifice on altars — to the point where his son realized that something was missing from the altar his father took him to. That wood was there but the sacrifice was missing. He knew all the elements that built an altar. It means Abraham told his children — told his family members — how to seek the Lord. He taught them the prayer altar concept. So they understood the essentials that built an effective prayer altar. While Lot was not building prayer altars in Sodom and Gomorrah.

“It’s very convenient and comfortable to pray for your children when they are laying in bed and you lay your hands upon them and declare the goodness of the Lord over them and leave them to sleep. Or read them the bedtime stories and leave them to go to bed,” Dr. Daniel said. “But it’s another story to bring them from their bedrooms and take them to the family altar and seek the Lord together with them,” he said. “It can never leave their minds when they see you crying to God. So now they will be at a point where they say ‘Oh, all this time I have been asking mommy for money but mommy has to cry to God for it’. That can never leave their minds. That’s what Abraham did with his children on the prayer altar concept. That’s what marks the difference between the two. Lot was busy finding God only when it was convenient for him. Abraham was busy setting up altars.”

Altars Create Open Heaven

Dr. Daniel said when Abraham saw angels coming — because the heavens were opened over that land as a result of the prayer altars — he had a high level of discernment that this was God coming. However, because Sodom and Gomorrah were so thick with darkness, it was very difficult for anyone to discern that angels were coming into the city. Darkness had covered the entire place.

“Darkness was contagious, darkness was expanding every single day and no man was raising up an altar to crack that evil covering,” the apostle said. “It was covered with very thick layers of darkness which kept on growing and the prayers just hit the layers which were covering the atmosphere.”

He referred to  Isaiah 25:7 which talks about the evil covering that covers the nations and the peoples.

“Despite all that was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah we never saw Lot raising altars seeking God for his territory,” he added.

“A lot of persons today feel that as long as they and their families are ok they don’t need to take time to pray for their territories. Not knowing that whatever the covering over their nation is controlling, one day it is going to swallow them up as well.”

Sodom and Gomorrah did not see when God came because darkness had covered their minds. The bible says old and young came to Lots house demanding for him to send out the men so they could have sex with them. These men were angels of God. But they could not discern this. This is because the darkness was extremely contagious. Fire and hail storms rained on the city. Yet nothing could happen on Abraham’s side because Abraham’s side was filled with prayer altars and they knew what it took to build an effective fervent prayer altar.

ABOUT: Dr Daniel Batambuze

Capital Community Church- Kampala Mengo Bukesa Hoima Rd. P.O Box 2866 Kampala Plot No. 865/867 Hoima Road Kampala. Uganda.

Founder:  Revival Prayer Network International; Director: Alone With God Prayer Resort and Conference Center; Director: Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network; Director: The Global Prayer Altar’s Network; Leader: Uganda Missionary Network Int; Deputy Prayer Minister: National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda

Apostle Daniel Batambuze is a revivalist. He is married to Elizabeth Batambuze, who has stood twice as Woman Member of Parliament Butaleja District. They are blessed with two children. He also works in unity together with all revival networks in the nation of Uganda and with all partners in transformation such as World Trumpet Mission led by Apostle Dr. John Mulinde and Intercessors for Uganda led by Pastor Laban Jumba and Dr. James Magara etc.

His vision:

To see the restoration of the Kingdom Authority throughout the nations, and to see man reconciled to God through prayer, care, healing, and deliverance from the hands of the evil one (Rev. 12:7).

His mission:

• To raise an army for the end-time revival and harvest; To rekindle the flames of revival; To raise a people who are eternity focused believers; To prepare the church, the body of Christ, for the Day of the Lord; To proclaim the Day of the Lord throughout the nations (Joel 2:1); His Mission to Kasese  (upon the National Prayer Campaign): God has given him the mandate to equip believers to fill the land with prayer altars as a strategy God is using to redeem nations.

His ministry is aimed at achieving the following, by the power of the Holy Spirit:

a. Every believer a living altar of prayer once again (b)Every home a family prayer altar (c )Every marriage with a marriage prayer altar (d) Every church a house of prayer (e) Every community a prayer cell (f) Every city a prayer tower (g) Every nation a prayer net.

As an International Minister, Dr. Batambuze also share God’s vision for the Church to grow in influence:

a. A local church developing into a community church (b) From a community church into a denominational church, having dominion and restored to once again discipling the nation. (c ) From a denominational church into a territorial church, pushing darkness and principalities out of their assigned territory and taking up leadership by fighting at the gates of the nation (d) From a territorial church to a missionary church, raising missionaries to go out and fulfill Christ’s mission on earth.

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