… “For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
— 2nd Corinthian 6:2
Spiritual Fact: “Everything in creation was created to serve a purpose. The moment you take off your clothes they give a report about you. Your clothes make a report on how they served their purpose on that day. Ever imagine who gossips about you? Before you attack your neighbours you should attack your own clothes because they report to God about what you have done and where you have gone that day.” Dr Daniel Batambuze.
Everything Was Created For A Purpose
God does not operate against the laws of nature but works in cooperation with nature. Nature carries its own power. Everything God created serves a purpose and a destiny. There is a protocol that is followed, and everything is talking — the plants, the heavens, stars, the air you breathe, the trees, the clothes you wear. Everything was created to serve a purpose and serve their destiny. The protocol is of such that the heavens hear from the earth, the earth hears from the plants, and plants will hear from man. Thus believe it or not everything is connected, and everything speaks.

In the Hebrew (biblical) calendar month of Tishrei (which falls during the months of September and October), is when the stars shine the light of glory to empower us. Because even the stars have their own power. We don’t use the power of the star because we are ignorant of that star and when it appears. The Hebrews know how to connect these mysteries. However, because the general public is ignorant of the Hebrew calendar but instead follows the gregorian calendar — January to December, we get the times and seasons all confused and misses out on the blessings that are poured out during the month instituted by God in the bible and which the Hebrews follow.
The season of Tishrei which began in Israel on September 18th was the beginning of the civil year. They have the spiritual calendar and the civil calendar. God designed the biblical calendar spiritually and prophetically and its cycles occur on the dot at the exact time it is supposed to. It has a special mandate of what God requires of His people and the things that we must accomplish within that mandate. God has a special approach for every season and the activities that run that season and the star that empowers the season.
The new year which begins on mid September on the biblical calendar is the beginning of the year of God’s Leadership and Prophetic Governance.
“The church will always remain barren for as long as she does not understand her cycles,” Apostle Dr Daniel Batambuzi, leader, Uganda Missionary Network Int. said in a zoo teaching platform recently. “Jesus Christ, the groom is coming back for the bride who is fruitful, so if you ever want to understand the mystery of fruitfulness it’s only hidden in understanding the cycles of your mandate and how the universe moves.

The bible says that all creation is groaning in labour pains waiting for the full manifestations of the true sons of God. Meaning parliament is crying, the government is crying, statehouse is crying waiting to see the sons rise up to rule in them — unto us a child is born, onto us a son is given and the government is upon his shoulders, and the (i) Spirit of God will rest upon him, (ii) the spirit of wisdom, (iii) the spirit of knowledge, (iv) the spirit of understanding, (v) the spirit of might, (vi) the spirit of excellence, and (vii) the fear of the Lord. The bible calls it the seven (7) Spirits of the Lord.”
But why does the seven spirits of the anointing rest on one person?
“You are one person, but you have several other offices — you may be a father, a farmer, a preacher, a CEO, etc., but you are one person. So you are one person with several other major offices. God is one but he has seven other spirits and he governs the world through these seven eyes,” Dr Batambuze explained.
Plants cannot grow without light. When you plant something in the shade it will not grow. Plants enjoy the sunlight. The sun is the brightest star in the solar system. That is why when God promised to give Abraham children, He not only promised him mere children, but he promised to give him stars. Why Stars? They will shine and bring the light of the glory of God on the earth.
We see that God created two (2) great lights. He gives one light the power to rule the day, and the other light the power to rule the night. Both of these lights are known as stars. The purpose of the power God gave to these two major lights was to rule. So anything to do with leadership and rulership is everything to do with the stars because he gave them that power.

Stars are connected to leadership and to provide light for people to follow them. That is why many great men and women — including sorcerers, have a secret they can never tell ANYBODY. It’s about manipulating the power of the stars. It’s about knowing which major feast will take what major activity to turn a certain star in the heavenly, that they may manipulate that power and then collect that power for leadership.
“We have entered into a year of leadership, a year of prophetic governance, of prophetic authority, of power and dominion. It’s a year when churches must dominate, Dr Batambuze emphasised.
“It’s a year when churches must step into their roles. It’s the beginning of the year leading into the decade. It’s going to be 10 years of prophetic rulership, leadership and governance to everybody who is hearing my voice. You are going to tap into that power. You are going to dominate and reign and rule over your community, over your government, over your territory, and over your institutions. Everywhere you go God is releasing an annointing of dominance, God is releasing an anointing of leadership — whether you want leadership, or you don’t want it — you will end up leading. Whether you like it or not, it is going to happen to you because you have now been exposed to the secrets!” Dr Batambuze declared.
He explained that in Israel, they are also celebrating the year of the mouth, the year of speech, so persons will speak with authority, and whatever you speak will come to pass.

He noted that we cannot, and should not ignore the biblical calendar because it is within the covenant of the Lord and a part of the Bible.
“It’s one of the mysteries that makes Israel one of the greatest nations to ever exist on the earth,” the teacher said. “A small county but literally rules the whole world. What’s the secret? Understanding covenant and times. They literally rule the whole world because they are seeds of Abraham. And what did God promise to give to Abraham? Stars that will shine and light the glory of the Lord to the nations of the world.”
The concept is relatively simple, there is no way you can have electricity without connecting into a source. The moment you switch off from the source the whole nation will go black. If stars were given the power to rule, it means that everything to do with leadership and rulership is everything to do with the stars. You cannot lead unless you are connected to a certain star in space. The star is the source of power. So you cannot rule unless you are connected to that source. Stars have a destiny to serve. They were empowered to empower you!
However, God warned the children of Israel in the Bible to be very careful that when they see the power of the stars that they did not end up worshipping them. Because He knows that people could end up doing just that. And unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. People who are sorcerers and witches, the moment they got to know the power of the stars began to worship them. The Illuminati, the freemasonries, and secret organisations know which stars appear in what month and in what season they appear, and so they throw a feast to connect to the power of that star. Their system of worship is about the stars, the sun the moon.
The Power Of The Stars
Israel had a particular tribe called the Issachar, their mandate was to understand the times and what God was doing. But now, many Christians do not know about times and what is mandated to take place during each season.

“So many times God will say ‘how can I work with you when you don’t know what I’m doing? when you do not know what is happening in your days?’,” Dr Batambuzi said. “And so sometimes we pray, and God will do nothing. We pray and do not receive answers because we pray amiss, because we don’t know what God is doing in our days.”
He said that in the month of Teshrei (2020), which is the year 5781, [counting from the beginning of creation in the biblical calendar], we want to speak into the spiritual atmosphere and command the spiritual gates of the new season be lifted so that the King of Glory will come in. And that the next cycle will be fruitful and whatever the stars serve in this season we are going to command them to serve us because they were created to serve us. We don’t serve the stars, the stars serve us. They were empowered to light the glory of God in us. To be illuminated.
That is the reason the Illuminati are so powerful, and the secret society organisations, and occults, it’s about turning destinies. The word witchcraft means to craft something from its original form and form a duplicate. So the word illumination is everything connected to the stars. That light of the star is illuminated in us that we are enlightened about the Glory. So the Illuminati and the occultism they capture the light by knowing some of the mysteries and some of the tricks of what to do in order to tame and turn the destiny of the stars and the stars end up serving them instead of serving the children of God.

A number of famous and powerful people worldwide, including movie stars and secular artists — have a secret place where they go in quiet moments connect with spirits and are able to connect with a star. So maybe stars that they were turning to serve them were the stars of the children of God. So the more you are sleeping sorcerers are turning your stars. The bible says there are many in space, but God calls each by name. And once you name something you give it a destiny. Your name determines your destiny. Your name is the first prophecy over your life. So what they call you is what they prophesy on you every single day.
So what is the meaning of your name? That is the prophecy over your life?
That is why God can never use somebody unless He changes their name… all the way from Genesis He has been changing the names of people — Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, from Simon to Peter, from Saul to Paul, etc. Because your name determines your destiny.
“I pray that today God will change your name to connect your star in space. Your name is connected to a certain star in space and the moment your star is revealed to you your name will be changed and they will begin to call you the name of your star. And the light and the power and the reflection, and the illumination of that glory will be illuminated into you that your entire family will begin to see the light of the glory of God and they will be enlightened and will all follow Christ through you. I pray that today you will dominate and rule over your family, you will rule over your children, you will rule over your community and you will rule over your nation. There are a chosen few who are rising to the level of sonship in Jamaica. May God raise up sons in cabinet, may God raise up sons in parliament, may God raise up sons in the judiciary, may God raise leaders in Jamaica, in Canada, in China, in Japan, in America. May God raise up sons once again!” Dr Batambuze, founder of Revival Prayer Network International and director of Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network declared.

He says as Christians we need to grow in Christ that we can be elevated to the position of sons and be entrusted with leadership because if we remain spiritual babies and refuse to grow, we will not be placed in our rightful spiritual positions.
This is the year [in the biblical calendar] of the speech. You are the fruit of your tongue. It’s the years of prophetic governance, the year of prophetic leadership, the year of prophetic rulership and authority. It’s the year of the truth. That is what we should pray because whatever you pray prophetically you are praying into the stars and into the will of God. The project for God in this season is finding leadership, is finding the truth, is finding authority and prophetic governance.
Rising To Your Position in God
Growth comes only through illumination. You can be a principality from the kingdom of darkness, and you can be principality from the kingdom of God. It’s a title that is given to someone who sits in a position of high authority. Because we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
There were only two mandates given to us when God created man:
- Give birth, multiply and fill the earth
- Dominate and rule over ALL creation
“When it comes to number 1, we are very good at it,” the Apostle pointed out. “But when it comes to number 2 we fall short. It’s time for African men to dominate and rule over the nations of the world. That is why war is being waged against Africans in this season. In China, it’s been a season where Africans are on the run. In the US things have been to the extreme, black men are being targeted in this season.”

However, it is also the time when God is releasing dominance, leadership and prophetic governance on His people. The time to claim these positions is now.
Everything in relation to leadership is connected to the stars, so we must know what God is doing, what star appears, how they connect and how you connect to your star.
That is why every strongman that was ever born, the day he was born his star is seen somewhere in space. There was always chaos each time a great man was born in Israel. E.g., when Moses was born and again when the second Moses was born (Jesus). There was always chaos – killing of the babies. Because sorcerers know how to look into destiny, and they get to know that there is a certain star who is being born somewhere, and they always see your star rising and will come after your star. Example, the so-called wise men who came after Jesus’ star when he was born were not born again like us, they were magicians who simply attended the classes of Daniel, and Daniel understood time and seasons and he taught his descendants how to monitor stars, how to understand cycles. So they were descendants who were able to decern that there was a certain star rising of a baby born somewhere and were able to reach Jesus even before the pastors could get there. All because they understood the cycle.
The same way you eat food and it is able to give you power, to give you the energy to carry out your activities, it’s the same way if stars are used well in their own purpose they are also able to serve their own destiny and serve you. So if you are connected and is praying to know exactly what God is doing in these days then you can also serve.
“So I pray that the illumination of the Glory of God concerning this season will reflect through you and you will be able to connect to your star and they will be able to speak and to show you what God is doing in this season,” Dr Daniel said.
The Introduction of The Gregorian Calendar
The reason why we have been operating on the Gregorian calendar [present calendar January – December] and missing out on God’s timing is that Pope Gregory XIII [Although the Gregorian calendar is named after Pope Gregory XIII, it is an adaptation of a calendar designed by Luigi Lilio (also known as Aloysius Lilius), who was an Italian doctor, astronomer, and philosopher. He was born around 1510 and died in 1576, six years before his calendar was officially introduced] had known the secret that each time the Israelites meet together and feast together they carried too much power and he could not really stop them. So he found a way to stop them, this was to introduce the Gregorian calendar, which Israel rejected but the whole world adopted. That is why Israel remains strong today.

Dr Daniel noted that it is very easy for us to grow outward but not inward. Inward growth is by you connecting to your destiny or to your star somewhere in the heavenly.
Our prayer should be that whoever has connected to our star in witchcraft and sorcery will lose our star today. They usually know which child is going to be born each day and which star will rise, and so they run very fast to overturn that star. But today the Lord is going to do mighty and greater things!
How Do You Connect with Israel
Jesus will not come back unless all the tribes of the earth are connected to the 12 tribes of Israel. And every tribe has a special destiny, a special calling, and a special month.
Sorcerers never go to do witchcraft before they look into calendars before they look into cycles. They know which star shows up in which month and when to hold their feast and they perform their witchcraft. So every evil altar that they launch is done based on cycles. As believers, it’s within the covenant that we are compelled to understand the cycles of God. Once you know what each month represent you will be able to claim that blessing. That’s how we will be able to become fruitful.
There are 12 tribes in Israel – Reuben, Simeon, Benjamin, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim, and Manasseh.
The bible tells us that there are four (4) living beings at the altar before the golden throne of God. Every decision God makes he makes them at that altar. And then he would send them out into the world as miracles or judgement, etc. So the altar is before the throne but also at throne are four living beings who bow down and sing ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ day and night. Why four living beings? Ezekiel says I saw the Lord with four faces [Ezekiel 1:6-28] — the face of the eagle, the face of an ox, the face of a lion and the face of a man.

- God shows up with the face of a lion when he comes to fight battles,
- He shows up with the face of an eagle when he has come to give you sight, speed, vision and leadership.
- He shows up with the human face when he has come to give you relationships.
- And He shows up with the face of an ox when He has come to give you provision.
Each face represents something. The four living beings which stand before him are guarding the four (4) main entries — the southern gate, the northern gate, the eastern gate and the western gate.
So the 12 tribes of Israel will be caught up to heaven and all the sons of men joining up with them. They are going to join the four creatures before the throne. But they will be dividing themselves into four groups. Example, in the days of watches in warfare (prayer watches, physical watches), there were four major leading tribes which lead the 12 tribes of Israel. They chose and elected four major tribes that were their leader and all the other tribes would line up behind these four.
— Tribe 1: Dan, Asher, Naphtali (these went to the Northern gate and would carry the flag of the eagle)… the leading tribe would be Dan
— Tribe 2: Judah, Issachar, Zebulun (these had the flag of the lion and would go to the eastern gate)… the leading tribe would be Judah.
— Tribe 3: Benjamin, Manasseh, Ephraim (at the western gate and carries the flag of the ox) …The leading tribe would be Ephraim.
— Tribe 4: Rueben, Gad, Simeon (at the southern gate under the flag of the man) they would be headed by Rueben.

The creatures at the gate govern these different tribes at their various gates.
In the centre, you would find the Levites. The Levites were not numbered among the children of Israel as God told Moses (Numbers 3:33, Numbers 8:14-18). The Levites would stand in the centre because that was the place of the covenant box or the tabernacle. So the other four tribes stood on the outside to guard the tabernacle or the arc of the covenant within the tabernacle. Because it was a mystery behind the strength of the nation. [
As Christ returns we are all going to be united with Israel and then we will join the four living creatures. Each tribe will stand on their predestined gates.
How Do You Connect To Your Star And To Your Tribe Of Israel?
If you come from the south of your country, find which tribe stands in the south (Rueben). If you were born in the north of your country find which tribe is in the north (Dan), If you were born in the east, find which tribe is in the east (Judah), if you were born in the west, get to know which tribe is in the west gate (Ephraim). If you were born in the centre of your country your place is with the Levites.
So the moment you locate your tribe in Israel then you find the month — because every tribe has a month connected to it — and every month has a star that shines that month to release wisdom, leadership, power, authority and grace. Because every star serves a destiny. So the moment you connect to your tribe you get to know which star appears in that season and then prayer becomes sweeter and sweeter. You will enjoy prayer as you have never enjoyed prayer before.
[The 12 stars are the 12 zodiac signs — Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn]. To find out which tribe is associated with each star, see The Stars of Israel.

“Our purpose here is to help the rest of the world to separate light from the darkness. Because darkness grows and darkness is contagious,” Dr Daniel encouraged. “Our desire is not to see our loved ones going to hell but to see our loved ones coming to Christ. But they will not follow you unless they are seeing a star in you. You will never be able to bring about that light until you are connected to your star. We can only bless nations when the light of our stars begins to be illuminated.”
Personal Challenge: Find your tribe among the tribes.
God wants us to find your line in the Bible. Be a Christian. Be Christ-like. That is the character God is desiring from us. Let the light of the glory of God illuminate in you and people will see that star rising in you and follow that star. None of you should deny being a star. It is time to rise and connect your star. It is time to shine our light of the glory into the universe.
God warned the children of Israel that they should be careful that when they see the power of the stars and the sun and the moon they wouldn’t be drawn and end up worshipping them because they got their own power. That is where sorcerers go completely wrong because they end up worshipping the stars the moment they are exposed to their greatness and power. You should command the stars to serve you and worship God. Not worship what God has given you. They were created for your benefit. Just as how manner [food] serves you, that is the same way stars should serve you. God wants you to continue winning souls.

The moment you connect to your star the Lord will change your name! (Psalm 147:40). He will give you a name connected to your destiny.
Stars that were made corrupt that had spells cast on them will fall from heaven (Matthew 24:29). And whosoever turn those stars when the Son of Man comes they are going to be shaken and they are going to fall along with those stars. Sorcerers will fall, witches will fall, everything made corrupt will fall. When the devil is going down he will not fall alone.
God wants our glory and our light to be so powerful that it will consume humans before they can come close to us. The reason astronauts cannot get to the stars is that they would be consumed by heat before they can get to them.
To the seven (7) churches there is a star that must shine to bring the glory of God upon that church. (Rev. 1:16).
We are compelled as Christians, as prayer warriors, as watchmen to be able to walk through the gates of time and seasons and to know what God is doing in our days.
Scriptures to confirm teachings:
Genesis 1:16 ; Genesis 15:5; Genesis 26:4; Genesis 37:9; Deuteronomy 1:10; Matthew 2:1-2; Revelation 22:16; Deuteronomy 4:19; Psalm 147:4; Isiah 14:13; Daniel 12:3; Matthew 24:29; Luke 21:25; Revelation 1:16; Revelation 6:13; Revelation 8:12; Revelation 12:4
ABOUT: Dr Daniel Batambuze

Capital Community Church- Kampala Mengo Bukesa Hoima Rd. P.O Box 2866 Kampala Plot No. 865/867 Hoima Road Kampala. Uganda.
Founder: Revival Prayer Network International; Director: Alone With God Prayer Resort and Conference Center; Director: Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network; Director: The Global Prayer Altar’s Network; Leader: Uganda Missionary Network Int; Deputy Prayer Minister: National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda
Apostle Daniel Batambuze is a revivalist. He is married to Elizabeth Batambuze, who has stood twice as Woman Member of Parliament Butaleja District. They are blessed with two children. He also works in unity together with all revival networks in the nation of Uganda and with all partners in transformation such as World Trumpet Mission led by Apostle Dr. John Mulinde and Intercessors for Uganda led by Pastor Laban Jumba and Dr. James Magara etc.
His vision:
To see the restoration of the Kingdom Authority throughout the nations, and to see man reconciled to God through prayer, care, healing, and deliverance from the hands of the evil one (Rev. 12:7).
His mission:
• To raise an army for the end-time revival and harvest; To rekindle the flames of revival; To raise a people who are eternity focused believers; To prepare the church, the body of Christ, for the Day of the Lord; To proclaim the Day of the Lord throughout the nations (Joel 2:1); His Mission to Kasese (upon the National Prayer Campaign): God has given him the mandate to equip believers to fill the land with prayer altars as a strategy God is using to redeem nations.
His ministry is aimed at achieving the following, by the power of the Holy Spirit:
a. Every believer a living altar of prayer once again (b)Every home a family prayer altar (c )Every marriage with a marriage prayer altar (d) Every church a house of prayer (e) Every community a prayer cell (f) Every city a prayer tower (g) Every nation a prayer net.
As an International Minister, Dr. Batambuze also share God’s vision for the Church to grow in influence:
a. A local church developing into a community church (b) From a community church into a denominational church, having dominion and restored to once again discipling the nation. (c ) From a denominational church into a territorial church, pushing darkness and principalities out of their assigned territory and taking up leadership by fighting at the gates of the nation (d) From a territorial church to a missionary church, raising missionaries to go out and fulfill Christ’s mission on earth.
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