In 1 Samuel 1, the Bible talks about Hannah who was barren, as a result, she was mocked by her husband’s 2nd wife who had born him many children. She would go before the Lord each year to make a petition for a child but she never got pregnant. Ugandan Apostle, Dr. Daniel Batambuze explained that the moment Hannah sought the heart of God at the altar, He granted her desire.
“She kept on going to the altar. She would go to seek the Lord just to make petitions and petitions,” he said. “But then she went to seek the heart of God and was able to peep into His heart. When she peeped into God’s heart she realized that God had a need. And what was His need? He needed a prophet. She peeped into God’s heart and she said ‘okay, I’m here crying for a child and God also has a need’. So she said ‘God, why don’t we get into a deal? I give you a prophet, you give me a son. If you give me that son, I give you that prophet that you need’.”
Dr. Batambuze, who was speaking on a Zoom platform hosted by the United Bibleway Church of God in Jamaica and the United States, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Jasmin Brown, said the moment you begin to seek the heart of God, God gives you the ability to peep into his heart and get to know exactly what he wants. Therefore, at the prayer altar, you go to seek what God really wants of you, to seek what is the need of God at such a time and season as this.
When You Seek The Heart Of God, He Gives You The Ability To Peep Into His Heart

He reminded people that the difference between a prayer altar and a prayer meeting is that at a prayer meeting, people just come to present their needs and ask for whatever they want from God. But on a prayer altar, we come to seek the heart of God.
Three Types of Anointing That Maintains A Minister’s Life
Three (3) types of anointing run or maintain a minister’s life. These are:
(1) The anointing to maintain you.
The first anointing is given to maintain you as an individual. This anointing is given to you to maintain your life, to keep you safe, to keep you in good health, to keep you in favor, and to keep you protected and provided for. Everyone can look at you and see that you are anointed.
(2) The anointing to maintain your family
The second anointing is given to you to run and manage your family. To see that your family is protected, and well maintained and that you will be in a good relationship with family members.
(3) The anointing to maintain your ministry
Each one of us has a ministry in his/her life to the extent that even when God gives you a job He doesn’t give you that job for money, He gives you that job to serve Him. He will use your office to reach out to the people within the institution where you work. So, He looks at you as a servant. Someone who is an ambassador, where He uses you to reach the people near you so even your workplace becomes your ministry. Each of us has a ministry that we do during our lifetime.
Dr. Batambuze explained that when any area of your anointing dries out, God causes you to separate yourself to a place alone with Him.
When Your Anointing Burns Out God Calls You Away With Him

“God will call you to prayer retreats to come back to Him,” the apostle explained. “You go back to Him to update your mandate — for it to be refreshed, for you to be re-empowered again. If the anointing that maintains your life dries out or runs out or is overused God will call you, and you will begin to feel the indicator when God is calling you to seek him.”
When the first anointing that is given for you to be well maintained, to keep you anointed, keep you in good health and in good shape dries out, you will begin to feel the indicator in your spirit that God is calling you to have personal contact. You begin to feel it in your heart that maybe I should fast, maybe I should take some time to be alone with God.
“You begin to feel a tug in your spirit. but sometimes we begin to procrastinate. We begin to say tomorrow, then tomorrow becomes the other day, and the other day becomes the other week. The other week becomes the other month, the other month becomes the other year, so then you burn out,” Dr. Batambuze said. “When you burn out, that means you are going to borrow the anointing that is meant to run your family to service the two — family and you. And when you begin to borrow the anointing that is meant to run your family, it is servicing two areas and it will not take too long before it also burns out. And the moment that finishes, again, you begin to feel a tug — that moment when God is calling you to update the mandate of both you and your family. And so if other times you were supposed to fast for two days, that means now you are going to fast for four days because you are servicing two areas now. But again, God will call you to separate yourself and to be updated,” he said. “When you fail to go and keep putting it off that’s when you begin to manufacture your own miracles. You begin to do everything to show that God is available even when He is not. You begin to just drag around, things become so difficult. And you’re like, ‘I don’t understand my boss at work, I don’t understand what is happening with me, I don’t understand what is happening in my business’… simply because you are burnt out.”
The apostle explained that being too busy does not mean you are bearing fruits.
“I tell people every day that being too busy does not mean being fruitful. You can be busy but bearing less fruit. And you can just be limiting your efforts within the lines of your mandate. So, when you burn out from the anointing that is meant to sustain you and the anointing that is meant to sustain your family, that means you’re going to start borrowing from the anointing that is meant to sustain ministry in order to service the three areas — you, family, and ministry.”
You Must take A Break To Seek God

Very soon all your anointing will burn out because you are now servicing three areas — you, family, and ministry. As a result, you must take a break to seek the face of God to update your mandate, because every mandate has got an expiry date.
Undressing from the anointing
In speaking from personal experience, the apostle noted that when he would go on the pulpit and connect with the Spirit people would begin to manifest in various ways. For example, he would do deliverance and demons would start manifesting, or persons would begin to fall on the ground under the anointing. After these incidences and he went back home his children would begin to run away from him because he was making people cry and making people fall, and as children sometimes they did not understand what was happening. This is especially true if they don’t get a proper explanation. Thus it is very important to undress from that anointing after each session. He explained that sometimes too, you may even be at work and that same anointing may hit someone and they fall and hurt themselves because the anointing is still working out of you and is carrying on even when you go back home.
When You Connect In The Spirit, It Can Cause Persons To Fall On The Ground

However, God told him that if he was not careful, he would lose relationships with people close to him, because on the pulpit he was an anointed man of God, but at home, he had to be a father and a husband. At home, God didn’t expect him to cause people to fall or conduct deliverance because if this happens he could end the relationship with the people he lived with. At home, he had to be a father and a husband.
“God gave me that anointing and that anointing has got an expiry date,” Dr. Batambuze explained. “It was only working for that moment in the church. And God said ‘When you are done, you need to come back to me and give me accountability on what you did behind the pulpit — how did you do it, why did you do it, what are the intentions about some approaches’. And then you begin to explain to Him.”
This was something that the disciples did. Each time they went on a mission they would go back to Jesus and explain to Him what they did. Thus the reason Jesus told them ‘Do not rejoice in how many demons you cast out but rejoice in one thing, that your names are written in heaven’ (Luke 10:20). What pleases God is not how many demons you cast out when you are standing behind the pulpit, but He rejoices in that moment when you take about 10 minutes to an hour alone with Him, telling Him what you were doing behind the pulpit — behind that ministry.
This time alone giving account to Him is known as the undressing. By the time you leave your knees, you will have undressed from that anointing from the pulpit and you become ‘normal’ again. Now you will be dressed up with a fresh new mandate, with a fresh approach to disciple your home and the people closest to you. This new mandate meets a different approach and carries a heavier anointing than even the one that made people fall.
One of the dangers of not undressing after the pulpit anointing is that people have lost their marriages. Because on the pulpit, they are an apostle and when they go home, they are still an apostle. Or you are a prophetess and when you go back home you still want to be a prophetess to your husband, and at the end of the day, the marriage crashes.
“After the pulpit God wants us to update him by telling him what was happening and then you undress from the anointing and become fresh again — become a new person,” Dr. Batambuze said. So after ministry, you should lock yourself somewhere and undress from that anointing. It is important that even where you work, before you leave that office you undress from the anointing of that office so that you can go back home fresh.”
You Must Take Time Alone With God to Undress From the Pulpit Anointing

He encourages that in this season when God is calling you to seek Him, cut short whatever activities you are doing and seek Him! Because when any of the anointings burn out God will call you to seek him. When you burn out, you begin to fake things. You begin to work hard to prove to people that God is with you. You could even end up giving people yourself because you are left with nothing to give to them.
“So, you become a people pleaser. But God has not called us to please anybody. God has called us only to manifest His glory and His glory alone because He will not share it with any man.”
You Must Be Empty Before God Can Fill You
In 2 Kings 4, we read about a lady who had a husband, and her husband was a great minister — a man of God who died and left debts for his family. Meaning he died unfinished, because his family was left in debt, and his ministry was at stake. The family was left searching for ways to pay off the debts so things could go back to normal.
“What is amazing about this lady is that she meets the man of God,” the apostle said. “And she talked to this man of God. She said ‘Man of God I have a debt, and I’m about to go into captivity’. I suppose she was meant to go into slavery because in those days, if you couldn’t pay your debts, you were supposed to be taken for a slave, and you had to work for about 49 years. So she and her sons were in danger. She doesn’t know what to do. She meets this man of God and she expects the man of God to either reward her or tell her who to go to who would give her the money. But the man of God just told her ‘go back home’. In other words, you have been too busy running up and down the streets and you have not been so fruitful. So, this time what you have to do is go home, lock yourself in the room, get empty vessels, and begin to pour in there. We see here that God only fills empty vessels,” he said.
He explained that when we go to God and want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we need to empty ourselves first with that which we think we knew before. Because God doesn’t fill those who are already filled, those who already know.
You Must Empty Yourself Completely Before God Can Fill You Up

“God only fills those who say ‘God I know nothing, teach me now’. Those who say ‘God I’m left with nothing but you only’. God can never use you greatly unless you’ve been emptied completely — unless your heart is broken greatly. That’s when you’re ready for ministry,” Dr. Batambuze said. “If you have a jug of water, you have to first pour it out and even shake it [to ensure nothing is left in it]. Sometimes God must empty us. Even the coins have to drop out when God grabs your feet, turns you upside down, and shakes you! So when you are completely empty, then you’re ready for the filling!”
The apostle’s prayer is that we will create time and room to seek the Holy Ghost because we are too full with so many things.
Just as it was with the woman in 2 Kings 4, the man of God told her none of the things she was doing was going to work. Instead, she should just go home, lock herself in a room, get empty vessels, and not just a few. Then start to fill them up. Thankfully she obeyed the man of God, and once she followed his instructions the oil began to flow.
“She cut short all her schedules. She went home to seek the Lord,” the apostle said. “She went alone with God. She went to seek the face of God. And the moment she locked herself in the room she got more money than she ever received when she was out there on the streets being busy. Whenever God calls you to seek Him, whenever God gives you direction, He can end up making you richer and give you much more money than you’ve ever received before. When you just choose to obey and follow the instructions of God.”
Being Obedient To God Can Make Us Spiritually and Financially Rich

The apostle’s prayer for those on the platform was that God would lead us into obedience. That we will pay all the debts we owe because persons obeyed the voice of the Lord.
Time of Seeking, Preparation, Revelation, and Cleansing
We are currently in the month of Iyar (April-May) on the Hebrew calendar, which is the 2nd month of the biblical year. This is the month when Jesus spent most of his time with the disciples after his resurrection, and when He revealed Himself more to them — even to Thomas who did not believe. This was when Thomas was able to see His wounds. This was the time when the disciples had more encounters with Jesus after His resurrection.
This is the month when Jesus told the disciples not to leave the city until they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Thus they went to the upper room for seven weeks. This is referred to as the seven weeks of preparation before the Pentecostal Sunday (Acts 2), and then the Holy Ghost came over them.
The disciples spent seven weeks being prepared, seven weeks being consecrated, purified, living a set-apart life, waiting upon the Holy Spirit. Cleansing themselves for seven weeks, because they were about to be dressed up in power.
“God himself is about to come down this month,” Dr. Butambuze declared. “When God gave His son, His son came down and He saved the world. But when God gave the Holy Spirit, He gave Himself. He poured His heart into us. But He couldn’t come and pour His heart into people before they were prepared — before they were cleansed, because He is Holy. Therefore, He had to take them into a consecration period for seven weeks.”
We Need To Consecrate Ourselves To Receive The Infilling Of The Holy Ghost

Because of the timing, Dr. Batambuze said he felt it in his spirit that the Lord was going to allow persons to speak in languages that others who speak those languages would understand because God wanted us to reach out to them. He prayed that God would release languages upon the platform in answer to every need in whatever language persons spoke. He said God was going to give us the languages of our accusers so whatever languages are required we were going to speak it. God is going to give us the anointing in different measures so that we will speak exactly the language that is required of us.
This is also the time when the Holy Spirit was poured out during the upper room experience and so he believed persons would receive the Holy Spirit because we are in the seven weeks of preparation before the Pentecostal Sunday. He once again encouraged persons to seize the opportunity to seek God until Pentecostal Sunday. So those who can go dry should go dry (fast without food and water). If not, those who can go 24 hours should, and those who can go 12 hours per day should. Whichever was decided on, he encouraged persons to seek the Lord while He may be found.
He referred back to the days of Esther when before a young virgin went into the king, there had to be a year of preparation — six months of bathing, and six months of being oiled and perfumed.
“So, for one year a young girl would be preparing herself for one night with the king,” he said. “One year preparing themselves just for a man! So I believe when God is calling us to seek Him that something is about to be poured out. When God is calling you through this seeking, through this preparation — it is not a normal season. God is up to something.”
Why It Is Important to Fast and Seek the Lord in This Season
Because we are in the month of Iyar, the 2nd month on the Hebrew calendar, there are a number of benefits that we can receive accordingly based on the time and season. Iyar is celebrated as the month of healing. Therefore, the number one thing on God’s agenda this month is healing.
“It is best to pray according to that which is on the Lord’s agenda” Dr. Batambuze advised. “If you want to know how God is with nations — study Israel.”
Claim Your Healing During This Season

Based on the bible, the month of Iyar is known as:
- The month of revelation. After Jesus’ crucifixion, the disciples had lost their faith. They had wandered away. This is the month when Jesus revealed Himself more to them like never before after his resurrection. Several people’s faiths have been put through trials and tests because of COVID-19. Many persons’ faith is at stake, but God is going to reveal Himself. Jesus is going to show you His scars. If you are a Thomas and you are out there — if you don’t believe … if you don’t believe that you can start up your own company, that you can end up paying off all your debts, etc, then you are going to see it with your own eyes because God wants to reflect His glory in this month.
- The month of Issachar. Issachar understood time and seasons. Issachar is the fifth son between Judah and Zebulun and is known as the wise.
- The month of inheritance. Because Issachar stands as a bridge between Judah and Zebulun — Zebulun was a businessman, Judah was a King, and Issachar is the wise, In the book of Genesis (30) the moment she gave birth to Issachar, his mother Leah said ‘behold the Lord has given me my hire’. Leah saw him as a divine reward from God for her years of neglect. May the Lord show you your special inheritance this month.
- The face of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Israel was divided into four groups to watch over a gate. (See Connecting to Your star and the tribe of Israel). Tribe 1: Dan, Asher, Naphtali (these went to the Northern gate and would carry the flag of the eagle)… the leading tribe would be Dan. Tribe 2: Judah, Issachar, Zebulun (these had the flag of the lion and would go to the eastern gate)… the leading tribe would be Judah. Tribe 3: Benjamin, Manasseh, Ephraim (at the western gate and carries the flag of the ox) …The leading tribe would be Ephraim. Tribe 4: Rueben, Gad, Simeon (at the southern gate under the flag of the man), headed by Rueben. Levi would be in the center where the tabernacle is. As Ezekiel declared in Ezekiel 1 ‘I saw God with four faces’. This is the season when God revealed His face as the Lion. He stands at the eastern gate of Israel with the banner of the lion’s face which is meant to roar and scare out the enemies. May the Lion of Judah roar in this month. May the Lion of Judah roar in your debts!
- The watcher of the eastern gate. God also gives people inheritance based on their geographical locations. We are watching over the eastern gate this month. The forces that come from the eastern gate and the eastern wind fight battles.
- The month when the commandments were given. It is the month when God caused Moses to go on Mount Sinai to receive the 10 commandments.
- The month of outpouring. It is within this gate of time that you also see the disciples of Jesus Christ receiving the Holy Ghost. This means that it is within this month that we will see something incredible come from on high that is going to cause generations and generations to follow you just like the 10 commandments came, and just as the Holy Ghost came. Therefore, history will begin in your life this month!
- This month will be a turning point in your life. A time of radical change wherein something incredible will take place from Easter — seven weeks leading up to Pentecostal Sunday (May 23, 2021). Look out for something incredible to take place within this time!
- First fruit month. It is the month when the children of Israel appear before the Lord with their first fruit harvest.
- The month of brilliance. It is the month of Leah (Issachar’s mother) – which means blossom or brilliance. So, the brilliance of God – His sharpness will come over you.
- It is the month to see the glory, the radiance of God
- The month of connections — God will connect you with people who will never leave you.
- The month to gather warriors
- The month to start your business. If you ever wanted to start a business, there is never a better month because it is a month linked to Zebulun… a businessman. He made money and supported his brothers.
- It is a month of bridging into your visions on earth. Issachar was the son that was the bridge between Judah and Zebulun. Pray that the Lord would cause us to be a bridge to bring our other sisters and brothers to salvation because they have seen our healing.
- The month when secrets will be revealed. This is the month when Jesus showed up and revealed secrets to his disciples. Pray that Jesus will reveal to us mysteries you have never known or seen before.
- It is a month of healing like never before. This month is referred to as the month of ‘I am’. ‘I am God your healer’ – Jehovah Rapha (Exodus 15:26). God will heal in the natural and in the spiritual. Healing is coming… healing is on the way. God will also heal your land, your nation, your city!
- It is a month of blossoming, of brightness. It is springtime when light increases in your path. (Songs of Songs 2:10-13; Isaiah 60). Pray that the radiance of God will show up.
- It is the month of transition. The children of Israel transitioned from Egypt to Mount Sinai. God’s agenda was for them to receive the revelation of Mount Sinai. To clearly see the promise ahead. Most of the journey between Egypt and Mount Sinai was covered in the month of Iyer or Sivan. Pray that people will begin to manifest this month.
- It is the month that connects you to times and seasons. This knowledge will allow you to not miss your window of opportunity and you will know how to flow with God’s plan. This is the time when your past will be connected to a good future.
- The Month of Knowledge
- The Month of Understanding
- The Month of Counsel
- The Month of Intimacy with God
Praying For What is on The Lord’s Agenda
Dr. Batambuze noted that special focus should be placed on the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the healing path. Scriptures referring to the month of Iyar and its benefits are 2 Chron 3:1; Genesis 7:11-13; Genesis 8:14-2; Exodus 16:1; Numbers 10:11; Numbers 1:1; Exodus 15:23.
We Should Pray According To God’s Agenda For This Season

He explained that Noah made the ark in the valley, but when it landed it landed on the mountain top. What took it there? The floods. Therefore, some floods when they come, do not come to curse you but they come to take you on top of your mountain.
His prayer is that when our boats land they will land on a mountain and that God will give us a particular mountain for our own just as He did to Joshua. And that out of our present trials, challenges, COVID — where some people’s businesses are being shut down and some persons laid off — that out of that flood God will take us higher and we will end up landing on the mountain! He declared that those who have been fasting and obedient in seeking the Lord, that the Lord will take us higher and higher, and when we get to the top of our mountains we will begin to see nations!
“You cannot see nations when you are standing in the valley,” the apostle said. “May God give you visions for your nations. May God Give you visions for national transformations. May God give you visions that are bigger than any amount of money. May God give you visions to take over your entire territory… in the mighty name of Jesus!”
He noted that the moment the ark landed, Noah began to look inside the ark. He sent out the ravens but the ravens never came back.
“You see in this COVID-19 some people have left you and they have not come back. Those were ravens. So, guess what Noah did? He had to check back within the ark. And within the ark, there was a dove. The Holy Ghost was there! And when he sent the dove out, the dove came back with some fruits to show. I pray that God will bring doves into your lives. I pray that God will give you people who will never leave you, even during times of tests. May God separate you from people who are meant to leave – may they leave and never come back. But may God connect you to people who can always appear with your fruits in their hands… like the dove. The Holy Ghost.”
He explained too, that after the children of Israel crossed over the red sea and got to the other side on their way to the promised land, they began to grumble and murmur in their hearts because of hunger and thirst. They misunderstood the miracle-working God and so they grumbled against him.
No Matter the Journey We Should Not Murmur Nor Complain as The Israelites Did

When you grumble against your leader, as they grumbled against Moses and Aaron — it built up bitterness. And the moment you open up yourself to bitterness you open yourself up to anger. And the moment you become angry you become vulnerable to all sorts of attacks and diseases.
“Most of the diseases come out of worries, anxieties, grumbling, and dissatisfaction,” Dr. Batambuze advised. “The number one source of diseases is grumbling. The children of Israel began to get sick and a lot of things started to turn against them, so they were getting sick and dying at a very high rate. That was when God appeared in that second month and gave Moses instructions, the water turned into sweetness and He began to heal them and told them ‘If you fully obey me and keep your eyes on me and do not turn away from me then I will not put all the diseases I have put upon the Egyptians upon you because I am the Lord God your healer [Exodus 16:22-26]. So this month we are celebrating healing!”
About Dr Daniel Batambuze

Capital Community Church- Kampala Mengo Bukesa Hoima Rd.
P.O Box 2866 Kampala Plot No. 865/867 Hoima Road Kampala. Uganda.
Founder: Revival Prayer Network International, National Prayer Leader, Uganda
Director: Alone With God Prayer Resort and Conference Center
Director: Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network
Director: The Global Prayer Altar’s Network
Leader: Uganda Missionary Network Int.
Deputy Prayer Minister: National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda
Apostle Daniel Batambuze is a revivalist. He is married to Elizabeth Batambuze, who has stood twice as Woman Member of Parliament, Butaleja District. They are blessed with two children.
He also works in unity together with all revival networks in the nation of Uganda and with all partners in transformation such as World Trumpet Mission led by Apostle Dr. John Mulinde and Intercessors for Uganda.
His vision:
To see the restoration of the Kingdom Authority throughout the nations, and to see man reconciled to God through prayer, care, healing, and deliverance from the hands of the evil one (Rev. 12:7).
His mission:
• To raise an army for the end-time revival and harvest
• To rekindle the flames of revival
• To raise a people who are eternity focused believers
• To prepare the church, the body of Christ, for the Day of the Lord
• To proclaim the Day of the Lord throughout the nations (Joel 2:1).
• His Mission to Kasese (upon the National Prayer Campaign): God has given him the mandate to equip believers to fill the land with prayer altars as a strategy God is using to redeem nations.
His ministry is aimed at achieving the following, by the power of the Holy Spirit:
a. Every believer a living altar of prayer once again
b. Every home a family prayer altar
. Every marriage with a marriage prayer altar
d. Every church a house of prayer
e. Every community a prayer cell
f. Every city a prayer tower
g. Every nation a prayer net.
As an International Minister, Dr. Batambuze will also share God’s vision for the Church to grow in influence:
a. A local church developing into a community church
b. From a community church into a denominational church, having dominion and restored to once again discipling the nation.
c. From a denominational church into a territorial church, pushing darkness and principalities out of their assigned territory and taking up leadership by fighting at the gates of the nation.
d. From a territorial church to a missionary church, raising missionaries to go out and fulfill Christ’s mission on earth.
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