In the Bible, Revelation 8 establishes that the origin of the altar is in heaven. This was before the creation of humanity. It is believed that this was created when God designed the blueprint for His throne. Revelation 8:1-5 explains that the Golden Altar of God sits directly before His throne.
“To God, the altar is very important,” Ugandan minister, Pastor Fredrick Robert Kiirya said in a teaching session via Zoom organized by the United Bibleway Church of God, Jamaica. “The Golden Altar can be referred to as God’s ‘Central Processing Unit’. When He laid that architectural design of heaven He created that altar. He did so because He wanted to centralize His operations around the universe, so He wanted to bring everything together in one spot. That spot is in front of His throne, so He is constantly looking at it.”
Ugandan Pastor, Fredrick Robert Kiirya Said The Altar is Very Important To God

Mankind is created in God’s likeness and image, so He designed us to also have altars. That is a part of the image and likeness of God.
Pastor Fred explained that every reaction on planet Earth goes up to that altar before God. The offerings on God’s altar are made of special ingredients, (Rev 8:3-5). While the fire at the altar must never go out (Lev. 6:9) as seen when God gave the commands to Aaron and his sons.
“Because we are made in His likeness and image He expects us to have altars — burning altars with constant sacrifice of self,” Pastor Fred reiterated. “We should have altars in every area of our lives.” (Click to see… Prayer Altars — Getting Started!)
Functions Of The Altar
The altar has several functions.
1. It has God’s Presence – This is one of the major functions of the altar. If we have altars we attract His presence in our family circle, in our finances, in our marriages, in our churches, etc. depending on what the purpose of that altar is. So the altar is to establish God’s presence.
There Are Many Functions Of An Altar

2. An altar is a place of Covenant Renewal — God keeps His covenant (promise) at altars. God is a God of covenant. And it is at the altar that He keeps His covenant that He has made with mankind. At some point, man lost the image and likeness of God until we were restored through the redemption of Jesus Christ. Man keeps changing but God is unchanging, so the only way an unchanging God can relate to a changing man is through covenant. Covenant causes renewal.
3. Altar is a place of Renewal — We see that after the fall of man, God came down to renew and restore a relationship with Adam. The first question He asked Adam was … ‘Where are you?’ So He asked mankind their position. He already knew where Adam was, but when He asked He was creating an opportunity for Adam to be restored back to Him. He was giving him that chance.
An Altar is a place of Renewal

4. Altar is a place of Restoration — After a renewal comes restoration. Because Adam hid, God realized that Adam was not ready to be restored. So later in Genesis, we see God approaching Adam’s family. He invited the two sons to come to the altar (Genesis 4). One brought a good sacrifice and the other didn’t. We see that God did not give up on His plan to restore altars to humankind because God knows how important the altar is. So in Seth’s generation, they began to call on the name of the Lord. But in Genesis 6 we see that people again stayed away from the presence of the Lord. But after God destroyed the nation with water, we see that as soon as Noah came out of the Ark, he made an altar and sent up sacrifices to God. It went up as a sweet aroma to God and as a result, God promised never to destroy mankind in that way again (Genesis 8:20-23). So mankind was once again able to relate to God.
5. Altar is a place where Divinity interacts with Humanity — The Divine God meets, interacts, and fellowships with humanity.
Altar Is A Place Where Divinity Interacts With Humanity

6. Altar is a place of Refuge — An example was given of Joab, in the book of 1 Kings 2:28, who was ordered to be killed after conspiring with Adonijah the brother of King Solomon to take down the king. Joab ran to the altar of the Lord and held on to the horns at the altar. His life was spared at that moment.
Other purposes of the altar are:
- Altar is a place of Revelation
- Altar is a Place of Power
- Altar is a place of Healing
- Altar is a place where you Tear Down Strongholds
- Altar is a place of Sacrifice
- Altar is a place where Prayers are Answered
Altar Is A Place of Healing, Power, Sacrifice, Revelation

In Genesis 11, God told the people to scatter. However, they decided to stay together. In Genesis 12 God chose Abram and gave him seven (7) Abrahamic promises. In verse 1, the Lord told him to “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” And so he left for the land of Canaan as the Lord had promised him. While on his journey, wherever he pitched his tent Abram established an altar there. As a result, God would come down and establish his covenant with man. Whatever Abram asked for at these altars God gave to him. But Abram wanted to know how God would live up to His end of the bargain.
In Genesis 15 we see God making a covenant with Abram promising him an heir and that his offspring would be more than the number of stars that he could count in the sky. Abram believed God. But when Abram went back home he heeded the voice of his wife Sarai instead of the voice of the Lord. Abram slept with their maidservant Hagar after his wife instructed him to do, so that she could bear his offspring. This was after he had met with the Lord at the altar and The Lord, made him a promise.
Covenants Are Made At The Altar

Here in Chapter 15, we see that Abram violated the covenant, but God returned and gave him an opportunity to make it right in Chapter 17. God instructed him to walk before Him and be blameless. Here God had to re-establish a covenant with man. But Abram now had to shed his own blood through the covenant of circumcision. His name was changed by God from Abram to Abraham (father of many nations). Abraham never violated the covenant again. In this same chapter, God told Abraham that Sarai would become pregnant and bear a son. He said her name was now to be called Sarah (mother of nations). Thus Abraham needed to have just waited on the Lord instead of going into Hagar as God had already promised him nations.
In looking at the life of Abraham and the altar we see that there is a lot to learn from him. Each time there was to be a restoration he had to build an altar. Whenever things were messed up God allowed them to make things right by establishing and sacrificing at the altar.
Pastor Fred spoke about the chaos in Israel and Judea and how the split between these two nations took place (2 Chronicles 15: 6-7). But God spoke to Asa and gave him a promise for all of Judah and Benjamin that “If you seek him you will find Him if you seek Him with all your hearts”. In verse 8 Asa renewed the altar and entered into a covenant of seeking God. As a result, there was a restoration of the nation.
God Wants Us To Renew The Altars

Another example was given of Elijah who restored the altar of the Lord that was broken down and called on the Lord who showed up.
“Then Elijah said unto all the people, ‘Come near unto me’. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD, that was broken down…” (1 Kings 18:30-35).
The Importance Of The Altar
The concept of the altar is sometimes seen from a shallow point of view, but we have to remember that it originated in heaven.
The devil knows that the altar is a very powerful tool, so he has erected his own altars — the evil / satanic altars. Here they call on evil spirits and these evil spirits show up. The devil knows how important altars are to God.
If you require:
- Deliverance
- Healing
- Restoration
- Blessings
- Fulfillment of God’s promise
- Mercy, etc… then you have to have altars!
Whatever You Desire From God Can Be Found At The Altar

“Plague can spread in your family, community, globally — but if you revive the altars they have the capacity to stop all manner of plagues!” Pastor Fred explained.
“The devil has been working. In some places, his altars are more active than God’s because people have abandoned the altars of God, while the devil’s altars are still active. The fire has gone out from some of God’s altars. When satanic altars are active and God’s altars are not, we have to revive these altars as darkness will rule!”
How To Get Rid of Generational Curse if You Do Not Know the Cause/Origin
Many people have been living under generational curses. If you go to God at the altar, He will reveal the cause and origin to you because the altar is a place of revelation.
Pastor Fred used the example of his own life:
The firstborn of his mother was a girl.
The second born was a boy
His mother was very happy, she had both a girl and a boy.
The third born was a boy
Now she wanted a girl.
However, the fourth born was a boy
The fifth born another boy
She was very unhappy. And so she had a sixth child hoping this time for sure it would be a girl.
It was another boy… this was him.
Based on certain signs by African women she could tell it was a boy from he was in the womb.
His mother was very disgusted!
She hated him since he was in the womb.
Your Own Family Can Cause a Curse to Be On Your Life

After he was born she neglected him. Other people in his family also neglected him. All this was evident, but he did not know why. Not until he gave his life to Jesus Christ.
He started praying about the situation. While praying the Lord revealed everything to him in a dream. And so he went to his mother and asked her about it. She was shocked! She asked him who told him. But she believed that because he stayed in the womb for one year instead of the normal nine months he was sensitive. They believed that if a child stayed so long in the womb they would be very sensitive. But he told her the Lord told him. As a result of her admission, he was able to forgive her even more than he already had for the way he was treated.
Thus, God can reveal things to you so you can go back and tear them down.
Pastor Fred explained too that sometimes, strongholds are caused by unknown covenants.
He gave another example of a woman whose father went to a Satanist to seek wealth.
The satanist said she could give him what he wanted but he had to give his daughter to them. She told him that the spirit wanted her as his wife.
The child was about five (5) years old at the time.
Persons Can Be Freed From Generational Curses

The father took the child to the Satanist and she was ushered into a marriage covenant with the spirit — unknown to her.
She grew up having no idea of this.
When she was of age and desired to be married, each man she got engaged to would die. The last was the expected groom traveling with a group of people in a car. The car crashed. Everyone else survived — he died.
It was after she gave her life to the Lord that God revealed it all to her and she was delivered. She is now married.
Power of Covenant
“There is power in covenant if you understand it, ” the Ugandan pastor explained. “There is power to destroy every effect of the evil covenant. Some evil covenants have to be demolished at the altar. God will reveal these to you. There is a gate that you have to exit to break out of that stronghold, and a gate you have to enter to get your victory, freedom, and liberty.”
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