Claiming Your Inheritance in God — It’s Your Destiny!

So Joshua sent the people away every man to his inheritance…(Joshua  24:28)

When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. 10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. (Duet. 32:8-10)

This is the season for everyone to step into their inheritance!” Dr. Daniel Batambuze

According to Ugandan Aps. Dr. Daniel Batambuze, head of the Global Prayer Altar’s Network,  God wants to give us a vision that is bigger than money, and He wants to give us that vision right now. That is the vision for national transformation and how we should transform our land.

“To every nation, God gave a special heritage, a redemptive purpose, and a destiny,” Dr. Batambuze said. “People have misunderstood the concept and the work when it comes to inheritance. What God calls inheritance is not a new car or a house. What God calls inheritance is not a husband or a wife. What God calls inheritance is  your redemptive purpose and destiny!”

The revivalist, who is also the Director, CEO, and Founder of the Revival Prayer Network International, said the devil does not take you out of your destiny by force but he bargains you out of it.

Dr. Daniel Batambuze Addresses Congregants in Gabon, Africa

“He knows your cost, he knows your areas of weakness and he knows your areas of strength,” he explained. “And if you go to any war and have not measured the weight of your enemy and you did not plan how to win that war, then that means you are planning to fail, to be beaten. I watched a fight between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson. Evander Holyfield was told to stand with a man who could beat and kill him if he hits you in the wrong area because the man was too powerful. So he was asked — Are you ready to fight this man? Are you sure you want to achieve this goal? Are you sure you want to achieve this vision? Are you sure this is your purpose, are you sure this is your special heritage? Are you sure you want to inherit that? And Evander Holyfield took a lot of time watching videos of how Mike Tyson fights. And the coach was almost resigning because he said ‘I cannot associate with a failure who just wants to watch TV and focus on the strength of his enemy rather than going out for training’. He was almost resigning. But what was Evander Holyfield doing? He wanted to know the areas of strength in this man that he was fighting in the ring and the areas of his weakness. I want to know how he fights. I want to measure his strength and I want to measure his weaknesses before I can fight him — before I can even go out for training to attack him. Now, Evander Holyfield discovered that Mike Tyson had one arm that had a single bone. I think our arms have two bones, but for Mike Tyson, one of his arms was a single bone and once that arm lands on you, you see stars! He will hit you and you begin to see stars flying in the skies!” Dr. Batambuze quipped. “And then Holyfield discovered that all Tyson’s strength is making this arm lands anywhere on you and you will not remain standing. That is why he was always winning by knockdowns. Then he measured the areas of weakness. So while his strength was in one arm, he realized that Mike Tyson can get tired so easily that he doesn’t have the strength to run all the rounds in the ring. So he knew that Michael Tyson could not go all the 12 rounds because he gets tired so quickly that by the 3rd or 4th round, he is out of gust. But he makes sure that his hand will land on you in either the 1st or 2nd round then by the 3rd you are finished. So now what he had to do was to make sure that he stayed away from the dangerous arm and to make sure he kept this man running for many rounds. When the man saw that this guy was not getting in the gap of this dangerous arm and was getting him tired — He got so tired and got so frustrated that before you know it he was busy biting off his ear! Holyfield knew how he could get him frustrated, how he could open him up to anger. He knew where his area of weakness was.”

Therefore, we should take time to study our enemy in this season and how he attacks. Because it is only what you don’t know that will kill you. And prayer without information will kill you faster than poison.

As a result, we should take time for discipleship so that whenever our leaders call we will be there to be prepared and ready to go to the next level. To study your enemy. To know the plans of the enemy. One of the Seven essentials that build an effective prayer altar is taking the time to spy on the devil’s plans.

He explained that there is a team in Uganda, of which he is a part, known as ‘Spiritual Mapping’. This team does not attack a territory unless they have enough information about that territory to go in.

Congregants in Gabon, Africa, Gather to Hear From God

It is also important that we know our calling and stay within the boundaries of our calling — of our inheritance, our destiny, and our redemptive power because that is where God puts His protection.

“Whenever a man steps outside of his calling then he has no more protection before God. Because God puts his protection only at the place of your calling. The moment you step outside of your calling then you have no more protection before God, and not even God Himself can help you because you have stepped outside of the address,” The Apostle warned. “When an angel is sent he comes to the address where God expects you to be. So the moment you step outside there, not even the angels can locate you!”

Therefore, discovering your inheritance, discovering your calling, discovering your redemptive purpose and destiny are things required of us to do.

In explaining this, Dr. Batambuze said when you inherit a building it’s not all about having a building but it’s about attaining a vision of the ‘vision bearer’ who started that building. It’s meant to be for continuation, not for your conception. You carry it forward to achieve what was in the vision bearer’s heart. Now, if we are going to inherit the earth we must understand the vision bearer of the one who created the earth — who created nations. What was God’s vision? What was God’s purpose in creating nations? He created it because He wanted a kingdom. But you cannot have a kingdom without agents, without ambassadors who represent your interest there, who represent your vision and mission for that kingdom.

Men in Gabon Seeking The Heart of God

So God puts Adam on earth to be the agent who would look through God’s interest. He would wake up every morning to call upon God to come down so that the presence of  God would fill the earth even as the waters covered the sea. And then his kingdom came and he established the throne of God here. But Adam did not understand the mind of the vision bearer and he stepped out of it. They were both (Adam and Eve) bargained by the beautiful voice, the voice of a man who had a French cut, who had smooth skin, and a great voice, the devil (see The Darkest Season In Israel — Aviv, Tammuz, Elul (June-September)! — so the moment they were bargained out of that vision they could no longer carry it forward and were chased out of their special heritage.

The Bible says the heaven is the Lord’s but the earth He has given to man — the zone called earth was given to man.  But the earth and the fullness thereof are owned by the Lord because He is the one who created it, but the earth He gave to man as the special room where man lives.

“If you come to my house and I give you a room to live in, I can no longer enter that room without your permission,” The Apostle said. “It’s my house,  but that is your room. Now God created heaven and earth, but there is this zone called earth, a special room for man. He handed it over to man.

“And God will not interfere in the affairs of man without a legal invitation.”

God has to have legal permission from man where we say ‘God come and interfere into the affairs of my nation. We are writing a legal invitation for you to come and help us carry this country forward’. God will not force himself into [place your country here]. God will not force himself into your life. God will not force Himself into your marriage — He gave it to you but He is simply waiting for you to write a legal invitation. That is why prayer is a necessity for daily survival. You cannot survive without prayer.

Adam did not understand what he possessed in his hands. He did not understand the special heritage that was given to him. And so he lost it. If you don’t know what you have then you don’t know what you are about to lose.

People have misunderstood the concept of inheritance because they think inheritance is about money, houses, cars, husbands, and wives. But inheritance, according to God has everything to do with destiny. And destiny is a priceless gift. Because destiny continues even up to eternity. In our time beyond limit, destiny is bigger than eternity.

Persons Being Encouraged by Dr Daniel Batambuze to Walk into Their Destinies

Many persons are satisfied with a little bit of this, and a little bit of that — money, cars, house, etc — and they feel they have it all and that they are so blessed! But there is something bigger than any amount of money — and that thing is called destiny. That is your special heritage and redemptive purpose before God  — a destiny for your nation and a destiny for your life.

Destiny is bigger than eternity. Why? Eternity is a small portion before God. The creator of eternity supersedes eternity. If God created eternity He can never create something bigger than him. He supersedes eternity — He is higher than the highest, deeper than the deep, greater than the great. He is a God who is bigger than time. Eternity is a small portion of time. It’s a small portion of creation. Eternity was created the same way He created time, but it’s bigger than time. Now, if eternity is a small portion of creation and The Creator supersedes eternity and man will reign with Him forever, then your destiny is bigger than eternity.

“In fact, don’t you think for one day that you know God fully, or that you can know God fully,” Dr. Batambuze said. “Because not even the angels know him. Even those who stand before His throne day and night worshipping, also see Him new every single day, every single minute. Each day they see a different kind of glory they have never seen before. My Bible tells me that they sing one song, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ every day! They started singing that song before my grandpapa was born and up to now, they sing that one song and they can never get tired of that song every single day! The question is, what drives them? The Glory! And each time they mention the word ‘Holy’ they sing it as if they have never said it before. They sing it with passion and zeal. For you, you go to church and you sing a song and you change and you sing about 10 different songs. Your bishop gives you an assignment and you get tired of it. They tell you to throw your tithes and you say the bishop wants money, and everything they tell you to do for God you get tired of it so quickly — why? Because you are not yet exposed to the Glory!” he explained.

Singing Praises To The Lord

” But the angels every minute they say ‘Holy’, and by the time they open their eyes again it is to a different Glory and they look upon Him and say ‘this one we have never seen before, what can we use to describe him?’ You can never worship well enough unless you see something that can excite you. God can never force anybody to praise or worship Him. But even the angels are self-driven. To say you are Holy from year to year and never change — there is something that drives them. Every single hour they see something that is new. They see him in a way that they have never seen before.”

The Bible says when Jesus comes on judgment day, God is going to get Lucifer and throw him in the bottomless pit, and there he will spend 1000 years falling. And for 1000 years he will not hit the ground.

“Can you throw something and for one hour it has not hit the ground? That’s how deep God is. He’s deeper than the deep, higher than the highest, greater than the great. There are things that we have not yet seen about God. So eternity is just a small portion of creation before God. And the creator of eternity that supersedes eternity cannot create something that is bigger than Him. The point is that we are going to reign and rule with Him. In our time beyond limit, we will continue serving the purpose of our creation — that is destiny.

Which means to abort destiny is worse than death. It is like committing suicide. Because spiritual death is worse than physical death.

In our time without limit, it is what is going to be carried forward. And that is your special heritage. If you want to inherit anything today I pray you will inherit DESTINY.”

When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He divided mankind, He fixed the borders of the people according to the number of the sons of God. Jacob was His allotted heritage. He found Him in a desert land in the howling of the West of the wilderness. He succored him, He cared for him, he kept Him as the apple of His eyes. Now to the nations — as long as we are still living here on earth, God has given us things that we need to maintain the earth. He has given us tools as we reign and rule with Him here on earth for some time. Those are called ‘tools of governance’.

“It’s not your special heritage it’s tools of governance,” The Apostle explained. “That’s because you were created to govern and to rule. Not just to give birth and multiply. To exercise the dominion mandate you need tools of governance — That’s money, houses, cars, husbands, wives, children, etc — those are tools of governance for you to exercise your dominion mandate as long as you are still here on earth.”

Persons in Gabon Praying For Tools of Governance

He said as long as we are on the earth we should endeavor to do that which we were created to do. Therefore, desiring to die before our time is wrong.

“It is not godly for any of us to desire to die now. Even Paul said for me to live is good. Do you think God is in the business of killing people now? Do you think God is lonely and wants someone to go there and give Him some kind of company?” he challenged. “There is a reason why God has put us here. In heaven, everything is done. There is nothing left to do. But on earth, there is work right here.”

In fact, he noted that Jesus emphasized occupation.

“He says, ‘Occupy the earth until I come’. Occupy media, occupy politics, occupy governance, occupy economy, occupy education, occupy the seven mountains of influence. Occupy them and govern and reign and rule and exercise the dominion mandate until I come. But now the church misunderstood the concept and it is emphasizing ‘evacuation’,” Dr. Batambuze said.

“So now we are talking about ‘Jesus is coming soon and we need to think about going’, so it’s evacuation versus occupation. Jesus says occupy, settle on the earth until I come. If you cannot fulfill destiny here, you can never fulfill destiny there. You cannot be a lizard here and you think somewhere else you will be a crocodile. No. If you want to become that crocodile stop being a lizard here. So God has given us some tools of governance and expects us to be mature people enough to use those tools to fulfill purpose and to fulfill destiny. But those tools are not your special heritage.”

“When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.” Genesis 34:8

So to men, God has given tools of governance — money, houses, cars, wives, husbands, etc. To nations, He has given minerals, oil, copper, diamonds, emeralds, and natural resources. But for Him, he says, ‘I God, my special possession, my inheritance is MAN!

Men in Cameroon Coming Together To Seek God

So for Him, He says ‘My special possession, my inheritance is in you Jacob — which means God loves people more than anything. For people, He would turn colors. Even if it was only one man left on the face of the earth — if everyone else died and only one man was left on the earth Jesus would still come on the cross and He would die for that one single person. Jesus didn’t die for everybody, He died for only one man who was ready to call upon his name, that one person who is willing to give Him that legal invitation and say ‘Christ come into my life, I want to be your special possession. I want to be your inheritance. I want to be your harvest’.

There is a physical inheritance and there is a spiritual inheritance. That’s why you see that there is a physical time and there is a spiritual time. There is a physical season and there is a spiritual season. All the 12 tribes of Israel each had a special heritage before God both spiritually and physically. Physically they get the land, they possess it, and they inherit that land. But spiritually there is a call to answer.  Judah gets land physically, but spiritually he was a worshipper. Judah means ‘praise’. So even when they went to war Judah was the one to lead praise and worship. And in the house of the Lord, he was the one to lead praise. That was his calling. He was called for music. But in the marketplace — in the nation — he is the tribe of the kings. He is a king. So there are two mandates — a spiritual calling and a physical calling.

Your Calling in the Marketplace

God wants you to possess and inherit the marketplace [to be among the working class, the professionals, those occupying administrative offices and top government officials, those drafting laws, to be among the gatekeepers of the nations]. But there is also your calling in the spiritual realm for your redemptive purpose and destiny for you to inherit. As we can see Judah led praise and worship but he had a calling to become a king. All the sons [of Jacob who made up the 12 tribes of Israel] had a redemptive purpose somewhere, a special calling before God. But Judah was the tribe where kings came from. David was from the line of Judah. David was called to be a king yet he had a gift to just play the harp and demons would run out of people. He had a gift for music. But he did not focus on the gift. He focused on the calling. If he focused on the gift he would have filled up stadiums and become a famous gospel artist. But he would have missed out on his calling to become a king. What benefitted the nations more — David as a king? Or David as a famous gospel artist?

Gabonese in Africa Seeking The Lord

 “So sometimes we focus so much on the small gifts that God has given us and we miss out on the spiritual heritage of our own inheritance. Therefore, look deeper into your destiny. Look deeper into your special spiritual inheritance even as you focus on the physical inheritance,” Dr. Batambuze concluded.

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