Times and Seasons — Introduction!

Dr. Daniel Batambuze, an African, apostle living in Uganda, author, and revivalist says that God has ordained cycles and does not work outside of times and seasons to accomplish His purpose.

“We have to understand cycles before we can understand what God is doing in this time,” Dr. Batambuze, founder of Revival Prayer Network International and Director of Kingdom Seekers Prayer Network said.

Times and Seasons

“God does not move outside of cycles and seasons. If you miss that season you miss that season’s harvest,” he said. “You will not get it back again until that season comes back around because God works in order. He works in seasons.”

He explained that it is because of this that you will pray for something but it will not happen. Because you would have missed your season. Thus, we must understand the seasons and what happens during those seasons. As each season has certain things that can be prayed for and that you will receive. When we are educated on what is available to us in that particular season then we will be able to pray with understanding.

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You can learn how to pray in season based on the month of the Hebrew calendar and what each month represents. This will be looked at in later posts. However, we need to understand strategic days and strategic seasons. Jewish-Hebrew-Date-Converter.

He went on to give deeper insights into God’s work, explaining that we have come to the end of one season and the beginning of a new one.

“The first ship carrying human cargo landed in the USA on August 20, 1619. As per the biblical prophecy mankind would be in captivity for 400 years,” he said.

On August 20, 2019, Mankind’s 400 Years Of  Captivity ended

Genesis 15:13 , 13Then the LORD said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there.

Thus August 20, 2019, that captivity ended! Now God will take charge of his people as He could not do before — since he does not work outside of cycles and seasons, and does not operate outside of his word.

“God’s serious message to heads of government after that 400 years ended was COVID-19. Note the name ‘Coronavirus Disease 2019’. This is God telling heads of countries that He is in control and that they are nothing more than just bystanders even though they felt so untouchable!” Dr. Daniel said. “As a result, God’s people have to be praying for our nations. We need to patrol our communities and pray. God will send his angels of peace to go with you as protection.”

COVID-19 Marked The End Of the 400-Year Captivity Reign

If God raises you up he will equip you with three (3) things.

  1. Leadership
  2. Influence
  3. Prosperity

The moment you are able to break through the bondage over your life that your forefathers before you were under then you will receive these three things. (further post will reveal how you can break free).

Each of us was born with a special calling and we each have a destiny to fulfill. The highest place you can get to — and should strive to get to in God is a place of Eran. Eran is a place of comfort. The highest level you can reach in God. Unfortunately, once persons get to this level they often turn away from God — maybe because they feel they do not need him anymore. Of course, when this happens you begin to lose your blessings.

When God Raises You Up He Will Equip You

Egypt had once got to a place of Eran then the leaders turned against God so God moved their prosperity to England. England did the same and so God moved on to America.

“Now America is doing the same and God is moving to the land of Africa,” Dr. Daniel said. “God is doing a shaking. He will shake everything that can be shaken.”

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