The three months that make up the season of Summer are the months of Tammuz, Aviv (Av), and Elul. These months combined have been documented as the darkest season Israel has ever seen!
Tammuz (June-July)
Av (July-August)
Elul (August-September)
Each time this cycle returns it reminds Israel of a great number of negatives and devastation that happened to them. Anything bad that has happened to them normally returns around the month of Tammuz, Aviv, and Elul. It’s a set of three months which is a very very dark period in Israel and Christians around the world.
The month of Tammuz is known as the month of the great sin of the calf. The month of Aviv is known as the month of the great sin of the 10 spies who came back and brought a bad report. The month of Elul is the month when the temple was attacked, surrounded, and broken down. Even today Elul is remembered as a dark month because one of the worst things that could ever happen is when you touch the temple of God. So each time the cycle of these three months returns it normally turns out to be very dark based on the constellations, the universe, and the spiritual atmosphere. This is because the womb of nations opens in seasons and they open according to how God has programmed those nations.

The Bible says when God created nations, to every nation he gave a special heritage, and that out of one man, all the nations of the world were made and God set up the time and cycle for the rising of every nation and the falling of every nation. So there is a set of times for each one of us — rising to answer the call to destiny, rising to answer the call to our spiritual heritage, or to establish our covenant with God. It all happens in cycles.
Covenant is like a contract. That contract normally has to be renewed at the appointed time according to when the cycle returns. So when the cycle returns is when we renew our vows before God.
We have anniversaries, birthdays, etc — all of which are meant to renew covenants and the covenants must have a purpose. This purpose must have a direction that connects to the redemptive purpose or destiny to that which must be fulfilled. This usually turns out to be your special heritage. But all operate in cycles according to the time and season that has been set for that covenant or towards that assignment.
Therefore, understanding the season of the three months — Tammuz, Aviv, and Elul is very important.
Aviv (which we are currently in) is connected to the tribe of Simeon. And Simeon is from the Hebrew root word which means ‘to hear’. That is why it’s the month of the 10 spies who brought back a bad report. When the children of Israel heard the bad report from these spies everyone believed it [over what God had said]. Each one of us in this month has to be very careful about what we hear, who we believe, and what we believe. The enemy will try to bring in a lot of wrong and bad signals that are meant to get us out. It is a month to hear and a month to be connected. The word Simeon also means ‘Father’. So that is why they chose 10 leaders [fathers] to go and spy on the Promised Land. Because the work of the father is to look ahead and see into destiny. But when these fathers came back — when these great leaders came back to provide leadership to Israel they came back with a wrong message because they saw something wrong, they believed something wrong.
‘Fear is faith placed in the wrong thing’. It is like a deceived faith that turns to fear. When you believe something that is not true or something that does not exist, that is the source of fear. So they came back with fear and spread that fear in the camp and that whole generation never crossed over into the Promised Land. They had to wait again until after the fullness of time had returned — until the next month of Aviv returned. That’s when they stepped into the Promised Land.

This was the appointed time when the gates would open and they crossed over physically and spiritually to possess the land. So this month is normally the month for someone to step in and possess your spiritual heritage — physically and spiritually because they were supposed to possess their spiritual heritage before God. They were supposed to possess the land from their very first visit, but instead, they believed in something that did not exist. They believed in the wrong report.
Because it is a month to hear, then what you say this month is what you are going to become!
The solution:
So the solution to this… Ensure that you read enough of the word. Make sure you get deep into God’s presence. Make sure you listen to your prophet. Make sure that your prophet gives you faith, and make sure this month you are deeply connected to worship. You overcome this month by a high level of worship, prayer, and seeking God — taking it to another level. Because this month the devil is normally busy bargaining you out of your destiny.
It is very important to understand that the devil does not take you out of your destiny by force, but the devil BARGAINS you out of your destiny!
The devil knows how much you cost. He knows your price! When Eve was falling in the Garden of Eden you didn’t see the devil forcing her to lose destiny. You don’t see the snake forcing her to eat the forbidden fruit. But there is a conversation that takes place first. He was bargaining with her. The conversation takes place so that they can bargain with each other. So that whatever altar carries the higher power can bargain the other out of the gate. And what takes you out of destiny is what you listen to. The enemy came with a subject, with a message, with an approach. What takes you out of destiny — what takes you out of your inheritance doesn’t come looking ugly. It comes when it’s glittery, it comes when it’s beautiful. The snake was one of the most beautiful creatures in the Garden of Eden. Before it was cursed to start crawling on its belly, it had legs. It could walk. It would walk and come and talk to the people. It had a beautiful voice. It had beautiful skin. It was one of the most attractive animals to look at. It had such a beautiful voice that anybody would be attracted to it. I believe he was so fine, so beautiful that it even had a French cut! Can you imagine the head of a snake having a French cut, and beautiful skin, and it had legs and it was so shiny, and comes with a nice voice?
So it was not just a conversation, the devil brings a report and he is going to bargain you out of your destiny. The devil does not take you out of your special heritage by force. He knows how much it will cost you to lose destiny, to move away from that place. The Bible says ‘I shall restore to you the wasted years. The years that the cankerworms ate, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust‘. So when God comes to bless you the first thing He does is to restore the years.

Why does he restore the years first? God knows that there is a demon that comes into your life and that demon does not eat money. He is not interested in your money, the demon is not interested in your cars. He is not interested in your house, he is not interested in your husband, he’s not interested in your wife, he’s not interested in your children — but the demon is simply interested in eating up years. They don’t eat up money they eat up years!
By the time you realize that a man wasted your time, he already came and wasted years. But you didn’t even recognize it because he came looking so beautiful.
The Season of Aviv, Tammuz, and Elul
During this season, don’t just focus on a month but focus on the set of these three months. Tammuz, Aviv, and Elul — the darkest season in the nation of Israel. All the bad reports that ever happened to Israel — breaking of the temple, the great scene of the calf and so many things that follow — all happened during the set of these three months, and they know. But what was the redemptive purpose and destiny of this season — to father, from the Hebrew root word to hear and to listen.
And what comes for you to listen will not come as ugly. It will always come as beautiful so that you can believe it. But the Bible says ‘Whose report shall you believe?’ We shall believe the report of the Lord! So this season make sure that if there is anything that you can hear, hear God. That is why it is very very important for you to seek God during this season of the tribe of Simeon.
Aviv is connected to Simeon. Based on his redemptive purpose, what happened to him, and the blessings of his life (Genesis 49). The Bible says Simeon and Levi are brothers and weapons and violence are their swords. It says for their anger they killed men. Cursed be their anger. (vs 7) ‘I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel’. Simeon, they are men of anger. They are men of violence. So watch over violence in this season.
It’s a season to think deeply based on your roots. Why did Simeon and Levi keep on messing up? It seems that there was instability in their lives. Because Rueben (connected to the month of Tammuz?) is as slippery as water. Now Simeon brings his anger and they joined ‘slippery’ and ‘anger’ and now that brings them to be unstable in life. They are referred to as ‘instruments of cruelty’ based on Genesis 49:5. So it seems to be an instability that originally came from their mother Leah. Leah was the sort of woman who thought she could win a man by giving him more children. A people pleaser. She worked so hard to please a man. Yet she still could not please him. You worked so hard to please a man and you can never feel loved enough. She was the mother of the unstable group, Rueben Simeon and Levi. So when you look at the root that they came from, there is a kind of instability there. They believe that the only thing that can give them a favor is pleasing men.

So this season if you are out there and you are single and looking for marriage, don’t just think ‘You know, maybe let me just give him a kiss so that I can keep him in position, so he can propose marriage’. That’s not how you win, because the snake comes and tries to bargain you out of your destiny by telling you to ‘try this’ and ‘try that’ and he bargains you out of your destiny.
To ABORT YOUR DESTINY IS LIKE COMMITTING SUICIDE!! Because spiritual death is worse than physical death. To abort destiny — to abort yourself going to the promise land to achieve your inheritance is like committing suicide.
Because all those who believed the wrong report died prematurely in the wilderness. They never fulfilled their purpose. They never fulfilled their destiny. they never achieved the promised land. They never achieved their special heritage.
And when you see Joshua giving out land — to every tribe he gave a special heritage. Every tribe had its own inheritance, a redemptive purpose, and a destiny.
Things to Watch Over During this Season
- Watch over what you hear and which report you believe.
- Watch over to whom and what you are connected to because it will bring forth fruits. If there is anybody that you need to be connected to, connect to the father. Develop your father-son, father-daughter relationship with God, because the word Simeon means ‘The Father’.
- Make sure you stop messing up in this season because anything that you open up yourself to is going to create big trouble and instability in your life.
- Any instrument of cruelty that brings pain, anger, agony, frustration, confusion, jealousy, bitterness — make sure you deal with the root issues severely during this season.
- Make sure that you deal with the roots of how you were born, either by Leah or by whatever has to do with man-pleasing. Only do what you have to do to please God.
- Be sure that you deal with the root issues in your blood lineage, both spiritually and physically.
- Develop your spiritual gifts and be ready for discipleship. Because you can never go to the Promised Land to achieve your inheritance before discipleship. When God delivered the children of Israel from captivity they had to go through four stages:
- Deliverance – God had to deliver them from captivity. He delivered them and took them through the wilderness to disciple them.
- Discipleship
- Deployment
- Dominion
Those are the four (4) D’s. We are created for two things. When God created man he gave them only two mandates (1) Give birth, multiply, and fill the earth. (2) Have dominion and rule over all things. But the first mandate we have done so well — giving birth, multiplying, and filling the earth — that one we are doing very well! But the dominion mandate, I have not seen any African man trying to pursue that — to dominate, to rule. What does it mean to dominate and to rule? It is taking possession of your special heritage.

So God delivers the children of Israel, He disciples them, He deploys them. Why does He disciple them? Because God cannot deploy anybody that has not yet been equipped, that has not yet been discipled. And then He can entrust you with dominion, so you can go and exercise the dominion mandate which we were all created to dominate and rule. So in this season, you have to be sure to give yourself up to discipleship. That’s the only way we can overcome. Whenever your spiritual leaders call, be ready for discipleship. That’s the only way you can overcome the tough season of the three months — Tammuz, Aviv, and Elul.
8. Simeon and Levi chose unforgiveness and they really messed up. Remember what Simeon and Levi did to Shechem the young prince who came and raped their sister Dinah in the land where Jacob was settled? When he raped Dinah, Simeon and Levi came together and went to avenge the rape of their sister and they killed all the men out of cruelty. They choose unforgiveness instead of doing good and mess up very very badly. So in this season just choose to forgive.
9. It’s a month to decide on what you should hear and who you should become. It’s a month of becoming. To become who the Lord has called you to be. To find your place in God. Which means you have to go back to the place of surrender. The place of authority, the place of power, the place of communion, the place of seeking God. To the place of covenant where you renew your vows before God.
10. A month that connects you to destiny. So it’s a month where God is calling you to destiny.
11. A month of positioning yourself in the place where you must acquire or achieve your special heritage. So repositioning is very important during this month.
12. This month is attached to a Hebrew letter (Tate) that resembles a womb. This represents a good thing that will be birthed out of you. So it’s a month of your birthing destiny. Birthing your special heritage, birthing your calling. So make sure you do whatever it takes to get pregnant with the Spirit womb. Get pregnant with a vision, with a mission, and choose to pursue it.
13. The Month of a Lion.
14. The month of joyful, powerful praise and worship — because that is how we overcome. In this whole season, Israel focuses on praise and worship and rejoicing in the Lord. This is how you can forget all the bad things that have happened to you and how you can move on and resist hearing the negatives. The only way to overcome a bad cycle is to worship. You soak yourself in God’s presence.

15. It’s a month where God destroys so that He can remake. So allow God, where necessary, to crush you so that He can rebuild you because revival is not a renovation. When God comes to revive a building he doesn’t come with paint. He puts the entire building down and he puts up one that can sustain more stories upward. Because a small building has a weaker foundation that cannot carry a bigger weight than a tall building. So what he does is crushes it down to the foundation and then He puts up another. So if God needs to crush you — be ready!
16. It is the month of the earthquake. Why? Because God comes to shake through the foundations to remake it.
17. Declare change and breaking of inequities and any evil practice. The things that so easily become… inequity are secret sin(s) that are hidden in the heart. David said ‘When I kept silent with the inequity of mine heart your hand was heavy on me. All day long in my groaning your hand was heavy on me. And the pain was all over in my bones’. And he said ‘I will confess my sins to the lord and when I confess the iniquity of my heart, He forgave the iniquity of my heart and heal all my diseases’. So forgiveness comes after confession. You confess, then he forgives and when He forgives, He heals. That is the secret of incurable diseases. What they call the pain of the bones — which David is talking about here— are chronic diseases. Chronic diseases come out of inequity. Anything that is not confessed yet in the family will bring on chronic sicknesses and incurable diseases which pain in the bones. So anything that connects with pain in the body is always identified as an incurable disease and is usually born out of the lack of confessing inequity.
18. The season is also seen as a season of partnership. So partner with people you know who are going to help you to birth out the good in you.
19. Usually there is a shift that takes place during this season because you are transiting into another cycle. So pray for the shifting into the priesthood and in other areas.
20. Also in this season there is a star that appears in the constellation called Hydra. It’s a star that looks like a serpent. Hydra is an ancient serpent that lives in the water and is connected with evil. So a lot of forces come from the sea, from the rivers — the marine spirits. We have to pray against these. The Bible tells us in the book of Genesis that He God will put enmity between the seed of a woman and the serpent. And that the seed of a woman would crush the head of the serpent. That is the hydra, the ancient serpent that appears in this season. Because the Lord knows it’s a season of great sin where people sin like never before and where people fall. That is because of this evil energy. The universe is releasing mixed feelings. Because cycles can release something that makes you feel like you cannot do something but it’s based on what temperature the universe is releasing into your life. Therefore, ensure you keep yourself in the presence of God so that you can continue to break down the hydra and any evil meant to take over.
— Presentation by Apostle Dr. Daniel Batambuze
The Global Prayer Altar’s Network, Partners in Transformation
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