Spiritual Gates, Times and Seasons — Get On Board!

Revival is not a miracle, it’s a strategy. Before God does anything He will give you a strategy on how to achieve exactly what He wants you to tap into for that season.

Spiritual gates are controlled by time. Time is controlled by seasons and every season comes with a mandate. Every mandate has an expiry date. This means if you miss the gate, you miss the time. If you miss the time, you miss the season. If you miss the season, you miss the mandate and that means it would have expired until that cycle returns. The cycle can take another 10 years or 30 years to return — depending on what that mandate was. So the universe operates in cycles and the creator of the universe cannot operate against the rules of nature. He works in cooperation with nature.

In a teaching session via Zoom, Dr. Daniel Batambuze, author of the book ‘Understanding The Gates of Times and Seasons’ said if you ever want to understand the power of cycles you should study a woman’s life. There can never be conception unless a cycle has returned.

One of the biggest challenges of believers is to understand how the spiritual realm works. Because everything is controlled by cycles.

Believers must Understand Times And Seasons

Dr. Daniel said God is preparing us for the greater mandate. He is now giving us strategies and equipping us. There is now a paradigm shift that is taking place in the atmosphere and God has come to anoint the people that he is going to use. He said he is excited to see what God will do in Jamaica, Canada, the USA, Italy, Africa, and the other countries represented on the Zoom platform during the weekly teaching session.

God’s Covenant With His Creation

He cited one of the mandates to church leaders in Jamaica for the purging of the land and taking the entire land of Jamaica back to God while filling Jamaica with altars — from the marketplace, every community, all the way to parliament —  so the nation will be filled with the presence of the Lord even as waters cover the sea.

“God says He wants to make a new covenant with Jamaica. God is saying He wants Canada re-covenanted back to him, He wants the entire land of the USA re-covenanted back to him. He wants Europe re-covenanted back to Him. The entire land of Africa, re-covenanted back to Him,” the Apostle said.

In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. 19I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. 20I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD. 21“In that day I will respond,” declares the LORD- “I will respond to the skies, and they will respond to the earth; 22and the earth will respond to the grain, the new wine and the olive oil, and they will respond to Jezreel. 23I will plant her for myself in the land; I will show my love to the one I called ‘Not my loved one.’ I will say to those called ‘Not my people,’ ‘You are my people’; and they will say, ‘You are my God.’” Hosea 2:18-23

Dr. Daniel also made reference to Genesis 11 when the seed of Noah was divided, and people formed different nations. They would not serve God as they should but turned to other gods including creatures. However, this is a time when God wants to covenant with his people.

Prison Gates And Gate Keepers

He touched on the three (3) major gates controlling nations — birth, marriage, and death (for more detail see Gates And Spiritual Mapping — The Facts! They were meant to be gates of blessings but turned out to be prison gates. He explained that people made covenants with the dead, but that the covenants made with the dead cannot stand before the Lord on the day of judgment.

Major Gates Of A Nation Are Birth, Marriage, And Death

Everything that God creates must have a gate, and that gate becomes a foundation, that foundation becomes an altar, and that altar becomes a zero point — which means the beginning of problems if it is dedicated to the devil, or the beginning of blessings if it is dedicated to God. The zero point of some nations has already been covenanted to God.

He explained that there is an evil eye monitoring the destiny of every family. Because every family has a spiritual gate. And to every gate, there is a gatekeeper, and that gatekeeper is the one who holds the keys to that family, and who holds the key will determine what happens within that family. So if God holds the key the family will be blessed. But if the devil holds the key then that family is a slave to the devil.  That gatekeeper not only holds the master key but the subsidiary keys — not just one major key but the keys to every area of your life. So on this major key, there are many keys — key for your house, keys for your car, key for your marriage, for your ministry for your happiness, etc. There is always an evil gatekeeper who holds the key for us somewhere at the zero point. We, therefore, have to identify and overpower that evil gatekeeper, reclaim that key, and give it back to God.

Every Family Has A Gatekeeper That Holds The Keys to Their Lives

He spoke about institutions who when they celebrate their annual anniversaries make it mandatory that every worker in that institution attend and they must eat the feast or drink of that wine. The devil uses feast to renew covenants. As a result, they ensure that there is a feast and whoever eats that meal would not think straight (e.g. feast of Jezebel. Whoever ate of the feast of Ahab was not the same). So the devil uses food to initiate people.

Jesus also uses a feast for us to remember Him — The Feast of the Passover. He commands us to break bread and eat and drink wine in remembrance of Him. The Holy Communion is not an innocent meal, it’s a feast meant to initiate us into His covenant.

So too, whenever devil worshippers are going to do any evil practice at an evil altar they also have a feast prepared.

When the children of Israel were taken into captivity, they could not abandon their feasts, they always attended those feasts because they knew that it marked the gate of a new cycle. It opens the gate spiritually and physically. So even in our families, there are spiritual gates — the gates of seasons and the gates of time, whenever a season appears a feast has to be thrown. In occultism, they know how to throw their feast and the evil spirits will show up because they are educated in times and seasons.

Some Feasts Mark the Beginning Of New Cycles

The Ugandan Apostle gave an example of a believer in his church whose company was going to throw a feast. It was mandatory that every employee of that company attend. But when some Ugandan elders researched the various feasts in some companies, they found that some wine that is served at that annual celebration is not innocent. Some companies mix real blood in the wine. Because it’s a feast made to initiate every employee into the cycle of the strongman or the gatekeeper that mans the gate to that institution.

“It’s one thing to acquire a job but it’s another thing to overpower that strongman that is manning the gate to that institution,” he pointed out. “And before you overpower him they throw you out. They will fire you.  So it’s important to do a spiritual mapping of these institutions to see where their covenants are, how are they done, where are they done, how to break them, etc. God is faithful and he will reveal these to us.”

Dreams Are Spiritual Monitors

Dreams are spiritual monitors. God can take you in a dream and He can show you things that were done in your family. He can show you the strongman; where that altar was established; where the covenant was; how it was done, and how to break them.

God Can Reveal Things To You In Dreams

But sometimes God will not reveal this to you unless you ask him to. God is faithful — the moment you ask him to show you something concerning this, he will show you how everything started. And the moment you take the battle back to that gate, power is there. The moment you decide to take the battle back to the gate God is already there to give you strength. Battles can only be won at the gate. You have no victory unless you secure the gate. Because whoever controls the gate controls the mandate, whoever controls the gate controls the menu, and whoever controls the gate controls the family. We are in a battle. We are in a war! But all these battles were made at altars because altars are places of covenants.

New Covenant

In Hosea 2:18 and Hebrew 8, God spoke about making a new covenant. Whenever God talks about making a new covenant it means there was an old covenant that was broken. So our nations, our tribes, our people were always covenanted to other gods, Dr. Daniel explained. He gave an example of when God told Him and other elders in their region to give Him alters and He would give them nations. After they did it successfully, they wanted to gather gatekeepers for each community for them to dedicate that community publicly. These gatekeepers had to repent publicly – because repentance has levels. Some sins you can repent of alone and God forgives you, other sins you repent alone, and God will not forgive you unless you tell someone else. Then there are the sins you have to repent and confess to your pastor, or the council of elders, or the church, or the nations. (James 5:16)

Some Sins Require Public Repentance

We are living in the days when God is calling the Davids of our time to come before him to repent at the national level. And what you have not confessed before God, God will not take away, because there is power in confession.

He explained that the elders in his nation had to confess the sins of the land because they were the gatekeepers of that land. They had to confess where that land was covenanted from and redeem it back to God, then re-covenanted back to God by speaking it out loud. Today, they have records/books that these lands now belong to God.

Many evils took place there. Some African communities had kings that were so brutal that even when they died their graveyards had beds for them. These beds were the bodies of people who sacrificed themselves because they said the king could not be buried on the ground. So someone would first lay at the bottom of the grave and the King’s coffin would be placed on top of him crushing them in the process thus shedding blood. As a result, blood was crying in these communities. And so they now had to re-covenant these communities back to God.

To reclaim the lands back to God, Dr. Daniel and the elders set out on several operations: Some of these were —

  1. ‘Operation Redeeming the land’. They had to work in every land that cried out for redemption.
  2. ‘Operation Purging The Land’. They went and purged the land with prayer and supplications and pleading for the blood of Jesus on every street.

He noted that some missions God sends you on have to be done privately, but one of the problems with us born again is that we talk too much. Every revelation we want to share! Some revelations God gives us are strategies and are personal revelations, so some revelations He wants us to keep to ourselves. Some are revelations on how to pull down the house of your father, and how to take the battle back to the gates. But the moment your brothers and sisters know you are coming they will attack you before you do.

Dr. Daniel explained that if some shrines in our lives are not pulled down they will bring us down. If the zero point (the root cause of the problem) is not dealt with — even if you move to another country it will bring you back to the place of your origin. If the zero point is not dealt with you can hit the ground.

IF The Zero Point Is Not Dealt With It Can Pull You Down

He gave the example of Moses who was a Levite and had the sin of anger. Levites were known as men of anger. For anger, they killed, the moment they become angry they were capable of anything. Moses never dealt with his sin of anger which was a zero point in his life that came from his blood lineage.

“There is usually an altar in your family that makes you act the way you do — you don’t just wake up one day and start drinking, smoking, cursing your spouse, etc.,” Dr. Daniel pointed out. “There is an altar in the family controlling you that makes you have those major weaknesses (whatever your weaknesses are). What you do not confess before God, God will not take away. That is why communities must come together and confess the sins of the community before God.

He gave another example of David who killed giants, but in his family, there was an altar of lust. His father Jessie had a forbidden child in the house, but he covered it up because he wanted to maintain his dignity and his standing in society. There was a lot of mystery on the day David was born. He was hiding David, an illegitimate child. David was anointed but the zero point was not dealt with. Thus he ended up sending Uriah o the battlefront so he could sleep with his wife. He needed to confess this sin for himself. He did not touch the foundation. The zero point.

“Each of us has a zero point that we have to go back to in our families and deal with ourselves. Foundations do not fear the anointing. You can be an apostle, a mighty evangelist, a mighty prophet, but as long as the zero point is not dealt with, you will still hit the ground. Sometimes we see men of God in high positions doing things we never thought they would do. That’s because the foundation is still speaking — the zero point has not been dealt with.”

Uncurable diseases start from a lack of confession in the family. These are known as chronic diseases — diseases of the family. These were born out of inequity. The moment you discover the root cause and can present it to God, you will not die — you will live and see the goodness of the Lord!

The number one hindrance of deliverance is the lack of failure to surrender and confess. Many people are not yet fully delivered because they don’t want to confess. They don’t want to surrender their entire will to the Lord.

Number One Hindrance Of Deliverance Is The Lack Of Failure To Surrender and Confess

When you raise an altar somewhere it becomes a portal in the heavenlies. There are gates here on earth, gates in the atmosphere, and gates in the second heavens.

Every gatekeeper has a throne somewhere where they sit. And behind every throne, there is always an altar, and behind every altar, there is always a sacrifice, and behind every sacrifice, there is always a spirit. Thrones are never innocent. Every throne belongs to somebody, either negatively or positively.

“Anyone who is not born again in your family is a capable agent of the devil and they can surprise you at any time,” he warned. “No sorcerer can ever fully be friends with a born again filled with the Holy Ghost because both of you have access to look into destiny. That is why we have to labor and pray for the salvation of our brothers and sisters so that they serve the same God we serve,” he said.

Anytime you feel prayerlessness or feel weak in the spirit it is a sign that the other altars are being made higher and higher.

The Three (3) Enemies Of Your Destiny

  1. Family Members — E.g. David was anointed and had a call on his life to become king. On his journey to becoming king, his brothers were his worst enemies. They threatened and spoke evil words over his life when he was about to attack Goliath. Family members will belittle you, make you feel you are good for nothing, and provoke you to anger. And the devil uses anger to open you up to bitterness, and the moment you open up yourself to bitterness then you become vulnerable to demonic attacks. Demons cannot enter unless you open up yourself to bitterness or anger.
  2. Church Members — Paul wanted to witness in Rome to take the battle to the gates of Rome which was a major gate to the nation. But the moment he wanted to meet with Cesar the brethren in the church said, ‘We will not eat or drink, we will even cut ourselves with spears until Paul is dead’. Because you share the same blood of the covenant of Jesus Christ whatever your church members speak into your blood will affect you.
  3. YOU! — Not being willing to surrender, to repent, to confess, and to go back to zero point to fight the battle can destroy your destiny. 

The Bible said you can declare a thing and it shall happen, but you cannot declare a thing and it happens unless you declare it at the zero point. So when you discover the gate you discover the zero point. And when you discover the zero point you will discover the portals.

You Have To Go Back To The Zero Point In Your Life To Win The Victory

Men of God in the Bible always know where to stand so that they can have a physical encounter with God or be taken into heaven. E.g. Abraham, then his grandson Jacob, Elisha, and Enoch among others. That’s because they went back to the zero point and discovered the portals.

God cannot handle anything on earth — not even in heaven — without an altar. The altar is right before him where he sits so that he can control things. Where they mix things and send them back to earth. Why? Because altars are gates.

Before you discover the zero points in your family you have to discover where these gates are. These are fountain heads. The fountainhead is the source of the river of your family which is supposed to flow into the redemptive purpose of your family. For every family, there is a spiritual river. But what kind of water flows from that river, was it tampered with? What kind of water are you drinking? How do you clean it? You get your own hands dirty at the ancient wells. You go there by yourself and speak to it by yourself and demand that the King of Glory comes in. You clean the water so that ‘rivers of water shall flow out of your bellies’ to quench lives.

“May we become the healing of the nations, may we go back and cleanse the wells of our families,” Dr. Daniel said. “Gideon had to go back to the foundation and raise the godly sacrifices.”

The Power Of Words

Words never die, sounds never die. So the evil words spoken by our ancestors are still effective in our lives today. It does not stop working until the day Jesus returns. Words create waves in the atmosphere. They never die. So how do you break words? By undoing them through the words of God.

He noted that the power of witchcraft is not in the herbs or portions used, the power is in the words spoken over them. So witchcraft is only activated through words. So you are only able to undo what was done by speaking over them. A mute person cannot activate witchcraft.

The Power Of The Ground

We are all products of the ground. Everything comes from the ground. The earth speaks, the ground has the ability to work, etc. The ground you walk on can serve you or work against you…God says… ‘have dominion over them…’ so it means they have power. Every beautiful thing comes from the ground — flowers, cars, houses, husbands, wives, gold, human beings, etc. — every precious thing comes from the ground and they can work for you or work against you. The earth has the ability to speak and listen, the earth can breathe, the earth can hear, and the earth can work. Everything God has created on the earth is meant to serve us.

The Earth Was Meant To Serve Us

So the earth you walk on in your nation can serve you or work against you. They are weapons of war from the ground. When you see men turn against you they are weapons from the land. The things of the earth can work against you… but God said we should dominate, subdue, and have power over them. It means they have hands to serve you, they have mouths, they can speak to you. Everything that God has created has its own power.

And everything God creates serves a destiny.

When we pray our prayers are not just meant to go directly to God. They are received by the atmosphere around us then transported to God.

When you pray your prayer is received by the elements around you including the crops, then they forward it to heaven, and then heaven forwards it to God. When God is answering, He is answering to the heavens, the heaven is answering to the earth and the earth is answering to the plants, plants are answering to his covenanted one. If you are not in a good relationship with the environment around you your prayers will always be blocked.

If you are praying and your environment is defiant it is working against you.

The earth was not meant for blood to be shed on it. The moment Cain killed Abel the earth reported this to God. The earth spoke to God. The earth and the elements rose up in anger for vengeance. They wanted to swallow up Cain alive. They wanted to strangle him, but they wanted permission from heaven to swallow up the man who had defiled them. The moment blood was shed on the earth it was an abomination. The earth was meant as an anointing. All weapons of war from the ground opened up to Cain. The only way to open up the weapons of war from the earth is to shed blood upon it.

 All Creation Was Made To Serve Man

The earth was meant to be an anointing. Oil represents the hand of God, it’s like a Trademark or a seal. Thus the mention of oil in the bible. No one can serve the Lord unless he is anointed and consecrated. Unless the seal of God is upon them. An anointing represents the hand of God on somebody. Some leaders have misused the anointing and have caused it to be violated. The earth was supposed to receive oil, but now it’s receiving blood and so the weapons of war have been awakened. That is why whenever they are going to launch an evil covenant, blood has to be shed on the ground. And all these evil weapons that have been awakened in many nations are still crying out for blood.

“That is why COVID-19 is killing, and killing, and killing. Why? The weapons of war are claiming for more blood. And the devil uses blood to initiate nations. He feasts on blood,” he said.

The book of Revelation says there was war in heaven and Michael was fighting with the dragon, and the dragon lost the battle and was thrown on the earth. So the question is Can there be war in heaven where God is?

According to Dr. Daniel, where God sits is governed by order, we don’t see confusion where He is. In that place there is glory.

But Paul the apostle is talking about being caught up in the 3rd heaven. Which means there are different heavens. So the war did not take place in the throne room where God sits. Because in the heavens above the heavens where God sits you do not find confusion.

The 2nd heaven is the place of power, authority, dominion, leadership, a place of governance, and a place of meetings where God meets with his sons and the bible says we grow into sonship. So the sons come to meet in the 2nd heaven. Our authority is given to us in the 2nd heaven. So that is where God signs our contracts and we come back down here to exercise our God-given authority. That is why the Bible says ‘We fight against rulers of darkness in heavenly places.’

There are Different Levels Of Heaven

The 2nd heaven is where gatekeepers sit to determine the fate of every nation, to determine authority and leadership, and who loses what nations. It’s a place where they determine who to devour and who to give a territory. In the 2nd heaven, they have to sign contracts to govern and rule different territories and principalities.

When the sons of God rise and can qualify to take up their thrones they will have overpowered the principalities above, and they can take up their positions and sit on those thrones. The battle in the second heaven is the battle for thrones.

In the book of Job, there was a meeting in heaven and the sons of God came to meet. In that meeting, the devil appeared. And when God looked around in the boardroom where they met to sign contracts for the new cycle, Job was missing. Job was given a mandate. He was a very powerful man of his days and that time came when that mandate expired. And the meeting was called in heaven for him to sign another contract. And that day Job did not show up in that prayer meeting.

“If your seat is not occupied by you, it will always be filled by another spirit. If you do not come to take up your place it will be taken up by the enemy because there cannot be an empty space in the spiritual realm, there is no vacuum,” he explained.

So when Job did not come to occupy his space the enemy came and sat in his place. Anytime you do not take up your rightful place someone will occupy that place in your marriage, in your business, in your family, in your ministry and they run it until a new cycle returns. No matter what you do it cannot be given to you until the fullness of time. It was the same with Job, he did not show up, so the enemy took his place. Job became too busy — but without fruits. So the devil won the contract for Job and God had to sign that contract and there was nothing Job could do until that contracted time was over, until that mandate had run its course. And no matter how much Job prayed and rolled in the dust not even God could help him until the fullness of time returned. That battle where the devil petitioned for Job was in the 2nd heaven. Because this is a place of thrones and power.

The Battle Where The Devil Petitioned For Job Was In The 2nd Heaven

All earth and creation are groaning for the manifestation of sons. Our nations remain groaning for as long as we do not mature and take up leadership.

Today, God is looking for the next leader of Jamaica to come from the Church of God. He’s looking for the next member of parliament coming from the church. He is looking for the next member of the cabinet coming from the church. It is time to support men and women to go and disciple parliament, cabinets, and nations. It is time to raise sons — not babies. Because those thrones are sitting on evil alters. And the devil is giving it to whomever he pleases.

There is nothing God loves more than when you go on a mission and when you take some quiet time to give him a report of where you went and a complete report of that mission. Just as Jesus’s disciples did. They always pleased him when they went out. Because when you go out you go with a mandate and when you come back you need a fresh mandate.

“There are some pastors who are still operating in the old mandate, they have not gone back to refresh the anointing,” Dr. Daniel said. “When you are in the pulpit you are fulfilling a mandate. When you leave the pulpit that mandate has expired for that hour or for that period. Now you need to find a place to lock away and undress yourself from that anointing and then He will give you a fresh grace for relationship again.  You become normal again.”

He explained that this is why some marriages have crashed. When you come back home your wife or husband wants to see you as a husband or wife, not as a prophet. When you get a mandate you should have the spirit of discerning to know how long that anointing is going to run.

“The moment you rise to the level of principalities you begin to attack forces as Daniel did. And the moment you rise up to take your throne the Lord will always send help, like that of Michael. God had to send the angel Michael to fight the prince of Persia for Daniel,” he concluded. “May God raise you up to the level of principality!”

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