I had a dream some time ago that I was in Jamaica. There were three teenage schoolchildren in uniform. A girl and two boys. A police officer was there. The girl was very distressed and told the officer that her schoolmate ran home saying he was going to use a gun to kill his mother. So the police officer left for the boy’s home. I found myself at the home of the boy before the police got there. There was a large crowd of people gathered outside his house and he was in the middle trying to get past them. The white T-shirt he was wearing was covered in blood. There was a big gate leading to his house and he attempted to jump over the gate. A woman standing at the front of the crowd at the gate raised a machete and with one go sliced off his head. He fell to the ground on his back but life was still left in him. He was headless. It had been taken off from the tip of his chin. I didn’t see where his head fell. But his heart was still beating and a man came up and was about to stab him in his chest when a woman shouted out not to damage his heart. The dying young man crossed his arms over his chest as if to protect his heart. I said to myself, ‘Why bother to spare his heart? You already killed him’. I later discovered that the heart contains one’s purpose and destiny. The life of any living thing is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11) and it is the heart that is responsible for repentance into eternal life.
“for the life of the body is in its blood. I have given you the blood on the altar to purify you, making you right with the LORD. It is the blood, given in exchange for a life, that makes purification possible.”
I was awakened from my sleep breathing heavily. I heard someone said ‘write’. I didn’t move. I’m living in Canada and it was cold! I didn’t want to go to the computer in the other room. But I couldn’t go back to sleep as the dream kept playing over and over in my head. Then again I heard ‘write’. I sighed. Clearly, God wanted me to. Then it dawned on me that my phone was sitting on the table beside my bed and I could write on that. So I started to write as the Lord directed. I was awed by the revelation which followed. This is what I was instructed to write —
The more blood that is shed in a nation, the poorer and more dependent that nation is. Christians cannot be among those aiding and abetting the devil’s plots and schemes. And many Christians are. (How? I asked the Lord)
When someone commits a crime in a nation and instead of allowing the law of the land to run its course, (The Bible says to obey the laws of the land), persons… including Christians, see the necessity to carry out public revenge through murder — To take matters into their own hands by ganging up and chopping, beating, stabbing burning, or impaling the perpetrators to death. In some countries, this is known as ‘jungle justice’.
That is fulfilling the devil’s plan! That is the devil’s strategy.
When the perpetrator commits a crime, he has already done whatever the enemy has told him to do… be it murdering an entire family, killing his own mother, raping a 9-month-old child, raping and killing an 82-year-old grandmother… whatever that crime is… he did it. So there he is fulfilling the task of the devil because the God who says thou shalt not kill is not going to go against His words and whispers in someone’s ears to do that. So now that we have established that fact let’s look at the next fact.
The God who says thou shalt not kill is also not going to tell a bunch of angry community members to find that perpetrator murder him. That right there is bloodshed upon the land. Blood being sacrificed to the devil. Bloodshed God does not require.
(1) So the strategy is the enemy tells someone to commit a crime so heinous that it turns the heart of men. It makes them angry!
(2) Then when that crime is committed he wants mankind to reward him for committing such a crime by giving him a sacrifice. (Wow! This was a mighty revelation to me too. This never once crossed my mind before!). Anger leads them to sacrifice.
(3) The devil requires blood sacrifices. God does not. So each time the blood of a human is shed it appeases, pleases, and satisfies the devil. The devil is happy!
So back to where we started. If you partake in chopping, stabbing, or any form of jungle justice that sheds human blood, you are participating in sacrificing to the devil. You are aiding and abetting his will. You are carrying out his desire. He is using you and you are agreeing to be used.
And once you sacrifice to him you give him more power to kill again. Because the more blood you sacrifice to him the stronger he gets and the more hold he has over that country. And the more hold he has over that country the more the murder and crimes increase. It becomes a cycle.
This is why countries like Jamaica’s crime cannot go down. This is why heinous crimes continue. Not only are persons adhering to the desires of the devil by committing the crimes he instructs them to in the first place, but the situation is made much worse when the people are rewarding him with the blood of the perpetrator or the blood of the perpetrator’s family after that crime is committed.
Blood answers by blood! The only thing that can appease blood is more blood. The Book of Leviticus shows us that. Even God required constant bloodshedding of animals to cleanse and rule over the children of Israel. Each time a person or the community sinned, blood sacrifice was required as a sin offering and as atonement.
Now imagine the joy of the enemy to see persons complying with both his desires! Thus fueling his need to do the same thing again and again. Each time both actions take place he is satisfied. He laughs! The devil stores up blood as a band stores money. When that bank is full he purchases a nation. Behind every habit or practice is a spirit. If it is not God then its the devil.
God cannot heal the land if the people of that land continue to send down sacrifices of blood to the devil because it means the people have given their land over to him. They have given him permission to reign and rule. Blood defiles the land and the land ceases to serve mankind as it was created to do.
Christians will continue to pray but nothing will happen. Change your prayer strategy.
Remember… revival is not a miracle. It’s a strategy. Pray against public murder being committed by communities. Pray for justice in your country to take its course rather than sending down more blood to let the devil be in control. Murders have given the country over to him. Now it is time to take it back!
Christians should not and must not participate in revenge murder… NO MATTER WHAT THE CRIME IS THAT WAS COMMITTED. The more blood that is shed the more the nation perishes. Remember how the earth rose up in anger after Cain Killed his brother Abel in Genesis? The very earth cried out to God for justice (Genesis 4:8-11).
If you need proof of this writing just Look around you, check if your country is guilty of jungle justice, then check the crime rate, the poverty, levels of sorcery and witchcraft, the lack of productivity of the land, etc. and you will understand. Check the number of persons murdered openly by community members while persons cheer on and take videos of the crime being committed against these perpetrators. These videos and pictures are then shared, posted, and reposted on social media for those not present to see. The devil wants the applause of men. Persons are giving it to him when they partake and when you invite others to partake. Each time someone else views it the anger stirs up in them and they say ‘Yes, that is what he should get! He deserves it!’ you are empowering the devil. You are giving him what he wants — control of your land.
Standing by watching or taking videos is participating — even if you do not wield the tool used to chop the human sacrifice lying hopelessly on the ground. It’s not about them. It’s about the enemy!
The crime they committed may have angered you… but note that anger is the opening the devil uses to have you sacrifice to him. That is how he enters your heart. That is why God warns in the book of Ephesians 4:26-27 26 “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold’. He knew that as humans there are times we would get angry but what you do after can lead to sin. Anger is a doorway that the enemy uses to enter you.
Murder — whoever commits it— is still murder. And murder is a sin. Whatever the reason for doing it.
The devil cannot live and control your country or your land if you do not give him the go-ahead to do so. God does not enter into your heart unless you invite him to. That’s the same way the devil works. That’s how the spiritual realm works. A spirit cannot enter into your life, your family, your country nor your nation unless he has been invited in.
Since the devil has now been invited into your country, ever so often when you shed the blood of a human… willingly and openly, you are telling him he is welcome to stay.
And what is the devil’s purpose? To kill, to steal, and to destroy… yes… literally! Take Jamaica for example… how many murders are being committed each year? How many (literal) robberies have been committed? And how many families have been torn apart as a result of these? But if you want to go deeper… how many persons have been robbed of their freedom to live a normal life? Not able to fulfill their true purpose in life?
Yes, indeed the hearts of men have waxed cold (Matthew 24:12)!
Because someone deserves to be punished doesn’t mean you use them to give the devil more power over you and your country. Do not murder as applause and a ‘thank you’ to the devil for a crime he instigated in the first place.
Enough is enough!
Many Christians whose eyes have been open would already know that the devil requires blood sacrifices. You would have already known that Halloween is not as innocent as the regular man believes. You would have already known that it’s a time when human sacrifices are made to the devil (and for those who didn’t know… it’s really a thing!) Pray and ask God to open your eyes to this fact and He will. You would also have known that God Himself also required blood sacrifice – blood is the only thing that appeases the spirits. And remember God is a Spirit. However, He sent His son to shed His spotless blood so we no longer need to provide Him with blood. God sacrificed His blood for us. The devil, on the other hand, cannot give of himself, and so he continues to require blood to feel good and be in control. The more blood a nation sheds, the more control he has over that nation. The more control he has over that nation the more crime and violence increases. In other words, the more he can do his job. And when this happens God cannot work because you gave the control over to the devil. You handed the key to the gates of your country to the devil. Whoever has the key controls what takes place in that country.
It is time to start praying with understanding! “Then I will heal the land!“
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