Why Satan is Angry at Man — The Origin!

Let’s get one thing very clear…

Satan hates men!

The moment God gave men bodies Satan hated us and began to devise every way possible to get rid of us. That is why the Bible tells us clearly in John 10:10 that Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. If he cannot get rid of us he tries to turn us against God, sometimes in ways that may seem simple to us, but which has great impact in the spiritual realm. Things that disappoints and breaks God’s heart.

The devil knew that the body of a man was the carrier of what would ultimately destroy him. God placed His power and dominion in man. That was why when Moses was born the devil entered in Pharaoh to plot the death of all the male children. Exodus 1 gives the account of this. When Jesus was born, again, the devil entered the hearts of King Herod who tried to kill baby Jesus and, when he couldn’t find him, killed every infant in Bethlehem.

We have found ourselves in the middle of history where every year, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) over 72 million babies are aborted worldwide. This is an old story. It is not only impactful physically, but spiritually. It doesn’t matter who is for or against these acts, the fact is that the devil is behind it all. It is not about the foundation of your family. There is a depopulation story that is deeper than that — let abortion be free and easy, many nations say. It is not about the devil not wanting you to have a child. That is a little piece of the story.

Mankind has been caught in the middle of a battle between God and Lucifer that goes back to the beginning of creation. Therefore, it is very important that we understand why the devil wants to oppress our nations and destroy us. And be assured that while he has no clue how to love, the reason goes beyond him not loving us. So, why is there so much aggression and hostility from hell? Why does the devil want us weak, sick, poor, and broke? Why is he so adamant in destroying us by any means possible?

This destruction of humanity predates our existence and will continue after we are long dead and gone. Our foreparents played their part in it — whether good or bad, and we will too. It’s not an option. Once we are born into the world we have begun to make history.

When we begin to understand history, then we will be able to appreciate Christ, why He came, the extent of the reason He gave up His life for us,  and the role we play in existence as individuals, as a church, and as a nation.

In the book of Daniel, we realize that Daniel lived in a time that was very prophetic and very strategic. This book of Daniel is a foreshadowing of the church — our mandate and our assignment. It gives us the clearest role of the system of Babylon. It also makes us realize that many things may change but the spiritual agenda does not.

We are living in a time when the anti-Christ system is still in effect, but which over time has carried various names — Egypt, Babylon, Jezebel, The World System, One World Order, New Age Movement… but, regardless of the name, it is one and the same system, led by the same agenda from BC (before Christ) until now. It has not changed. Strategies have evolved throughout civilization but has been one and the same.

Back then, Daniel found himself in captivity alongside his friends in a place called Babylon, which was ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar. Kings in those days were like gods. In fact, they were gods who wheeled all sorts of power.

“Jesus replied, “It is written in your own Scripture  that God said to certain leaders of the people, ‘I say, you are gods!’ 35 And you know that the Scriptures cannot be altered. So if those people who received God’s message were called ‘gods,’ 36 why do you call it blasphemy when I say, ‘I am the Son of God’? (John 34-36)

What kings said became laws. Nebuchadnezzar was no different, he was a very amazing King. The Bible tells us that at one point he had a very strange dream and called all his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers because he needed to know the meaning of this dream. When they could not give him its interpretation, he became angry and wanted all of them put to death. But Daniel intervened and stopped him from doing so. He told the king to give him time and he would interpret the dream.

And the Bible says, ‘then the secret was revealed unto Daniel’ (Daniel 2:19).

19 During the  night  the  mystery  was  revealed  to  Daniel  in  a vision…”

Daniel saw a figure made of the head of gold, the chest and arms of silver, whose stomach to the thigh was made of bronze, legs of iron,  and the feet were a mixture of iron and clay. And so he told the king…

31 “Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.”(Daniel 2:31-32)

This was a revelation of different dispensations that would come that would entail different appearances of this structure. Dispensations of godless systems.

45” Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.”(Vs 45)

We are in the middle of a dispensation of a godless system, as was revealed to Nebuchadnezzar thousands of years ago.

The Fall of Nations

What took place in the Garden of Eden is deeper than what many are aware of. This story between mankind, the devil, and God is also an ancient one. Satan is not the opposite of God (though we always seem to think that). Satan is a creation of God, for  a  particular reason. There was a dispensation where Satan did not exist because he was created out of the predeterminate wisdom of God.

In the book of Job 38, it gives us revelation into the conversation God was having with Job about Him being the creator of all things before the existence of man.

The name Satan is not the name of an entity. The name Satan means accuser. While the devil means deceiver. Jesus says you shall cast out devils… that too is not the name of a person. The Bible makes us understand that this being was created, and according to the order of his fashion — because the office held in heaven determines both your instrument of creation and the kind of service you are going to bring. And so Lucifer was meticulously created using sound, pipes, and string instruments. Lucifer’s place of operation was the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 28:12-17). We get to understand that the office of Satan in heaven was that of a custodian (Ezekiel 28:16).

The Garden of Eden was not created for Adam, the Garden of Eden existed long before Adam. Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden. This was his habitation. There are different planes of heaven as the Bible says — the heaven of heavens (Psalm 115:16), is where God dwells. But there are many other planes which are still in existence today. When we understand this there are certain levels of spiritual authority that we will stand upon.

Lucifer’s office was that of the light bearer, as a result, he had access to the presence of God (Ezekiel 28:14). Angels grow by excelling in light. That’s how we measure their age. In the realm of the spirit, we don’t age by time because there is no time,  so we measure the age of spirit beings by how much they have access to the throne room. Because every time you meet God there is a rub off of his glory upon you. Even at that realm, the glory of God is too strong for you to come and stay there. Access has to be granted. And so because of Lucifer’s function— (Lucifer means the light bearer) he was the greatest among the angels. He was the custodian of the revelations of the heavens. He had unusual access to the presence of God and it increased his beauty and his light. Even among the cherubins (the highest of the angels), he was the most valued.

Before man was created the order of heaven was the Trinity — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But God was not called Father, He only became Father when Jesus became Son. He was God Almighty, Jesus was called The Word, His name is still The Word, and then we have the Spirit of God.

So the organization was God (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one), then the angelic header, and the head of the angels is the Seraphs and the head of the Seraphs are the Cherubims and the head of the Cherubim was God. So directly above the Cherubims was God.

So when God created man, he took man and made him equal with Himself. So the order changed. Now the head of the seraphs is the Cherubim, and the head of the Cherubim is the woman. The head of the woman is the man, the head of man is Christ and the head of Christ is God. This is the structure of creation now.

When we understand the proximity between the Cherubim and women we will understand why woman was given the authority to produce the seed that would crush  Satan’s head. There is a reason. She was made above him. And you have to be on equal or higher level than the spirits you are fighting against to be able to defeat them. Thus the woman was created above Satan

In Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14, the manifesto of Satan, he says ‘I will exalt myself above the stars of God. I will be like the

most High’.

What gave Satan such audacity to want to replace God? To be equal with God means to be a partaker of His nature. To be equal to God means you can replace Him. That is what Lucifer wanted. To replace God.

As a result, he mobilized a number of the angels in heaven — including Leviathan (spirit of chaos and envy); Jezebel (spirit of murder, idolatry, and sexual immorality); Baal (false god; spirit of rejection causing separation in families; and spirit of homosexuality); Mammon (spirit causing an unhealthy love for money); Beelzebub (false gods); Python (spirits of Lying); Belial, (instruments of iniquity and wrath); Asmodeus (revengers of wickedness), and so much more.

He mobilized  them in a rebellion to fight. And for them to fight they needed to change their original estate or position. That’s what the Bible says.

6 “And I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them but left the place where they belonged…” (Jude 1:6).

Original estate means your default position of creation. In heaven, you do not wear garments like we wear here, their garments change according to what they are doing. So if you are going to the throne room you wear a garment called praise. Praise is not just an action; it is a garment. In the blood of Isaiah 61:3, he says He will give you a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

And so, for these spirits to carry out their treason, they needed to leave their original state of creation so that they could resume a structure that would be able to afford them that which happened.

This was shown to John on the Isle of Patmos (Revelation 12:12-18). He said there was war in heaven and Lucifer, that rebellious entity attempted to fight because he had known all the mysteries of God by reason of being the custodians of the mysteries of God. And Lucifer said if this is all God is then I have everything I need to become God. I know every possibility that can be in God. And when there was that fight the Bible says…

“Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice! But terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.” (Revelations 12:12)

The Bible tells us that when Satan and his cohorts — one-third of the angels, could not prevail, in their bid to run back to their original estate they were trapped from the heavenlies — never to be like they were again! And never to be like mankind. So by default, Satan and all his entities are in a perpetual state of torture. They cannot be in a state of rest. It is in their character of darkness to run to and fro…

7 “And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”( Job 1:7)

Jesus gave us a revelation of what happens when the spirit leaves a man…

24 “When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, searching for rest. But when it finds none, it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from.’ 25 So it returns and finds that its former home is all swept and in order. 26 Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before.” (Luke 11:24-26).

That means they can find expression in human vessels on the strength of the fact that man is the highest of God’s creation, then if they can occupy man they can assume some position of rest.

When Lucifer was cast down to the earth, something happened. Perfect love cast out fear. And if God is love, then by casting Lucifer He must justify the fact that He was not insecure nor fearful — that He was not casting out what he feared. And so He created man (man was actually created after Satan was cast down) and gave man everything. So He wanted to show that He was not afraid like a politician fighting His rival. Angels were created from light, but man was created from the dust of the earth, and the Bible says God took the very thing that Satan was fighting for and put it into man. And then He made man in charge of all things. God put dominion and authority in man.

When that was happening, Lucifer was watching. Lucifer was not somewhere else moving around. Lucifer had access to watch as God was creating man. And when he saw God created man he saw Him authorize him and gave him the seat of dominion. And then, to compound matters, God put man in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer’s very habitation. That must have made him really mad!

This is about understanding the agenda of God. When we understand this we will do miracles subconsciously because there is a light from us that will emit everywhere we go and we will become true advocates of the kingdom.

What happened in the Garden of Eden was a foreshadowing of redemption because the Bible tells us that authority was given to man. But because Eve was made out of the man, she was a partaker of the man’s nature. So now both she and the man had dominion together. The very thing Satan wanted.

He realized that if God created man in His image and put that man as the highest of His creation, then if that man bows to him, then man is saying ‘I am equal with God and I have bowed to you, then I have accepted that you, Satan, is greater than God’.

With this realization, he started seducing the woman with his melodious musical voice, his sweet soft words, and his beautifully constructed appearance. And as many women would, Eve fell for it all.

The Mystery of the Fall of Man

 I Timothy 14, tells us that it was the woman who was deceived. Not the man. But Adam fell because, according to God’s system of love, you have to love onto death to prove that you truly love. Adam loved Eve unto death.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25)

Now that the woman had fallen, the man had to follow her — because of love!

That is why for Jesus to redeem us He needed to come down and be like us. In the same way that Adam left his estate to be like his wife, so Jesus left his estate in heaven to be like man. The first Adam stood by his wife whom he loved so much and died for her. The second Adam, Jesus, stood by his bride (the church) and died for her. Remember, God is love, and God is in us so love is embedded in us as His children. We were created in His likeness and image.

So Adam was not deceived. When he fell, immediately God looked from the heavens and saw the throne that he had put man upon empty. When he saw that empty throne it was on account of this that he said, ‘Adam where are you?’. The throne was a spiritual position of dominion. So when He asked Adam, Adam said ‘I had to follow this woman’. And God did not rebuke him because that was the true picture of love. So God said, ‘woman what have you done?’ and she said, ‘the serpent…’ Satan was now very anxious to hear the prophecies that would come out of the mouth of God. And God said, ‘the seed of the woman would bruise your head’. Not exactly what he was expecting to hear.

Satan already knew that God was prophetic in His statements. But the meaning of this was confusion to him. Because until man, reproduction had never happened. Only creation. They never knew it was possible for a man to meet a woman, lay with her, and produce. But all of a sudden Satan saw Eve getting pregnant and then she gave birth to a man child — Cain.

And Satan said this is amazing! Thinking that Cain was the seed of the woman who was prophesied to destroy him, he

entered into Cain. Then he saw that man could still get the woman pregnant again and gave birth to Abel, and he made Cain kill Abel (Genesis 4).

Cain did not know what happened to him. But the devil found expression in him because he needed to continue his agenda.

“And Cain went out of the presence of the Lord…”(vs. 16)

This does not mean that Cain ran away from God, it means to willfully break away from God’s governing authority. Cain deliberately refused God’s headship over his life. And Satan said this is exactly what I want.

After killing Abel, Cain left and dwelt in another region and later he had a son and built a city. Because the pride of any king was to name a city after their sons which represented their future, he built a city and he called that city Enoch after his son.

This was a manifestation of the spirit of anti-Christ because God was not the head of this city. It was a city of rebellion. All sorts of human atrocities began to happen — anger, envy, killing, rivalry — it was the government of Satan. This was the first manifestation of the government of Satan that our dispensation records and it started from Cain. The Bible says the moment that happened we saw the first manifestation of the spirit of Elijah in the Bible. It came in the person of Noah.

Please note that the spirit of Elijah is not a person. It is the spirit that restores man back to the ordinances of God. Every time a revival must happen there is a spiritual pattern, Elijah must come.  When there was darkness all around, Elijah the Tishbite showed up; Malachi 4 tells us that before the day of the Lord, Elijah will come again; Before Jesus showed up Elijah showed up — John came in the spirit and power of Elijah.

13 “For before John came, all the prophets and the law of Moses looked forward to this present time. 14 And if you are willing to accept what I say, he is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come. 15 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!” (Matthew 11:13-15 NLT)

All of this post is for you to better understand the system of Babylon, how it came into being, and why the devil is attacking our nations so severely.

In Conclusion

The devil is not after you. He has no use or need for you, except to use you to mock God. Every time you deny Christ, every time you rebel against God and His kingdom, every time nations sign onto the global agenda, the devil sees it as a victory over God and what He stands for. Ensure that the devil does not use you as a pawn in this spiritual battle that we have been born into. Rather, avail yourself to Yahweh to be used to destroy the enemy and his fight against God.







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