The Month of Nisan — The Weapon of Praise!

When we go down to pray it is important to know what season we are in, what blessings are available in that season, what gates are open, and how to pray to have victory.

We have entered into the month of Nisan on the biblical or Jewish calendar. This is the first month of the ecclesiastical year and the seventh month of the civil year. Nisan started on March 14 and ended 30 days later in April.

Because it is the first month, Nisan marks a new beginning. As pointed out by Bishop Dr. Jasmin Brown from the New United Bibleway Church of God in Jamaica and the United States during a program of  ‘The Secret Place’ via Zoom, the beginning of everything is a doorway, it is a gate that we do not want to miss out on. We want to secure the gate.

The month of Nisan marks the beginning of God’s redemptive cycle or yearly blessing cycle. The redemption of God’s people is important because we are in the season of Lent, and the Easter season marks the time when Christ died on the cross for the redemption of mankind.

“So in the month of Nisan, the redemption of God’s people was so important in His heart and mind that He literally changed His calendar — because this month was originally the seventh month but his purpose was so that His people could start the sacred year in a redemptive cycle,” Dr. Brown explained. She went on to explain what this all means and what the benefits of the month of Nisan are.

1.   The Month of Nisan is Connected to the Tribe of Judah.

Judah is the 4th son of Jacob and Leah. Four is a significant number in understanding the prophetic symbolism and pattern. Not only is it a revelation of times and seasons but it gives an understanding of boundaries both natural and spiritual. It also lays the foundation for understanding the pattern of ruling and reigning as sons of the Kingdom.

2. Month of Praise

Judah means praise, as a result, Nisan is the month of redemptive praise. Jesus Christ died on the cross to redeem us from our sins and so we must be totally focused on praising God as we begin our walk in this new season of the redemptive cycle of God. We should begin to praise him! We should not wait until He comes through in whatever we believe Him for, just go ahead and begin to praise Him!

 i. Warfare Praise

Not only is Nisan a month of praise but it is a month of warfare praise! Judah is the tribe that leads in praise and warfare. So while it is about praise, it is also about warfare. Therefore, even as we are going through challenges, let us not use it to complain, let us praise our way through our situations. Let us praise our way through our warfare! So many of us are still waiting on God for something, we have been praying about it for years, but this is the month to enter into warfare praise — not to go to God complaining, not to go to God quarreling but to get into praying and praising strategically and warfaring to victoriously war for our promise. What is it that God has promised us? Whether it is through His words, through a prophetic word, through the scriptures, through a vision, through a dream — warfare in the realm of the spirit through our praise.

ii. Violent Praise

We need to get our attention span right for this month. Nisan is connected to the Hebrew alphabet ‘hei’ which signifies violent praise. So this month we want to challenge everyone to praise God. Violent praise means some strong aggressive praises or the wind of God. This is the time that our spirit should be saturated, penetrated, and permeated with the spirit of praise. ‘Hei’ is also connected with the number five.  Five is the number of grace and Jesus our Passover Lamb. The lamb of the tribe of Judah is the redemptive gift of grace and it’s a distinctive pattern through which God is speaking.

iii. The Judah Praise

Two names in scripture are interpreted as praise. There is Judah, which means praise from the heart and is the purest form of praise. Judah portrays Christ or paints a picture of Christ. Praise is how we enter the presence of God. and also how we receive prophetic warfare strategy to vigorously war for our promise. Our defining strategy in warfare is always to begin with praise. In the setting up of the cam of Isreal, the tabernacle which housed the presence of God was set in the middle of the camp with three tribes camping on each of the four sides. The camp of Judah which included Issachar and Zebulon also camped on the east side which was where the entrance of the Tabernacle was. So we can see that God established a pattern of praise leading the way into His presence. From the very beginning, praise is where God dwells or is enthroned. (Psalm 22:3).

iv. The Judas Praise

Then there is Judas, which means praise from the head or intellect. It is a false or learned form of praise (Matt. 15:18). So we need to check our worship. Check our praise. Are we giving God that Judah praise that is coming from the heart, or are we giving him that Judas praise that is just coming from our head or our intellect? Are we just praising Him because we know we are supposed to praise Him, and we know the right words to say? Are we praising Him because we can put our speech together and know all the names of God to call Him by? Or are we really praising Him from our hearts? Judas betrayed Christ, or literally set up or gave birth to an anti-christ system or structure. We must be careful to allow our praises to always be birth out of our hearts to the heart of God.

v. Spirit Directed Praise

This is the month for your praise to be unquestionably spirit-directed (Romans 8:14). So that (1) the wind of God may blow freely in your life. (2) Your feet are firmly established on the proper pathway to your promised land or apostolic prophetic destiny. (3) To embrace your position and purpose as a manifested son of the Kingdom.

3. Divine Line of Kings

Judah is also the divine line of kings. This is the tribe through which the Davidic line of kings descended which is the line of the Messiah Himself. Jesus is referred to as the ‘conquering lion of the tribe of Judah’. This symbolizes the kingly authority and leadership anointing that rests upon this tribe.  Judah is the total embodiment of praise. The territory that Judah inherited included Jerusalem, the City of Peace, which became the sanctuary of God (psalm 114:2). The Jews actually got their name from Judah, distinguishing them as part of the kingly line.

4. The Month to Redeem Territories

Nisan is also the month that kings go forth to war to take and redeem territories (2 Samuel 11:1). The whole of the nation of Jacob was called Hebrew, meaning one who crosses over or crosses the river and would also allude to continually crossing into a higher dimension into God, going from glory to glory.

5. Month of the Passover

We know that this is the month of the Passover even as we are in this Easter season (Exodus 12). This is the month that is set aside to celebrate and remember the redemptive crossing over of the blood of the lamb of God (John 1:29, Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:9, Hebrew 9:22). It is the time that God has set aside for us to walk in the newness of life. God has set aside this time for us to walk in deliverance, why? Because of His blood. Let us not allow the coronavirus to cause us to forget that we are in the Lenten season.

Let us not cause Corona to shift our focus so that we are not able to remember that we are celebrating the time when the price was paid for our sins. Because with all that is happening sometimes we don’t remember the days of the week, or the month of the year, and do not even realize that it’s the Easter season. Let us not allow anything to shift our focus. Let us get back in line. We are to stand boldly in the authority of God and confront any pharaoh structure. So we are going to put His blood on our doorposts prophetically, and even as all these diseases are going by we are going to declare ‘When I see the blood I will pass over’ because this is the season for the Passover.

6. Confront the Pharaohs in Your Life

Because this is the season of the Passover, it is time for us to confront the enemy that has held us captive. It is a time of deliverance from captivity for the children of Israel. So as we pray let us pray against every Pharaoh that has held us captive or in bondage.

7. Month of Declaration

This is the month when we are going to declare ‘Let me go that I may worship God!’ This is also the month to take on the mantle of the deliverer and make this same declaration over those in our sphere of influence.

8. Month of Celebration and Rejoicing

This month of Passover is a month of a prolonged festival set aside to celebrate and rejoice before God for the fullness of redemption and setting our course for the future.

9. Month of Miracles

According to Jeremiah 29:11, God knows the plans that he has for us…  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope’. This is the month of miracles. So we must embrace these promises while we seek Him and not lose out on them by shifting our focus as this is what the enemy wants us to do.

10. Month of the Right Foot

Each month on the Jewish calendar is connected to a body part.  The month of Nisan is connected to the right foot. This literally means it is the month to put your best foot forward as we begin this new seasonal journey with God (Psm 37:23, Psalm 119:133). This is the month that our feet will be firmly established on the proper pathway of our promise land of prophetic destiny.

11. Opening up Of Prison Doors.

In this month of redemption, God wants us to see every one of the prison doors in our lives open up and also in the lives of everyone connected to us in any way, shape, or form. So we are seeing by faith prison doors open up (Isaiah 61:1-2, Luke 4:18-19).  Jesus said the spirit of the  Lord is upon me to set the captives free.

12. The Month of Speech

Nisan is also connected to our speech pattern (Job 37:19, Prov 18:21). We know that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Since our speech is the means whereby we express our deepest feelings and insights, we must be careful not to allow our speech to be contrary to the Word, the voice of God, or the mind of the spirit. Speaking forth our thankfulness to God for our redemptive deliverance is going to be key to us being able to walk in the fullness of the blessing that God has set before us this month. Our obedience in meeting with God during this significant appointed time is also absolutely essential.

13. Constellation of Aries

It is also interesting that the month is connected to the constellation Aries, which is represented by the male sheep — a ram (Psalm 19: 1-3, Psalm 8).

14. Month of the Messiah

There is no mistake that this is the month of the messiah, this is the month that the redemptive pattern of sonship needs to be absolutely established, according to John 1:12-13.

15. Manifested Son Of The King

During Nisan, we will embrace our position and purpose as a manifested son of the king.

16. Moving from Glory to Glory

This is the month that we need to move from the position of mere anointing to glory. And if you are already at the place of glory then seek to go from glory to glory.

Now that we are aware of what season we are in, let us get our praise on! The enemy wants to depress us but get your praise music on and begin to praise — not just body movement but praise him! Warfare praise! Worship Him, tell the devil you will not have my joy! You are not going to have my joy. This is the month of praise so learn to praise him!

The Anointing vs. the Glory

Dr. Brown reminded people that they should seek to get beyond operating under the anointing and start operating in the glory because the anointing drains the giver but empowers the receiver. Therefore, when you are operating in the anointing when you have completed preaching you are drained, while those who receive the message go home empowered and feeling good. When you are praying and fighting the battle for someone else it can impact the physical man and can lead to various aches and pain.

However, when you are in the glory you are not drained because the very presence of God will get the job done and you do not have to work as hard.

She referred to The Azusa Street Revival -1906-1908 where several persons experience body parts growing backhands, ears, feet, etc. This was after the leader William Seymour asked the Lord what should he do to receive the revival and God told him to pray more. Dr. Brown explained that Seymour was already praying five hours per day but when God told him to pray more, he increased his prayer time to seven hours per day. As a result, God surrounded him with his glory to perform the miracles that are still talked about today.

She also referred Kathryn Kuhlman, who traveled extensively around the United States and many other countries holding healing crusades between the 1940s and 1970s. It has been documented that an estimated two million people reported they were healed in her meetings over the years.

Dr. Brown noted that the reason we are unable to do these great miracles is that we are operating under the anointing versus the glory.

“The glory is for all of us. The glory is not for a selected few,” she said. “There was nothing special about Moses. Moses was messed up. Moses failed. Moses just made the request. The glory is for everyone who will make the request and be willing to go the extra mile and be willing to pay the price. Can you imagine praying for seven hours per day, every day? Sometimes we cannot even get one hour in, as by the time you get to half an hour the phone starts to ring, or you remember you are running late, and you have to finish the prayer in your car… yet this man prayed seven hours per day and he saw body parts grow back, he saw all these things happen and you bearly heard their voices because they didn’t have to work up themselves,” she explained.

“They just waved their hands and miracles took place. Why am I saying that? I’m saying that this month of Nisan is a month that we are going from glory to glory. It is the month of going into a higher dimension in God — from glory to glory. We have been in warfare for so long but this month God is saying just praise me. Give me some warfare praise. We are fighting against the enemy — the enemy is fighting against us and we are fighting back, let us fight him back with praise,” Dr. Brown said. “We are going to give God radical praise. It’s the month to give him violent praise. So our weapon for this month of Nisan is going to be praise. We are going to war the enemy but we are going to war him with praise. Jesus is the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, so we will win. And because it is the month of the speech we are going to utilize our mouth and give Him praise and believe God that the enemy will crumble because we are going to give him warfare praise. We are going from glory to glory and fighting this battle with the weapon of praise!


You are welcome to join Dr. Jasmin Brown in ‘The Secret Place’ every Saturday morning at 6:00 EST/ 6:00 am Jamaica time on Zoom. Click on the link:  (password… 7788, Meeting ID: 794 712 0570) OR **dial in using the number **  (301)715-8592 USA And ID number 794 712 0570.

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