Servicing Your Prayer Altar — Keep The Fire Burning!

It is very important that after you have established your prayer altar you continue servicing it by spending time there in prayer, thanksgiving, and praises unto God. God requires regular sacrifices. This has not changed since the days of Abraham. The difference now is that He does not require sacrifices of blood, but sacrifices of self.

 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1).

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name”.  (Hebrews 13:15 ).

If you do not service your altar, the enemy will ultimately take it over and it will become a place of chaos, unrighteousness, and rebellion.

A good example was what happened to the altar erected by Abram at  Bethel (Genesis 12:1-9). After years of no one going there to show ‘ownership,’  or to service that altar, the enemy stepped in and renamed it Luz. It wasn’t until Abraham’s grandson Jacob came by that same spot, rested there, and dreamt about the place being a stairway to heaven, that he realized it was an altar and rededicated it back to God (Genesis 28:19). Without being told, he again dedicated the place to God and renamed it Bethel — House of God. It was no coincidence that God brought Him decades later to the same spot where Abram had established that altar.

An altar is a place that must be serviced regularly. This will keep the presence of God moving in that place, and the enemy out. Even if service only takes place once per year, which is often the case with national prayer altars, an agreement must be reached with God as to the frequency of meetings. For individual altars, family altars, and marriage altars, meeting with God should be on a very regular basis.

When I visited Uganda, Africa in 2023, one of the places I was taken to for prayer was Walusi Mountain. The name Walusi means ‘a place where all nations gather’. It had a huge mountain block of about 3,000 acres, part of which was used as an international prayer mountain. However,  it was also a place where witches would gather every year to renew their vows, strengthen themselves, and offer sacrifices of animals and humans to their master. In other words, a lot of witchcraft took place on this mountain.

Witchcraft means to craft something from its original form and make a duplicate of it. So what the devil does is to turn destinies into duplicates, this was common on this mountain block. In fact, there was a portal there, a spiritual gate where spirits meet.

On this mountain, you find a cave where demons who refused to carry out the duties they were assigned are entrapped as a form of punishment. And for those who don’t believe — witchcraft is real, evil is real, and the demon and his advocates are real — just as you are!

Sorcerers from all over the world would come to gather on this mountain with their various sacrifices. A caretaker for a section of the mountain bought by the mayor of the region, recalls a young girl who was kidnapped and taken to the mountain. He reported that the sorcerers slit her throat deep enough to drain enough blood to offer to their god, intending to go back for a second draining. After which she would have been killed. However, when they left her to perform their first ritual she escaped into the bushes and ran until she came to a house at the foot of the mountain. She lived to tell her story. Many have not been so fortunate. The caretaker, who is also a pastor, told of the many human and animal bones found under trees and on rocks after being sacrificed. I noticed many rocks with bloodstains. This was how the sorcerers kept the fire of their altars burning — blood sacrifice.

As we traveled the wide expanse of mountain, one of the things very noticeable was that under many trees you had persons lying down on mattresses or mats thrown on the ground. Why?  Because those serving the enemy would be there 24/7. When one leaves, someone else would take over. Thus keeping their altars always serviced. At one location we saw an entire pen filled with goats. Upon inquiry from one of the ‘high priestesses’, we were told these were used for sacrifices. This is the reason why evil has so much control over our families and nations. Their altar is always burning, and whoever offers the most sacrifice is in control. That’s the rule of the spiritual realm. That is why God instructs us to keep our altars burning.

The mayor of the region in which the mountain is located, in 2010 bought approximately 750 acres of the mountain peaks. This resulted in many sorcerers losing legal ground. After the purchase, several pastors were invited to dedicate the mountain to God. Since then, until now, that portion of the mountain has been occupied by God. Godly altars were erected which drove sorcerers from that section. However, a large section is still occupied and used by them today.

Walusi was, and continues to be a place where leaders worldwide from all sectors including presidents, prime ministers, politicians, business heads, and many others from all over the world would go — places as far away from Africa as England. These people will come to offer sacrifices and make covenants with the devil on how to run their countries and businesses.

Be aware that behind every leader is a spirit. If that government is not ruled by God the heavenly Father, they are backed by the devil. You can know the spirit behind a leader by the rules and laws governing their nation or business.

When questioned, a priestess guarding one of the evil altars explained that that particular altar represented ‘god’ and where he concluded when he created the world. In their belief, that was where creation ended. As a result, this was where his portal was and where people could gather to contact ‘heaven’. She explained that they were expecting a ‘high priest’ to take over all altars… and though he had not yet come, they were still waiting on him. He would control the ranks of all the demons everywhere. So because this was where the world ended both believers and unbelievers gathered there. This sorceress giving us the information explained that she herself was just a representative waiting for that high priest. She explained that this was a revelation given to them as they sought their god at their altars on the mountain.

They showed us a tree that they claimed was the throne of god and his name was Gguludenie (meaning someone with very huge feet)… they call him the ‘almighty god’ and the one who created this earth. On that throne (tree) is where he checks everything that is done on this earth. This was a prepared table (holy table) where they could go and pray for whatever they wanted. A place where they would summon demons and send them out on assignments. If they were not successful in their assignments, that was when they would be trapped in the cave.

There was a tree split in the middle (seen above) resulting in a double tree trunk which she said represented pillars that hold up the heaven. She said the father is a twin… father and son, therefore, if you were lucky enough to give birth to twins it means god was demanding something from you. If a woman gave birth to twins and became poor that was an indication that god was demanding something from you.

A second ‘priestess’, Namukisa, (which ironically stated her name meant ‘a blessed person’) said people would come and sleep on the rocks with mattresses, mats, or sheets, and their ‘gods’ would tell them exactly what to do. As long as you sleep there, the gods would meet with you. It could take days before they heard from the gods so they would tarry there until that encounter. These gods would give them instructions on what to bring to them at these altars and what to do regarding the matter upon which they were sought.

These evil altars meant a lot to the devil worshippers and they took them very seriously. Yet, unfortunately, many Christians (1) do not have an altar, (2) some never even learned about altars, and (3) for some they do not have the time to spend in prayer and seeking God even after setting up their altars. Therefore, tarrying for days until they hear from God is simply unheard of. This is why the enemy has so much power over God’s people. This must change! It is time we start our altars and spend time with our God there.

Namukisa also said you could pay a lot of money and the high-powered witches would come and speak to you at these evil altars. In other words, a lot of activities take place at these altars. Yet Christians are the ones to whom God has bestowed His power.

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19

Covenants are made at altars and come in 3 elements.

a) Witnesses —  a covenant must have at least one person and God.
b) Sacrifices (elements including blood) — for Christians, this means whatever God is requiring of you to give up. There is always something that you need to give up. This could be habits, character, time, self, etc. Whatever it is can cause you pain. That is why it is known as sacrifice.)
c) Words (words spoken or legal documentation) — Whatever you have sworn to you have caused it to be formed in the atmosphere. So if you go against it, it would go against you. So the only assurance that you would keep your end of the deal is a covenant.


God is our El Berith — a covenant-keeping God. He requires the same of us. You see, God is an unchanging God working with a changing people. Man is prone to change his mind however and whenever. For us to stick to our agreement made with God He makes covenants with us. And He expects us to keep it or there will be penalties. An altar is a place where covenants are made.

This is no different at an evil altar. According to the devil’s agent, persons can bring a certain element (which shall remain nameless) to make covenants with their ancestral spirits. So when these spirits connect with them those spirits will come and tell them exactly what they should do. This element unites. So any covenant relations require an exchange of this element.

I am saying all this for you to understand the importance of first, establishing your altar, and then taking it seriously by keeping it active.

Whether you choose to accept it or not, evil altars can be extremely powerful and dangerous to you and your family.  Imagine that while we were there, we saw wedding dresses hanging from trees at evil altars. Now, if the owner, family, or the church is not praying against whatever spell is being invoked to damage that marriage and to change the destiny of the couple, then the owners of those dresses would be destroyed without even knowing how. Establishing and spending quality time at your Godly altar activates angels to fight for you.

Spiritual warfare is real and powerful. But you can defeat the enemy through constant communication with our Almighty God at your altar.

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