The Plan to Destroy Our Children, Family and Nations — 10 Point Plan!

In the book series ‘Taking Back Our Children from the Clutches of Satan, Taking Back Our Family From the Clutches of Satan‘, and Taking Back Our Nations from the Clutches of satan’,  I outlined the strategies by the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) and other influential organizations popularly dubbed the New Age Movement, which has come into effect in many nations today, and especially so in the western region. This 10-point plan was written almost 80 years ago yet has such a vast impact that some of them have become an everyday lifestyle in some countries. They are a direct attack on what God has designed for His people and completely contrary to what He has instructed us to do. In fact, these plans are the very reasons, among others, why God had no option but to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah so many centuries ago. We are certainly heading in that direction.

The 10-Point Plan/Charter Designed to Destroy Christianity, Children, Families, and Nations

1. Take God and prayer out of the education system.
2. Reduce parental authority over the children.
3. Destroy the Judeo-Christian family structure or the traditional Christian family structure.
4. If sex is free, then make abortion legal and make it easy.
5. Make divorce easy and legal, free people from the concept of marriage for life.
6. Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle.
7. Debase art, make it run mad.
8. Use media to promote and change mindsets.
9. Create an interfaith movement.
10. Get the government to make all these laws, and get the church to endorse all these changes.


These 10 points were put together by an occultist Alice Bailey who wrote that she met in her basement with her master and together they came up with these points to destroy and discredit God the Creator, Christianity, and the world at large. In other words, remove God and exalt the devil. The very same plan the devil had when he himself was in heaven before God cast him out.

Alice Bailey and her husband Foster, later started a goodwill organization and one of the organizations they supported was — believe it or not — the United Nations. It is, therefore, no surprise to find that the United Nations is among those seriously pushing her agender as part of its 2030 international goal. This is in no way an innocent act (as explained in Taking Back Our Nations…). Behind this agenda is the occult. The ultimate goal is to have these 10 points cemented in countries worldwide under the disguise of the ‘2030 Development Plan’. Bailey is known as the founder of the New Age movement and was the first to use the term — a term that has become very popular today.

What God is expecting of us is to reject this plan where it is being introduced and remove it from countries where it has already been implemented.

The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug;  their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. 16 The Lord is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.[c] 17 The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God. But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish (Psalm 9:15-17 NIV)

We must understand what is happening in our world. Behind every action, there is a spirit pushing it — good or evil — God or the devil. Whether you believe the spiritual realm exists or not, does not change the fact that it does. The spiritual realm supersedes the physical realm and impacts every action here on earth. That is why the Bible says ‘…as it is in heaven, so shall it be on earth’. Heaven is a spiritual realm and what takes place there impacts us. For example, the Lamb was slain in heaven long before he was slain here on earth (Rev. 13:8). And for those who believe heaven is a state of mind, the Bible speaks a lot about it —

Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever” (Revelation 5:12-13).

Every believer must realize that these very destructive plans have been causing chaos and destroying the lives of our children, our families, and our nations for decades. Let us look at it…

Countries like the United States, Canada, and Mexico among numerous others have long since removed God and prayer from the education system (the 1st of the plan). According to some leaders, this was done because there are so many religions that it would be unfair to teach Christianity. However, in many universities occultism, which is considered a religion, is taught. In primary schools, children as young as four years old are taught that it is ok to worship and express their religious beliefs as they want. This includes the use of Ouija board. Why? freedom of expression. Yet God and prayer are banned. So remove God, and replace Him with the devil.

Then we look at number two, reduced parental authority over the children. Parental authority has indeed been reduced over children because parents have been told that they cannot discipline their children by using the rod. Yet the Bible says:

This 2nd point has been instituted in many countries and parents are even taken to court by children for disciplining them… even if that discipline means telling them they cannot go out on a school night to party and drink. This is called ‘Child’s Rights’. Now, what country or person in their right mind would implement such a thing in its society? Yet, they have! Obviously, those set among us are either not in their right minds, or are being strongly controlled by someone or something of a greater influence — the devil himself! This is not even a hidden agenda, it’s a clear and strategic agenda that the baby on the breast can see through! Yet, you wonder why any intelligent government would implement such a thing. There is a spirit behind it. Do they know more than God?

When it comes to the 3rd charter to Destroy the Judeo-Christian family structure or the traditional Christian family structure’, we see this happening. There are over 4,200 different religions, including occultism in existence today, so the traditional foundation of Godly beliefs comes into question.

The reason the enemy wants to destroy the Judeo-Christian Family structure or the traditional Christian family structure is because the family is the core of the nation. So if you break the family, you break the nation. Therefore, the enemy’s plan is to ‘liberate’ people from the confines of this structure. Because if a person’s foundation of education, wealth, leadership, values, and beliefs is set up by the family, then destroying the family is enough to distort and frustrate billions of destinies. That is the ultimate goal of Satan (John 10:10).

God clearly states in Deuteronomy 11:19 that…

“you shall teach them [God’s commandments] to your children, speaking to them when you sit in thine house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (NKJV).

Clearly, God wants us as parents to teach our children his precepts. But the traditional family structure is, and will be
destroyed if parents and guardians refuse to teach their children about God — not just any god, but the God who created them and did so for a special purpose. Many young people have lost direction because they do not know their purpose in life – just where the enemy wants them. And once you do not know your purpose you will undoubtedly lose your drive to live and achieve. In fact, even if you desire to achieve, it will be only for material things that will not last. God created us to multiply and to dominate. Dominate means to have power and influence. To be in leadership positions in our nations, to be the lawmakers and rule over what takes place in our land, and also to take control over Lucifer and his fallen angels that have been tormenting us and our children since they were cast out of heaven.

The 4th plan if sex is free, then make abortion legal and make it easy is also in effect or being pushed in many countries today. God created sex. It was no mistake on God’s part when He created male and female. It was a deliberate act. Therefore, He created sex and created it to be enjoyed between a man and a woman. The problem, however, is that it is being enjoyed way too much — and too much of anything becomes gluttony. So now sex is being sold, being given away for a meal, being taken against one’s will, being used as a tool to destroy families — fathers are having sex with their
daughters, little boys are being raped, demons are having sex with humans, and the list goes on. It has become free for all! So since it is, then make sure any pregnancy that comes is easily and quickly gotten rid of.

Each human that is born is a potential threat to Satan and his kingdom, especially since he does not know the future
and does not know who that child will turn out to be. Only God has that knowledge. And God alone knows what He
has placed in each of us. So each life becomes a threat to the devil and his advocates. As a result, he attacks from the
womb. Also, abortion is another mockery to God. In Genesis 1:27-28, God gave a clear command…

“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

Abortion is the very opposite of multiplying. This is rebellion against God and His plan for mankind. Remember, rebellion is what Satan does, that’s why he lost his position in heaven to begin with. Up to 2023, China had one of the world’s highest recorded abortion rates in the world. Why? because for over 30 years, the Chinese government had restricted people to having only one child. They were restricted from being fruitful and multiplying. Forced abortions were common, and it led to a massive drop in the country’s birth rate, as was the desired result. This legally forced procedure was widely available across the country. According to national statistics, China has recorded an average of approximately 9 million abortions annually, which is 24.2 percent of the global total cases. In 2019, the number exceeded 9.76 million but the real number has been widely estimated at 13 million annually by experts and local media reports since government statistics do not capture abortion cases in private hospitals and underground clinics.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), roughly 73 million induced abortions occur worldwide each year, with 61 percent of all unintended pregnancies and 29 percent of all pregnancies in general ending with an abortion.

Other nations with high abortion rates are Russia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and Cuba. That means that each year Satan, through his agents, kills approximately 73 million people who would have potentially been a threat to him. This has been carefully planned.

The 5th plan by the occultist and her master, to make divorce easy and legal, free people from the concept of marriage for life, we also see that this is very active. Marriage is a covenant that God holds in high esteem. It was His
command that man and woman should be joined together and become one flesh. But marriage can be so fragile and comes under so many attacks — both physically and spiritually, that it takes great grace and great effort to keep a married couple together. Once a marriage is attacked and divorce comes into play, the entire family unit crashes. Thus, the enemy’s plan to make divorce easy and legal is designed to make it so that you can run in and out of marriage as you deem fit. When this happens, families become disoriented and displaced. Again, this is a distinct strategy that the enemy is using to destroy families, and guess what? It is also working!

When the unmarried sees the instability and insecurity of so many broken marriages, many decide that it is not worth it and will instead get into common-law relationships with the belief that they can walk away at any time ‘if it does not work out’. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard those words from people living together for years and still not signing a covenant vow of marriage before God. So indeed, the plan of the enemy for destruction is at work.

The 6th plan to destroy our children, family, and nation is the most obvious of them all backed by billions of dollars from the rich and famous. one that captures an entire month, captures school curriculums, captures stores, banks, other organizations, captures entertainment, captures the very rainbow as God has designed it — is to make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle.

This has definitely become an alternative lifestyle.

The LGBTQ+ and those pushing their agenda have found a way to infiltrate every area of our society. Yet they are a small group with influential people capable of changing curricula and laws to suit their desires. Homosexual marriage has become legal, students are forced to share bathrooms with the opposite sex, sidewalks are painted in rainbow, flags are flown in city squares, books are printed for children showing explicit images of same-sex couples — everything that God warns against is happening.

The 7th plan, Debase art, make it run mad, is also very active in our society. Art is very effective and affects our
emotions negatively or positively. Not only that, but it can impact you for the rest of your life. You can look at art and
never be able to forget it. The devil is aware of this. Alice Bailey was aware of this. Thus the reason they decided to attack art. Art has indeed gone mad! Look at the design of some clothes. Some women are walking around half naked all in the name of fashion. Design is a form of art. Yet the Bible said women should be modestly dressed. Then you have designs that literally portray all sorts of evil and obscene pictures. Yet people will tell you that it is ‘self-expression’. Music is an art form. Listen to some of the music that are most popular today. You have songs inciting violence. Songs that tell
you that for a man to beat a woman is the right thing. That being promiscuous and jumping from one partner to another is the thing to do. Art has gone mad and is dragging people, especially our young people with it. 

Then we have, use media to promote and change mindsets. That too is happening. Media includes all news outlets — television stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, all internet sites, all outlets that do public relations advertising, billboards, etc. Media has the power to reach billions, and whatever they put out is what people will gravitate to in their thirst for information and entertainment. Media can make or break an entire nation. I should know, I was a journalist for almost 30 years. Look at some of what passes as family movies these days. Cartoons for our children are laced with heroic figures that take the glory away from God, nude and lewd scenes that would make King Solomon himself blush, grotesque murder scenes that give our children nightmares, shows promoting witches as good, series glorifying Lucifer as the ‘innocent saint’ that viewers fall head over heels in love with, movies laced with derogatory words, family movies that makes suicide appealing and homosexuality a natural way of life. This form of media outpouring that has been introduced is indeed changing mindsets. Our young people more so.

The very cartoons designed for the entertainment of young kids teach that you should embrace homosexuality and that it is ok for families to have two dads or two moms. If that was not enough, little impressionable girls are fed the idea that if they do not have a Barbie figure and dress a certain way then they are not beautiful. This results in low self-esteem from very early. Through media, our young people are drawn to music that has no basis except teaching them how to get rich quick, that the more women you sleep with the more of a man you are, that bad is good, and good is bad. Entertainers, movie stars, and designers through the media have become role models to many, but the type of role model is, in many cases, nothing to be desired.

Media is powerful. And those promoting this agenda and vying for freedom of the press, know it.  Yet freedom of the press applies to only a select group who are in support of their agenda. It is not a coincidence that Bailey included this in their plan. Media is being used as part of the strategy to capture and destroy. And it is working.

Create an interfaith movement. What does that really mean? It means promoting other faiths to be on par with Christianity. Therefore, break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven. By that, Christianity will be pulled down and other faiths promoted. She noted that the importance of man should be promoted so that he will determine his own future and destiny – HUMANISM. She said to tell man he has the right to choose what he wants to be and he can make it happen, he has the right to determine his cause. In doing this, it takes God off His throne and makes Him of no value or importance. It means man will look to himself rather than to God for his daily survival and

Man cannot live without feeling connected to a higher being. That’s just how we were created. Therefore, as man begins to look to self he still seeks out a superior being to worship. Thus we find that Interfaith movements are rising everywhere in the world today and people are turning to all sorts of gods. A prime example was the children of Israel. As Moses led them out of bondage in Egypt into the land God promised them, you find that once Moses went missing into Mount Sinai for 40 days and they felt abandoned they started making false gods to worship. An insult to God their deliverer! As a result, God’s anger was intense and he caused many to perish. The Bible tells us that God is a jealous God, the moment you start worshipping other gods this is an insult to the God who created you.

If the devil can cause men to take their eyes off God and look to other religions, aka, other gods, then this is a strategy that works in his favour. Mankind was created in God’s image and in His likeness to worship Him and only Him. Like He said in the very first commandment

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make unto thee any image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them… (Exodus 20:1-5).

Here we see two things, (1) God knew this would be a strategy that the enemy would use against his people to entice them into serving other gods and ignore Him. Thus the warning. And (2) mankind was warned not to fall for this trick. If we read further we see the penalty for such a sin. Thus it has become one of the agendas being pushed. People do not need to bow down to the devil directly to be serving him, what he requires is for persons to take their eyes off God and put them on anything else… it doesn’t matter what that thing is, just not on God. He would have achieved his goal. Unfortunately, millions believe in all sorts of other gods and objects and have taken their eyes off the Creator Himself.

Then low and behold the occultist agenda targeted the two entities that would bring all those other nine plans into existence. Get the government to make all these laws, and get the church to endorse all these changes. This is the 10th and final plan.

The goal of the enemy is to make nations conform to their will and force the church to go along. The church is the bride of Christ, so if the church should go along with all the aforementioned plans then this would destroy the relationship between Christ and the church. Unfortunately, however, some governments have already made some of these plans into laws, and even if they are not on legal documents they are already being adhered to. Regrettably, some churches are also already in agreement. Some churches condone and marry gays, and some do not teach purity and that sex is sacred and should be done when two flesh become one. In fact, some church leaders do not know the impact of sexual sins in the spiritual realm and are themselves caught in sexual immorality.

God is not pleased!

He is calling His chosen together because it’s spiritual warfare time!

Some churches already endorse that divorce should be free and easy, that homosexuality should be an alternative lifestyle, and even have known gay ‘pastors’ heading congregations — what an insult to God! Being rich, famous, and gay makes no difference to God! Unless you go to God and repent of this sin and ask him to change you, then your place in hell is just as sure as the man who commits murder, or witchcraft, or who worships idols. Sin is sin — whether that sin is a rich and famous sin or a sin committed by a beggar on the streets.

Reverse The 10 Point Plan

God is calling His people to revert to the Godly laws instituted by Him which are clearly outlined in the Bible.
Therefore, sitting idly by and allowing our children, our families, and our nations to be governed by immoral ungodly laws,  is no longer an option. We ought to act to ensure that we rid our nations of such laws where they are already effective and do all in our power to prevent them from entering countries where it has not yet been allowed.

How do we do this?

By ensuring that we do the very opposite of what the devil is requiring through these entities. By ensuring that God’s rules take effect over the enemy’s. This cannot be stressed enough —

Reverse the Plans of the New Age Movement by:

1. Putting God and Prayer Back into our Education System.
2. Increase Parental Control Over Our Children
3. Rebuild the Traditional Christian Family Structure.
4. Teach the Value of Sex, Then There is no Need for Abortion.
5. Make Divorce Less Accessible, Teach People the Godly Concept of Marriage for Life.
6. Do Not Make Homosexuality an Alternative Lifestyle.
7. Dignify Art, Give it Morals!
8. Stop Media from Promoting Indecency That Will Impact Our Young People’s Minds.
9. Christianity is the True Religion!
10. Get Government to Reverse All Ungodly Laws, and Get the Church Involved in Law Making.

As Christians, we are called to live up to God’s requirements. He is not there to come down to our level, we have to go up to His. God is calling His people to ‘come ye out from among them and be ye separated’ unto righteousness. As His church, we are called to not compromise, but to stand up for holiness and righteousness — comes what may.

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